7th Class

*       Decimals and its Operations   Decimal number is an another way to write a fraction. For example, $ 4.25, $ 0.25, the number after the decimal or right side from the decimal is part of one dollar. It can also be written as \[\frac{25}{100}\] of a dollar. The base of decimal number system is 10 and Indo - Arabic number system is base 10 number system. Base 10 or decimal number system can always change the place value of the number by one spot, either multiplying or dividing by 10. It is more clear from the example given below:     *            Decimal point The decimal point is the most important part of a decimal number. It is exactly to the right of the units position.     *          Like and Unlike Decimals The more...

*       Introduction   We have already studied about different kinds of fraction and its properties. In this chapter we will study about some complex problems related to fractions.     *       Fraction and its Operations Fractional number is defined as a part of whole. It is represented as \[\frac{p}{q}\] where p & q are the integers and \[p\ne \]0 Here "p" is called the numerator & "q" is called the denominator of the rational number. There are three circles given below showing the shaded parts of the circle. \[\frac{1}{2}\]of the circle is half of the whole circle, \[\frac{1}{4}\] of the circle is quarter (fourth) of the whole circle and \[\frac{3}{8}\] of the circle is three- eighth part of the whole circle.       *            Equivalent Fraction Some fractions more...

*       Simplifying Arithmetic Expressions   To simplify arithmetic expression follow BODMAS RULE     The value of \[~24-52\left\{ 5-\overline{\left( 13-8 \right)} \right\}\div \left[ 8\text{ }\{5+\left( -7 \right)\times \left( -9 \right)\} \right]\] is ...... (a) 124                                                  (b) \[-24\] (c) \[-529\]                           (d) \[-\left( -24 \right)\] (e) None of these     Answer: (d) Explanation We have: \[24-52\left\{ 5-\left( 13-8 \right) \right\}\div \left[ 8\text{ }\{5\text{ }+\left( -7 \right)\times \left( -9 \right)\} \right]\] \[=24-52\left\{ 5-5 \right\}\div \left[ 8\{5+63\} \right]\]                 \[=24-52\times 0\div \left[ 8\text{ }x\text{ }68 \right]\] \[=24-52\times 0\div 544\] \[=24-52\times 0\] \[=24\] we can write 24 as \[-\left( -24 \right)\] also.       Pamela tries to use bracket for a mathematical expression "twenty four multiplied by twelve more than the difference of twenty three and five". The correct more...

*       Absolute value of an Integer   Absolute value of an integer defined as follows:                                                 \[\left| a \right|=\left\{ \begin{matrix}    a,if & a>o  \\    -a,if & a>0  \\ \end{matrix} \right.\] For example:\[\left| 12 \right|=12,\left| -12 \right|=-\left( -12 \right)=12\]\[\left\{ because\text{ }\left( -12 \right)<0 \right\}\]  

*       Properties of Integers   There are four properties of Integers                
  • Properties of Addition
  • Properties of Subtraction
  • Properties of Multiplication
  • Properties of Division  
  *            Properties of Addition   Closure Property The sum of two integers is always an integer. For any two integer's p and q, \[\Rightarrow p+q\] is an integer. For example \[\left( -\text{ }4 \right)+3=\left( -\text{ }1 \right),\] Which is an integer.     Commutativity  Sum of two integers is commutative. For any two integers p and q,\[~\Rightarrow p+q=q+p,\] for example \[7+\left( -6 \right)=1\]and \[\left( -\text{ }6 \right)+7=1,\] therefore \[7\text{ }+\text{ }\left( -\text{ }6 \right)\text{ }=\text{ }\left( -6 \right)+7\]     Associativity We addition of integers is associative. For any three integers p, q and r, \[p+\left( q+r \right)=\left( p+q \right)+r,\]     more...

*       Introduction   Integers are the set of all positive and negative numbers including zero. They are denoted by Z, i.e. z= {........, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ..........}  All the natural numbers are integer but converse is not true. e.g. 2000005 is a natural number and integers. On contrary (-5) is an integer but not a natural number. Similarly whole numbers are integer and converse is not true.  

*  Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)   HTTP is the most important protocol used in WWW. It is a protocol that allows transferring the information on the World Wide Web between clients and servers. The main purpose of the HTTP is publishing and retrieving of the Web pages. The latest version of HTTP is HTTP/I.I. The original version of HTTP is HTTP 1.0. The main feature of HTTP 1.0 is that it uses a separate connection to the same server for every document.       * Web Servers A web server is a computer application that delivers web pages using HTTP over the World Wide Web. Basically it is responsible for accepting HTTP requests from clients or web browser. It also processes the requests send by the client and then sends the HTTP response back to the client.       more...

*   E-mail   Email (Electronic mail) is a digital correspondence that provides the facility to send and receive text messages, picture files and any other file to and from anyone with an e-mail address. E-mail is fast, easy and inexpensive. Email is a formal conversation. It should be point to point and well written. In current market there are many service providers who provide free e-mail services on the Internet, such as www.gmail.com, www.yahoo.com, www.hotmail.com and www.msn.com. The first part of the email address is a user name. The second part or domain name defines the Internet provider where the mail is sent. The two parts are separated by '@' sign (pronounced as "at the rate"). The domain name is followed by an extension that indicates the type of organization to which the network belongs.     * The following is an example more...

*     Introduction to Microsoft Internet Explorer     IE (Internet Explorer) is one of the most popular Internet browser that was developed by Microsoft. The first version of IE was IE1 that was launched in 1995. Microsoft continually works on the enhancement of IE. Currently Microsoft is working on IE 9. The IE 8 is the latest version of IE. The IE2, IE3, IE4, IE5, IE6 and IE 7 are the older version of IE. For performing various tasks on the Internet you can use the explorer toolbar.     * The following list shows the description of each button: 
  • Back : Moves to a previously viewed page.
  • Forward : Moves to next Web page.
  • Stop : Stops the execution of a Web page.
  • Refresh : Updates the currently displayed Web page.
  • Home: Jumps to your home page.
  • Search : Opens more...

*  Web Page   For accessing any information on the Internet, the system WWW (World Wide Web) is used. It's one of the graphical parts of the internet. The WWW consists of files or Web pages that contain information and links to resources throughout the Internet.     * You can surf or browse the Web in several ways: 
  • Any of the Web pages can be opened by typing its address in the address box of your Web browsing software.
  •  While viewing a Web page, you can browse or surf to the related sites by clicking the links on the page. Toolbar buttons can also be used to move between Web pages, refresh Web page's contents or search the Internet.


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