Types of Conjunctions

Coordinating Conjunction
A conjunction used to join two independent statements or two statements of equal rank or importance is called a coordinating conjunction. (e.g. and, but, for, yet, so, etc.)
- The sun was shining and a hot wind was blowing.
- There was noise around me but I was not disturbed.
In the above given sentences, the words, 'and' and 'but' are coordinating conjunctions.

Coordinating Conjunctions are of Four Types
(i) Conjunctions that merely add one statement or fact to another.
And, both -- and, as well as, no less than, not only -- but also are common conjunctions of this type:
- The weather was fine and the sea was calm.
(The weather was fine. The sea was calm)
- The door was open and my things were lying scattered.
(The door was open. My things were lying scattered)
Both -- and
- She is both intelligent and hard working.
(She is intelligent. She is hard working)
- Kajol gave me both books and notes.
(Kajol gave books. Kajol gave me notes)
As well as
- He as well as his father is dishonest.
(He is dishonest. His father is dishonest.)
- The captain as well as the crew was drowned.
(The captain was drowned. The crew was drowned.)
No less than
- He is guilty no less than his brother.
(His brother is guilty. He is equally guilty.)
- I am no less grateful to your father than to you.
(I am grateful to you. I am equally grateful to your father.)
Not only - but also
- He was not only my relative but also a very close friend.
(He was my relative. He was my close friend.)
- The train was not only late but also fully packed.
(The train was late. The train was fully packed.)
(ii) Conjunctions that express opposition or contrast between two statements.
But, still, yet, nevertheless, whereas, while, only are conjunctions of this type.
- The train was fully packed but we got seats easily.
(The train was fully packed. We got seats easily)
- The earthquake was quite severe but the temple was not damaged.
(The earthquake was severe. The temple was not damaged.)
Still, yet
- Steve is quite rich, still he is not contented.
- Steve is quite rich, yet he is not contented.
(Steve is quite rich. He is not contented)
- I was angry, still I did not scold him.