
We no longer live in a society where kids run around actively throughout the neighborhood. The sandlot baseball games, pickup games in the park, and innocence in the children are gone in sports. Today children are more interested in television, computers, and video games and parents are afraid of letting their children run around the streets because of kidnapping. Kids are simply no longer interested in physical activity. A poll of over a thousand parents and one with students was done and the results show they blame inactivity on lack of time and homework. Whatever the cause is, we can see results with studies throughout the last few years. 22% of children are physically active everyday of the week. 49% in grade 4-12 are moderately to vigorously active. 34% attend Physical Education classes daily. 23% don't have these Classes offered, because no all states have educational requirements for Physical Education more...

Once I was travelling on a bus. The person sitting next to me got up to get down at the next stop and disappeared in the crowd. As I tried to adjust myself comfortably, within no time a heavy mass, as if an iron boulder, landed with a big thud on the seat. I was choked and could not move. A look at the right made me realize that the bulldozer was nothing but a burly aunt, who was ecstatic to have got a seat, as it escaped her the fatigue of carrying the burdensome weight of her own body. Wiping the sweat from her face, as if she ran past a hundred miles, she flashed a grin at me and I, though half my body crushed under the weight of her flabby arm and shoulder, had to reply out of courtesy, It is not an abnormal sight these days- more...

Before the advent of science, religion played a dominant role in molding a man's mind. The process of agriculture, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, our social relations, were all at one time, under the domain of religion. Gradually, they have passed out of its control and become subjects for scientific study. As science advanced, it started contradicting most of the beliefs, which were based on the Bible. Thus, the Victorian Age was a period of controversy, when there started a long conflict between, religion and science — a conflict that has not been resolved, till date. Religion, no doubt, has greatly helped in the development of humanity. It has laid down values and standards and has pointed out principles for the guidance of human life. But, it all the good it has done, it has also tried to imprison truth in set forms and encouraged ceremonies and more...

According to Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), "child abuse" can be defined as. "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker, which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm to the child." WHO defines it as: "Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child's health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power," Child abuse is one of the most heinous and inhuman crimes. It means to maltreat a child physically or emotionally. Thus, any commission or omission of an act by a parent which leads to a harm or more...

Newspaper plays an important role in a democracy. It acts as a mirror that reflects the views and opinions of the public and the Government. It helps in framing one's own views about the existing leaders.  Their policies and activities help the voter to judge and carefully cast their vote during the elections. The editorial section gives the people the right chance to express their comments on various current issues. Because of the powerful advantage that the newspapers enjoy, they have been rightfully called the Fourth Estate. People do not read newspapers just for political events. There are informative columns on, everyday entertainments like TV, Radio, Theatre, Movies, Exhibits and Cable Network presentations. There are exclusive pages of information for sport lovers, economists and businessmen. The eligible candidates eagerly go through the appointments' section with a hope of finding a suitable job opportunity. There are a number of classified advertisements more...

A club or society exists to enable one to pursue a specific activity. The opportunity to participate in a particular activity is the main reason that attracts people to a club or society. A camera club offers its members information and know-how regarding the art of photography, a scout troop pursue? outdoor activities and a computer club allows its members to learn the intricacies and marvels of the modern-age computer. Each person is a unique being and has different likes and dislikes. Some people would prefer to go swimming than staring at a video display. Yet other may prefer to read a book quietly than to kick a football. Thus we have dozens of clubs and societies in school as well as outside that cater to our varied tastes and fancies. Besides enabling us to do the things that interest us, a club also provides us the opportunity to meet more...

It is said that these days, more people die of accidents on the roads than of any diseases. Some of the accidents on the roads take place because of mechanical failure of vehicles. But in most cases the fault lies with human beings who drive these vehicles. A person can make some error while-taking a turn or passing through a crossing and that results in accident of some magnitude, minor or major. Such instances are not many. Most often the cause of an accident is rash driving oil the part of the driver of one vehicle or the drivers of both the vehicles that collide. Rash driving some time may not cause an accident by collision. The driver may lose control over the brakes and the vehicle may just slipway downwards and capsize or it may hit a tree, pole or a stationary vehicle or wall or it may Passover more...

Each one of us is born unique. There are no two persons who are exactly alike. Yet, despite our unique individuality, we constantly become slaves to whatever that is currently in fashion. As a result, even though we are different, we strive to dress alike, use the same slangs, eat the same food and share the same hobbies. So much so, that many times even our thought and behaviour patterns are also governed by the ruling fashion-rage. Then in the midst of such mental slavery, if d bright individual strikes out on his own in another direction, then others see him admire him and then join him. It becomes fashionable to be like him. His individuality gives birth to another fashion statement. Before the emergence of 'rock and roll' in the fifties, it was fashionable to listen to melodious music and to dance the rhumba. It was the 'in' thing more...

Despite being the largest Democracy in the World, the Indian Press has never been accorded a free status. A survey of civil and political liberties carried out by Freedom House listed the Indian press as being "partly free". What is of concern here is that it figured even below countries like Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Comoros, Ecuador and El Salvador. Ever since, the time of   Hickey, the administration has recognized the potential of the Indian Press to be severely anti-establishment. To check the growth of the Indian press without seeming overtly restrictive, the British Government enacted several legislation that were successful in restricting the Indian Press. This restriction has carried on to the present times. A major reason to doubt India's freedom of the press stems from the times of the Emergency when constitutional safeguards meant to protect freedom of speech and expression were set aside. Even today the Official more...

The Commonwealth Games 2010 brought laurels to the country and especially brought Punjab and Haryana to limelight as seven girls from Haryana and three girls from Punjab bagged medals. Ironically, these two states are also majorly in news for the skewed sex ratio as Haryana reports the dismal figure of 830 female children and Punjab 846 against per 1000 male child, according to the 2011 census, In 2011, when our country is eloquent in citing that the status of women is equal to men, these figures tell a different story, Equality of rights becomes secondary, when primarily females are not even allowed to enter this world. The evil of Female Foeticide is deeply entrenched in our society, and pervades all classes and castes of the society, A family does not think twice before killing a girl-child, though they would ceremoniously pray to goddess Lakshmi. Kali and Durga four times a more...


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