10th Class

Synonyms & Antonyms

Category : 10th Class

*         Synonyms & Antonyms


Introduction: A synonym is a word that has the same meaning as another word. Synonyms are different words with almost identical or similar meanings. Antonyms are words that lie in an inherently incompatible binary relationship pas the words opposite to each other. Opposites are, interestingly, simultaneously different and similar in meaning. Here is a list of few synonyms and antonyms. Check it out.  


*       Words With Synonyms


  1. Abandon: Leave, forsake, give up
  2. Abhor: Hate, detest
  3. Absurd: Silly, ridiculous
  4. Abridge: Shorten, curtail, reduce
  5. Apposite: Suitable
  6. Brisk: Bright, lively
  7. Bliss: Joy, happiness, felicity
  8. Brutal: Savage, cruel
  9. Callous: Hard, cruel
  10. Candid: sincere, frank
  11. Compassion: Sympathy, pity
  12. Denounce: Accuse, condemn
  13. Dexterity: Skill, deftness, adroitness
  14. Diligent: Industrious, preserving
  15. Eccentric: Odd, singular
  16. Extravagant: Wasteful, prodigal
  17. Fabricate: Forge, construct
  18. Fanciful: Imaginative
  19. Ferocious: Fierce, savage, barbarous
  20. Flimsy: Slight, thin
  21. Gaiety: Joyousness mirth, happiness
  22. Grievous: Painful, sorrowful
  23. Guilt: Sin, crime
  24. Humane: Kind, benevolent
  25. Hamper: Hinder, impede
  26. Inanimate: Lifeless
  27. Incessant: continuous
  28. Jubilant: Joyful
  29. Jovial: Merry, jolly
  30. Lament: Mourn, grieve
  31. Liberal: Generous
  32. Malice: Spite
  33. Meagre: Small
  34. Melancholy: Gloomy, sad
  35. Negligent: Careless, heedless
  36. Obsolete: Antiquated
  37. Pensive: Thoughtful
  38. Persuade: Urge
  39. Pretence: Excuse, Pretext
  40. Obscene: indecent, filthy
  41. Quaint: Queer
  42. Radiant: Brilliant, bright
  43. Remorse: Regret, repentance
  44. Reticent: silent, reserved
  45. Savage: Wild, barbarous
  46. Sublime: Elevated
  47. Tedious: Wearisome, monotonous
  48. Temporal: Worldly
  49. Urbane: polite, courteous
  50. Vacillate: Waver
  51. Vigilance: Watchfulness
  52. Vindictive: Revengeful
  53. Warlike: Soldierly
  54. Weary: Tired
  55. Wreck: Ruin, destroy
  56. Yield: Surrender
  57. Yearn: Crave, desire
  58. Zest: Enthusiasm
  59. Zenith: Top, summit
  60. Zeal: Passion



*       Words With Antonyms


  1. Absurd: Rational
  2. Ascent: Descent
  3. Authentic: Spurious
  4. Barbarous: Civilized
  5. Barren: Fertile
  6. Benevolent: Malevolent
  7. Boisterous: Placid
  8. Cheap: Dear
  9. Censure: Praise
  10. Coarse: Fine
  11. Definite: Vague
  12. Delay: Haste
  13. Emancipate: Enslave
  14. Fabulous: Real
  15. Fraud: Integrity
  16. Gaiety: Mourning
  17. Generosity: Stinginess
  18. Hypocrisy: Sincerity
  19. Infringe: Obey
  20. Insult: Esteem
  21. Insipid: Tasty
  22. Justice: Partiality
  23. Keen: Indifferent
  24. Lethargic: Smart
  25. Languid: Energetic
  26. Malice: Goodwill
  27. Melancholy: Spirited
  28. Mobile: Stationary
  29. Mandatory: Optional
  30. Nimble: Lazy
  31. Neat: Untidy, mixed
  32. Obliging: mulish
  33. Plenty: Paucity
  34. Praise: Abuse
  35. Pride: Humility
  36. Perturbed: Calm
  37. Pardon: Chastise
  38. Quarrelsome: Friendly
  39. Questionable: Sure, certain
  40. Reciprocal: Unilateral
  41. Refute: confirm
  42. Rectify: Falsify
  43. Rapidity: Inertia
  44. Recover: Praise
  45. Smile: Frown
  46. Safe: Exposed
  47. Transparent: Opaque
  48. Tame: Wild, savage
  49. Theory: Practice
  50. Thrifty: Extravagant
  51. Uniform: Varied
  52. Vindictive: Forgiving
  53. Vulgar: Cultured
  54. Wavering: Steady
  55. Want: Possess
  56. Welcome: Insult, offend
  57. Wicked: Virtuous
  58. Yield: Withhold, Keep back
  59. Zenith: Nadir
  60. Zest: Tardy 


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