7th Class

Working With Microsoft Excel 2013   Introduction Microsoft Excel 2013 is a spreadsheet program that is used to manage, analyse and present data. Spreadsheet is an application software used for calculation based applications. In this application software, a user can edit and modify data and also calculates average, sum, difference, etc. A Spreadsheet contains rows and columns which forms many cells. There are 1, 048, 576 rows and 16, 384 columns in MS-Excel 2013. The Microsoft Excel opens with name, book 1, by default book 1 contain one sheet that can be renamed and additional worksheet can also be added in a work book 1. In the previous class, you have already read about some basic features of MS-Excel. In this chapter, we ?will study about the working with Microsoft Excel application software.   Entering Data in a Cell Every cell in a worksheet has its more...

Working With Microsoft PowerPoint 2013   Introduction Microsoft PowerPoint is an application software which is used to display the presentation. In Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, an audio, a video and pictures can be displayed on the screen. The PowerPoint presentations are generally used in business meetings and for training and educational purposes. We have already studied about some basic features the Microsoft PowerPoint in previous classes. In this chapter, we will study about some advanced feature of PowerPoint.   Creating New Presentations The presentation is a collection of individual slides that contains information on a topic.     To Create a presentation, follow the steps listed below:   v  Click on File menu.                                                 v  Select New option. more...

Working With HTML   Introduction HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and it is the most widely used language to design webpages. A web page is a digital page which comprises of multimedia. A group of webpages forms a website. HTML was developed with the intent of defining the structure of documents like heading, paragraphs, lists etc. HTML defines the structure and layout of a web document by using a variety of tags and attributes. When you save an HTML file, you can use either the .htm or the .html extension.   Tags An HTML tag is a set of characters constituting a formatted command for a web page. A web page consists of various types of tags to denote the various elements in an HTML document, HTML tags consists of a left angular bracket (<), a tag name and a right angular bracket (>). more...

    Alpha-Numeric Sequence Such type of puzzle is a jumbled sequence of numbers, letters and symbols. A puzzle is given and a student is asked how many times a number/letter/symbol follows a certain rule or which number/letter/symbol follows a certain rule.     EXAMPLE     1. How many such digits are there in the given arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a symbol but not immediately followed by a letter? (a) Nil                            (b) One                          (c) Two                          (d) Three   Explanation (b): So, the correct option is (b).     Number, Ranking and Time Sequence Test   Number Test: In problems on Number Test, a sequence of numbers is given and a student is more...

There are four fundamental operations. These are addition\[\left( + \right)\], subtraction\[\left( - \right)\], multiplication \[\left( \times  \right)\]and division\[\left( \div  \right)\]. Whenever two or more of these operations occur simultaneously, we overcome on such complex situation by applying the "B O D M A S' rule. This chapter is on the basis of the 'B O D M A S' rule. Let us explain this rule briefly. B \[\to \] Bracket, P \[\to \] Of, D \[\to \] Division, M \[\to \] Multiplication, A \[\to \] Addition, S \[\to \] Subtraction We solve an expression first for 'bracket' (if available), then for 'of (if available). This process goes up to subtraction.     EXAMPLE   Which one of the following interchanges in signs and numbers would make the equation \[3+7\times 4=25\] true?                    (a) \[3\text{ }and\text{ }4,+\,and\times ~~\]                                (b) \[3\text{ }and\text{ }7,+\text{ }and\text{ }x\] (c) \[4\text{ }and\text{ }7,+\text{ more...

In this chapter, problems are based on numbers of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals etc. in a complex figure. To count the number of lines, add all the horizontal, vertical and slanting lines. To count the number of triangles, add all the number of triangles composed of 1 component, 2 components, 3 components and so on. The same process is for counting the number of other polygons.     EXAMPLE    Count the number of squares in the given figure. (a) 7                              (b) 6                              (c) 9                              (d) 10   Explanation (a): The squares composed of two components each are ABCK, CDEL, JKHI, HLFG and KCLH, i.e. 5 in number. The squares composed of four components each are ACHJ and CEFH, i.e. 2 in number.  Total number of squares in the more...

  MIRROR IMAGE Suppose someone stands in front of a plane mirror. If he lifts his left hand, the image in the mirror shows his right hand and vice-versa. The left half of a body becomes right half of its mirror image and right half becomes left half. Remember that in the problems on mirror images, if not mentioned, the mirror is assumed to be placed to vertically right of the object.     EXAMPLE     1.  Choose the correct mirror image of the Fig. (X).         (a)              (b)              (c)              (d)   Explanation (d): The right side of an object becomes left more...

  In this section, usually two types of problems are asked. Let us explain them briefly.
  • A simple figure (X) is provided. This figure (X) is embedded in any one of the four alternative complex figures. A student is required to identify such alternative.
  • A complex figure (X) is provided. This figure embeds any one of the option simple figures. A student is required to identify such option.
  EXAMPLE     1.  A figure (X) is given below. Choose a figure from the four options that exactly embeds the figure (X).                  (a)                 (b)                  (c) more...

In such type of problems, a  orgrid is given. Each cell of this grid has some design or symbols, on the basis of some specific rule. But a cell of the grid is left empty. A student is required to fill up the cell. For it one needs to analyse the grid and identify the rule along row-wise or column-wise in the grid.     EXAMPLE    Find out which figure in given option completes the figure matrix. (a)                  (b)                  (c)                   (d)   Explanation (a): In each row, more...

Folding a Transparent Sheet In such type of problems, a figure of transparent sheet carrying a design on it is given. There is a dotted line on this sheet. This sheet has to be folded along the dotted line. A student is required to identify a figure from given options that looks as after folding the sheet.     EXAMPLE   1.  A square transparent sheet (X), with a design and a dotted line on it is given. Choose the correct figure from the four options which represents the sheet (X) after folding it along the dotted line.                 (a)                 (b)                 (c)                 (d) more...


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