Child labor in India is a grave and extensive problem. Children under the age of 14 are forced to work in glass-blowing, fireworks, and most commonly, carpet-making factories. While the Government of India reports about 20 million children laborers, other non-governmental organizations estimate the number to be closer to 50 million. Most prevalent in the northern part of India, the exploitation of child labor has become an accepted practice, and is viewed by the local population as necessary to overcome the extreme poverty in the region. Child labor is one of the main components of the carpet industry. Factories pay children extremely low wages, for which adults refuse to work, while forcing the youngsters to slave under perilous and unhygienic labor conditions. Many of these children are migrant workers, the majority coming from northern India, who is sent away by their families to earn an income, sent directly home. Thus, more...

Women have always been the most vulnerable and oft-exploited section of the society in any age, time, place and society. They have been, since ages, victims of humiliation, torture, exploitation and violence. Violence does not merely mean application of physical force; it can be mental, psychological and emotional as well. Violence, in its broadest sense, has been described as "an act of a person which encroaches upon the freedom of another". Violence can be an overt threat or an overt application of force which aims at harming or destroying a person or his reputation. Even the intent of causing harm and injury to someone is considered as an act of violence. Violence against women can be categorized under three broad categories of (i) Criminal Violence as rape, abduction or murder; (ii) Domestic Violence which includes dowry-deaths, wife battering, sexual abuse, maltreatment of widows or elderly women, and lastly (iii) Social more...

Children all over the world are treated differently at different times, during different centuries. Some children are raised by both of their parents in a good environment, with good conditions, and with a good education. Those kids are well taken care of and are happy if love is added to all that. The place that they live in becomes perfect. There are other kids, though, that have no loving parent, or no parents at all; no beautiful warm home, or no home at all; no healthy food, or no food at all and no good education, or no education at all. They have to work all day just to survive and get a little bit of something to eat. These children, unlike the other kids, are treated badly, abused and used. As time changes, people change: sometimes for the worst and sometimes for the better. Even now, children are mistreated more...

In ordinary terms, a child roughly between the age of 7 to 16 or 18 years who is involved in some kind of a 'status offence' such as vagrancy, immortality, truancy and ungovernability is a juvenile delinquent. Thus, juvenile delinquency is not just about under-aged criminals who get involved in criminal activities. In fact, the term 'juvenile delinquency' refers to the violation of a code of conduct or a regular occurrence of certain patterns of disapproved behaviour of children and adolescents. The well accepted age at present for juvenile delinquents is 16 years for boys and 18 years for girls. Juvenile delinquents are mainly classified on the basis of their behavioural patterns. They range from the incorrigible truants who keep away from school to larcenies who are involved in petty thefts and armed robberies to destruction of property, violence and sexual offences. They are also classified according to the type more...

We must bear in mind that in this world, everything may not be as it seems. Things and persons actually may be different from what they seem to be. A man may smile and smile and still, he may be a villain. A man, who is humorous, may not really be free from worries of life. The story of the clever fox, who coaxed the poor crow with a piece in its mouth, is too well-known to be narrated here. The story shows that a sweet-tempered, flattering person may not really be a true friend. He may be a cheat and swindler in the garb of a friend. We must be wary of different persons who pose to be our friends and well-wishers. The truth of the saying, 'All that glitters is not gold," inapplicable in several cases. If we go to a hotel, it is not certain that the more...

Drug abuse today is a major social problem which, though concerns with an individual's deviation from the desired social conduct, in turn, it affects the society at large- It is a widespread and critical problem not only for the western countries today but has emerged as one of the major concerns of the Indian society as well. India, today, has not only become a key transit of drugs but also a large consumption centre. According to official figures, India has about 7.5 crore drug addicts and the number is going up significantly, especially in 'semi-urban and backward areas. The monthly drug sale in India varies between $100 crore to $125 crore. The use of illicit and prohibited drugs today is not just confined to street urchins and lower classes but is fast spreading to middle and upper class youths of the society. The term 'drug abuse' refers to 'the use more...

AIDS is a deadly disease for which so far no foolproof treatment has been discovered. Of course, great research is going on in this field. It’s/said that a vaccine has now been discovered but how far it is successful is still doubtful. But its efficacy in saving the new7 born babies is said to have been proved to an acceptable measure. The best safeguard against this devastating disease is the precautions that we should take and bear in mind. The first reason how a man gets AIDS is through infected blood transfused into his body. So, if we need transfusion of blood for any reason, we should make sure that it is AIDS free and has conclusively been tested as such. In is quite understandable that we should use only disposable syringes if we want to have an injection. A non-disposable syringe might have got infected. Another reason for the more...

Superstition may be defined as an illogical or unreasonable belief, or acceptance of a certain phenomenon as it is without trying to know its cause. It also involves belief in omens, charms, demons, witches, useless ceremonies and in the existence of supernatural beings. Superstitions mostly are the outcome of ignorance, outdated and unwarranted beliefs and backwardness. In this age of scientific reasoning, logic and progress, superstitions still cloud the mind of a common man. Although western influence - to an extent-has been successful in erasing out superstitious beliefs through the spread of education and public awareness, yet superstitions have great hold on the all developing countries including the Orient- Somehow the Orient i.e., the East has always been equated to exotic settings, remote places and strange happenings. The forests of Africa were believed to have a hypnotizing and mesmerizing quality and it was suspected that people changed and got transformed more...

This essay argues that the cause and effects of reading books are numerous, but will focus on one cause, starting to read books on a regular basis, and two effects, increased comprehension abilities, and the promotion of vocabulary growth. Reading skills are essential to success in society today. The ability to read is highly valued and very important for social and economic advancement. The following paragraphs will try to explain some of the important effects that reading books will have in a person's life. In India today, most children are beginning or trying to talk around the age of two years. This is a time when language skills are just starting to develop. Even though it usually too early of an age to expect a child to read, there is no reason why the parent cannot start the reading process by reading aloud to them. Instilling reading into a child's more...

India is a land of festivals and celebrations. Festivals are an expression of one's joy, appreciation and love, in fact, they are a reason of bringing people of all caste, creed and religion in society together to celebrate in unison. Due to India's vast religious and cultural diversity, too many festivals, festivities and fairs are celebrated regularly every year. Festivals like Holi, Diwall, Moharram, Baisakhi, Christmas, Budh Purnima, Mahavir Jayanti etc are celebrated by people of all communities, classes and religions in India. Among all the festivals, my favourite festival is of course Diwali. It is celebrated just before the onslaught of winter season, at the end of October or many a times in the beginning of November. According to the Hindu calendar, Diwali is celebrated on the 15th of the month of Kartik - when the weather is pleasant, being neither too hot nor too cold. The festival is more...


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