Good manners are the first mark of good breeding and reflect directly on a person’s upbringing. I have been given a very simple criterion for judging manners — good manners are based on consideration for other people. Tact, diplomacy and hospitality—all these are based on good manners. For or instance, take table manners You are not supposed to put your elbows on the table in because it doesn't allow enough space forllx1 person who is sitting next to you. Similarly, it is important for you to respond to someone who wishes you 'good morning' or says 'Neonate', even if it a stranger. If you do not return the greeting, the stranger will feel insulted and will not greet others easily again. I’ or parents and teachers, there is one simple norm - do not tolerate bad manners. Give incentives and affection in return for good mummers. But do not more...

Today's child is a citizen of tomorrow. The condition of a child foretells the future of any society or nation. Children are the real mirrors of the society—the quality of life of a child reflects how progressive a society is. With the dawn of the twenty first century, one of the problems prevalent globally is the problem of child labour. Millions of children in the world have been forced into child labour owing either to non-schooling or due to dropping out from the school at an early age. Child labour may be defined as one who has not yet attained the age of 14 years and whose physical, mental and social development has suffered due to his pre-mature employment. Children make up 36% of the country's total population. We might boast of being the largest democracy on account of numbers, but we definitely don't seem to be the greatest one. more...

Ever since independence, the question of rejection or retention of English as a subject of study has been agitating the public mind in India. People believed that English would soon go with the departure of the British from India forever. But, English has rooted itself deeply in the Indian soil. It is spoken widely and serves as a link between the people speaking different regional languages .A Bengali-speaking man speaks English for expressing his ideas and feelings in South and similarly the people of Southern India speak English in Eastern India, as they do not understand Bengali. Thus, on account of the large number of regional languages, English continues to be the language of greater significance and use. English is losing its hold over India day by day. According to the Constitution of India, Hindi, in the denary script has been the official language of the union since 1950. But, more...

How many times have you felt that your parents don't understand you, and have no respect for you as an individual? How often do you shake your head in frustration unable to get your point across to your parents? Parents! They are like aliens from another planet altogether! You and they are in different camps; strangers forced to live under the same roof Right? Wrong! There is a way of bridging what appears to be a yawning chasm. If you genuinely want to improve your relationship with your parents (and give them a big shock in the bargain!) try listening to them, just like you would listen to a valued friend. Instead of always whining, "You don't understand me", stop and think. Do you ever try and understand them? Parents are under a tot of stress too. When we are worrying about our upcoming Maths exam, they are worrying about more...

During the British period, the system of education was devised by the, rulers as per their own convenience. After Independence, it was realized that this education system must be overhauled for the benefit of the masses of this country.  Several Education Commissions and Committees were established and several experiments in the field of education were made. Finally, the 10+2+ 3 system of education was accepted as a model system. The system has been put to trial almost all over the country and it seems to have stood the test of time. According to this system, there is high school teaching up to class X. It covers ten years. After the loath class, there is two year teaching (11) in a school or college (generally a school).Alter this, there is teaching for three years in a university for the student to get a degree. The first ten years school teaching and more...

The joint family system is the traditional family system of India. This family system has been prevalent in India since ancient times. Under this system the entire family - grandparents (paternal) and their mate children with their families stay under a single roof. Each member of the family shares the household chores, thus the work is divided and the burden of the work is lessened.  The joint family system not only lessens the burden of housework, it is also a safety net when financial difficulties, accidents or calamities arise. The family, as a single unit shares the load together till the storm of the financial difficulties gets over. During times of difficulties, the family provides strong emotional support as it is always there to give patient hearing to the problems of all members. It does not matter whether these problems are significant or not—the important part is that all problems more...

Criminology has treated women's role in crime with a large measure of indifference. The intellectual tradition from which criminology derives its conception of these sexes maintains esteem for men's autonomy, intelligence and force of character while disdaining women for their weaknesses of compliance and passivity. Women who conform as pure, obedient daughters, wives and mothers benefit men and society. Those women who don't, that is are non- 'conforming, may simply be one who questions established beliefs or practices, or one who engages in activities associated with men, or one who commits a crime. These women are doubly deviant. They are seen as ‘mad' not 'bad. These behaviors frequently lead to interpretations of being mentally abnormal and unstable. Those doing the defining, by the very act, are never defined as 'other', but are the norm. As 'men' are the norm, women are deviant. Women are defined in reference to men. In more...

"She means the world"—promoting empowerment of women may be just one of the 8th millennium development goals, but this aspect is crucial to success in all of the seven others. That's why it was said by Jawaharlal Nehru, "You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women." Women Empowerment means increasing the power of women, socially, economically and politically. The enactment of appropriate laws to improve the status of women is today's burning need. Women have capabilities to make a world of difference in the great march of human civilization. In ancient times, due to lack of opportunities and health facilities, low status of women became a vicious circle that needed to be broken to enhance the development of India. The other problems have been bias in job, sexual harassment, domestic violence marital discord which hamper the women's development. Law is a tool more...

There is quite a debate on whether or not computers have positively affected education. Some proponents of computers in school argue the fact that computers are vast in the supply of resources as well as the fact that computers dominate society and will continue to do so. Opponents of computers in education take the position of experiencing things actually and not just on a computer screen, a reality versus virtual reality argument ( In addition to this, there is the aspect of time involved with using a computer as opposed to interaction with actual living things. Computers have in many ways enhanced education but it has also weakened other skills taught in school as well. The first skill lost is obvious with the use of word-processing programs today. Of course they are convenient for typing papers because of the neatness and uniformity they provide as opposed to handwriting. Computers also more...

Terrorism is a problem which many countries have been continuously facing for decades, but now it has emerged as a 'global' problem against which an internationally united battle has to be fought incessantly. Violent behaviour in order to create an atmosphere of fear in the society or a part of it for misplaced political ends is generally termed as Terrorism. It is an organized and systematic use of violence to achieve an unrealistic end. Many a times words like terrorism, insurgency, civil war, revolution, guerilla war, intimidation and extremism are often used interchangeably. Though they differ in kind and meaning, one thing is fundamental to all - the word 'violence'. For instance, great practitioners of fear and violence like Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao etc cannot be called Terrorists. Moreover, violence used for personal gains like dacoity or robbery cannot be termed as Terrorism. Terrorism, as understood in the simplest sense more...


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