
Although still in its, infancy, virtual reality will have a substantial effect on our future way of life. Virtual reality already has made astounding progress in the world of commercial design, and it is predicted to have a tremendous impact on everyday life as well. Virtual reality, when more available, will have various uses ranging from recreation to basic communication. The applications of virtual reality into different fields of occupations and research will have both positive and negative effects on our society. Virtual reality can be defined as a, "technology that enables users to enter computer generated worlds and interface with them three dimensionally through sight, sound, and touch". Virtual reality combines computer simulation and visualization into a single, coherent whole. Researchers say it embodies an attempt to eliminate the traditional distinction between the user and the machine. Virtual reality is intended to provide a means of naturally and intelligently more...

A visit to the hospital is always touching and painful.  The hospital is a place where the sick and the wounded are treated, nursed and cured. It presents a scene of misery. Last Sunday I happened to visit the Jaipur Golden Hospital. My uncle had been admitted there for an operation of his kidney. He was in great pain. There were many other patients. They were suffering from different diseases. An old man looked pale and weak. A young woman was lying with serious burns. In the next ward a man had been stabbed in the back. Doctors and nurses were moving about. They appeared very busy. They were attending to the patients. They were full of love and sympathy. The hospital presented a horrible look. The whole atmosphere was pathetic.

Education of Sex in Schools, Sex is something that almost everyone will experience before they die. It is a subject that has been debated about for years. From the debate over birth control to the outbreak of aids, with all this history behind us, sex is becoming even more of an issue. With the new outbreaks of sexually transmitted diseases and the fact that sexually active persons are becoming younger, sex has now become a daily topic. Sex scandals in the media and talk such as "who slept with who at last night's keg party" are making these daily conversations apparent in high schools, middle schools, and in a lot of cases grade schools. As the saying goes "monkey see monkey do" one can only assume that tills concept will pertain to these easily influenced children. That is why it is imperative that another side of this issue is presented more...

All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. Games are food for the body. They keep us fit and fresh. They teach us the value of discipline. Therefore, they are of great importance. I play different kinds of games. Hockey is my favourite game. It provides exercise to all the limbs of the body. It makes the players strong and active. Hockey is played in an open ground. There are eleven players on each side. A dividing line is drawn in the middle of the ground. The referee blows the whistle. The players hit the ball with their sticks. They try to hit the ball in the goal of the opposite team. The team which scores more goals is declared the winner. I like this game from the core of my heart.    

Honesty is the simplest way to win heans and gain confidence. An honest man is assured of his success sooner or later but a dishonest man who may reap quick profits will ultimately meet his doom. Honesty knows no fibs or fear and harms no one. It brings its own reward in the form of affection, honour and goodwill. Dishonesty not only kills the peace of mind but also fetches hatered, suspicion and unavoidable losses. Honesty is the best policy.

It was 21st of July. It was very hot and there was no electricity in my colony. In morning, clouds gathered in the sky. Suddenly it started raining. It was time for school. So, I took my umbrella. Everyone and everything looked fresh. The trees looked green. There was water on the roads. Some children were playing it. The weather became pleasant. The birds were chirping. In the class, very few students were present. Nobody was in mood to study. Primary class children were playing with boats. Everyone seemed to be very happy. The school got over and it was time to go back home. All of us wet in the rain and enjoyed our journey back home in the bus. All of us sang songs and enjoyed ourselves. I was happy to return home and change wet clothes. That day all of us enjoyed ourselves. I can never forget more...

Terrorism is global. In recent decades it has acquired new dimensions and there seems no end to it. The way it has grown and spread beyond limits during the last few years is a matter of great concern for all of us. Though it has been condemned and denounced by leaders in international forums and on platforms yet it is on increase by leaps and bounds and is in evidence everywhere. The trigger happy terrorists and extremists use all sorts of weapons and strategies to terrorise their adversaries. They explode bombs, use rifles, hand-grenades, rockets, ransack houses, loot banks and establishments, destroy religious places, highjack people, buses and planes, indulge in arson and rape and do not spare even the children. Consequently, the world is becoming a totally unsafe, insecure, dangerous and fearful place day by day. In retaliation there is more terrorism, violence and blood-shed and use of weapons more...

I am an early riser. I get up at 5 A.M. sharp. The first thing I do is to drink a glassful of water, for it keeps the bowels clean. After brushing my teeth and washing my face. I study for two hours. At 7 A.M. I massage my body and take a cold bath. Then I have my breakfast which includes a glass of steaming hot milk. At 8.15 A.M. I start for my school along with a friend who lives nearby. In free periods I go to library and read newspapers and magazines. At half past two I return and have my lunch. After an hour's rest 1 go to the playground to play football. I take my supper at 9.0 P.M. and before going to bed do my home work. This is my routine. I am quite satisfied with it.

Binge drinking results from a student's submission to peer pressure, the lack of outside control over the student, and the denial that drinking leads to severe consequences. Binge drinking is defined as five or more drinks in a row for men and four or more drinks in a row for women during a two weeks period. Many students partake in binge drinking to be socially accepted into a group. Other students find it difficult to make the choice to be the sober outsider. Many binge drinkers realize that there is little immediate outside influence to push them away from the alcohol and they abuse their independence. Most binge drinkers do not consider themselves to be problem drinkers, which adds to the difficulty in solving this college epidemic. They associate binge drinking with a good time, but many are blind to the harm it causes, such as failing grades and unplanned more...

It was a cold day. There was some fog and not much traffic on the road. I was once an eye-witness to a road accident. I was standing in the bus-stop. Suddenly I heard a loud noise. The driver of a car lost his balance at a turn. He crashed into an electric pole. The driver was the only person in the car. The car was badly smashed. A pool of blood had collected on the road. After sometime a team of traffic police came. They cleared away the crowd. Then they began their investigation. It was a horrible experience. I could not believe my eyes. It was a heart-rending sight. I feel pained whenever I am reminded of the accident.


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