
What is the first thing that comes to mind when the word bravery is said? For most people a war hero or a superhero comes into their minds. Probably every language has a word for bravery, but there is only one true meaning. The word bravery is "showing a brave spirit or courage" when tough times are thrust upon or happen to them. Bravery is not only what people do, but also how they do it. The concept is also "showiness, splendour, and magnificence". Bravery may be shown in different ways: a person may jump from a plane or walk on fire to show that he/she is truly brave. Then again, sometimes bravery is something that a person has inside him or her and is never shown as an action at all. For thousands of years, people have used words that describe the concept of bravery. The history, or etymology, more...

Nationalism in modern history, movement in which the nation- state is regarded as paramount for the realization of social, economic, and cultural aspirations of a people. Nationalism is characterized principally by a feeling of community among a people, based on common descent, language, and religion. Before the 18th century, when nationalism emerged as a distinctive movement, states usually were based on religious or dynastic ties; citizens owed loyalty to their Church or ruling family. Concerned with clan, tribe, village, or province, people rarely extended their interests nationwide. Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. Both words are normally used in so vague a way that any definition is liable to be challenged, but one must draw a distinction between them, since two different and even opposing ideas are involved. Patriotism I mean devotion to a particular place and a particular way of life, which one believes to be the more...

Thousands of road accidents recorded per year are due to drunken drivers. Under the influence of alcohol, the driver and the car have the potential for becoming most lethal weapons. They pose a hazard to themselves as well as the public on the roads. According to Dr. Isaac of NTMHANS, who mentions in a recent book "Alcohol and Emerging Markets" that while alcohol's contribution to road traffic accidents and their consequences have not been systematically researched in India, the country's road research institutes estimate that 25 per cent of road accidents were alcohol-related and that one-third of the drivers on the highway were under the influence of alcohol and 20 percent of accident-related head injury victims seen in emergency rooms of hospitals have consumed alcohol prior to the accident. What is important in this matter is that one drunken driver could be the cause of his own and multiple deaths more...

Vegetarianism has become the hallmark of modern food habits. The one time essentially non-vegetarian West is also today, turning to vegetarianism. This trend has a basic cause, and that is the belief that, most health hazards in modern life are caused by this non-vegetarian food. On the religious front it is believed that, by eating animal foods man's traits and habits also become animal like as, it is Strongly believed that, the food we eat has a direct influence on our bent of mind. If we eat animal food we become more of brutes than men as we are meant to be. Thus, to remain human, man must avoid consuming animal foods. Besides this, many philosophers and religious people believe that, we have no right to kill any living being and that also for our food. When man is not in a position to give life to any one, they more...

People who are close to one another need to trust each other. We should trust our parents not to hurt us, and to give us what we need to grow. Boys and girls should trust each other as well as men and women. When someone is abused, the trust is broken. Domestic violence is the use of physical force within a home in any form of abuse. Abuse can be a whole range of physical behaviour, slapping, hitting, beating, or using weapons to hurt someone. It includes verbal and emotional abuse, where someone is constantly insulted and made to feel sad and worthless. It can also include rape and sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is when someone forces another to have sexual intercourse or do other sexual things against their will. Another form of abuse is total control where one adult makes all the decisions for another person or for a more...

Indians were till the last few decades of the last century, a contented lot - even in the arms and grip of poverty and misery. In spite of all scarcities, the Indians were quite a happy and satisfied people. However/ the scathing hand of the West has turned turtle the basic Indian psyche of happiness in scarcity, and, the same poor yet contented to have turned into an unhappy, rich, and neo-rich people. The contentment of the Indian may still be found but surprisingly so, in some of the backward areas where the poverty and scarcity still exist. However, by and large the happy and contented Indian has been converted into a by and large totally unhappy and greedy individual. This change in the Indian psyche has a lot to do with the raid of Western culture, added to the decoction of Indian's prosperity. Friends, have you ever heard of more...

The new millennium is about to see a complete revolution in the history of mankind- the information technology revolution. Although information technology has already entered the homes, offices and hearts of our global citizens, yet some new feat are likely to be performed by our information technology experts within a period of a few years. We know that information technology is the fastest growing field in the world India has a major stake in this field and our software experts, hardware firms and information technology specialists have been contributing a great deal towards this ever-growing field. For example, the annual revenues of Indian software industry would touch the US $ 6 billion mark by the year 2000. During 1995-96, the Indian software exports were 16.2 per cent in the global customized software market which is a great achievement keeping in mind that there was an overall recession in most the more...

We are the citizens of modem times. The modem times have given us many things, one among which is mechanical way of life. In fact, human beings today have been transformed into machines, the machines which start in the wee hours of the morning and stop in the late hours of night. In tins age we are determined not to stop and not to yield until our goal is reached. This is good. But while doing so we have forgotten to carry out some sort of moral duties, which we are expected to perform. The age problem certainly confronts us and the matter is taking a turn for the worse with the passage of time. The old-age problem is a product of mechanized world and is not confined to our country. It is also the headache of many advanced countries. In fact, it is generally seen that the advanced countries more...

Computers are helpful because they offer a wide range of functions and services that are not available anywhere else. There are four main uses: word processing, internet/ communications, digital video/audio composition, and desktop publishing. Although one can create a typed paper with a typewriter, the computer has more features to do it with. Internet and communications, digital video and audio composition, and desktop publishing are all features that are only offered on computers. With these tools human society has progressed exponentially. The word processing capabilities of computers are amazing. They can automatically correct your spelling and grammar mistakes. The cutting and pasting features are incredibly simple and very useful for revision. Plus it is easier to read a word- processed document than one written by hand. Having a digital backup is an added benefit. All of these things help writers get the job done. If you want to add pictures more...

Women have always been oppressed by men, that the antagonism between men and women has its origin deep in human psychology or biology and that the way women suffer in our society is nothing but the same old story that has been going on ever since human life began. This is such a pessimistic view that it is hard to understand why it is so popular with feminists today. If women are put at a disadvantage by human nature itself, I low can we ever change things? Either an all-out war against men could lead to men being forced to change their ways without changing their basic anti-women ideas or a few women could separate themselves off from the rest of society and be lire in a sense or the human race could be destroyed by women refusing all co-operation with men. None of these conclusions can be very appealing more...


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