Corruption is a deep-rooted menace that has eaten into the Vitals of our society there is hardly any sphere of social, economic- Political and religious activity that is free from corruption of some Kind Corruption has. Become so common that most of the people have come to accept-it as part of their life. Bribery and corruption has increased greatly after 1947- The Growth of democracy and industry, the system of licenses and permits for setting up enterprises, securing quotas of law materials, imports and exports and expansions. Of trade and commerce is responsible for the increase in corruption. Stringent laws against corruption have proved to be effecting in curbing this evil. Corruption nourishes as long as there are people who are prepared to give bribe and others who are prepared to accept it- directly or indirectly each one of us has a weakness for easy money, People are prepared to more...

By far, books, magazines, newspaper and other printed matter carry the largest and most varied kinds of information to their readers. We can get books on almost any subject that we care to read on. There are books on sports, cookery, fashion, language, education, etc. You name the topic and the likelihood is that somebody has published d book (or books) on that topic. We get all kinds of information via magazines and newspapers. We come to know about various anti-social happenings through the print media and are able to keep ourselves alert. We also read about the rise and fall of certain politicians, the cricket matches, the state of the stock exchange, the grand sale going on in a supermarket, and also about the various kinds of jobs available. The amount of information that we can gather from a newspaper is enormous. To read the whole newspaper completely would more...

Terrorism is the most talked about news item in today’s life. Every morning we come across sensational news and reports of acts of terrorism committed by terrorism in the world Sometimes it is a murder of an eminent politician, sometimes it is the kidnapping of an envoy by terrorists in order to blackmail a government to concede to their just or unjust demands high jacking of airplanes in crowded arcos is yet another criminal act of the terrorists. These are many other forms of these anti-social or anti-national in human activities fish plates are removed from the railway tracks. The wells or water tanks are poisoned by the terrorists. These anti-socials of anti-national activities are performed by the tourists in order to call the attention of the national government or the world community on a certain problem and get their just or unjust demands fulfilled. Terrorism is an international problem more...

In most homes, nowadays, we can expect to find at least one television set. Some more affluent homes have multiple television sets. A television set is no longer a luxury, it has become an essential part of our lives. The uses of TV (television) are many. As a means of communication, there is virtually nothing to match it. With it, we can watch a cricket match thousand of miles away by the mere flick of a remote, in full colour and high fidelity sound. News that took months to travel from one place to another now takes just a fraction of second, minus the distorting factor of human messengers. The impact of this improved communication on our lives is great indeed. We are not only better informed of current events all over the world but we are also exposed to a multitude of different cultures and ways o life. Never more...

On December 27, 2004 no newspaper of the world knew any data other than the Tsunami. "TSUNAMI STRIKES', 'BOLT FROM THE BLUE’, etc. were the headlines that underlined each newspaper's mast –head. Yes, a deadly Tsunami had struck the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal, on Dec 26. Nobody except some was much aware of 'tsunami'. 'Tsunami' is a Japanese word meaning 'harbor wave'. It is the seismic Sea waves that are generated by tectonic displacements in the Ocean bed. This displacement may be an earthquake, a landslide, or a volcanic eruption. It causes a sudden displacement of water above and forms a small group of water waves having wavelengths equal to several thousand meters- Thus, on the sea level, it causes high waves, farther causing destruction all around the region.                            The December 26 Tsunami was caused by an under-water earthquake of magnitude 9.3 on the Richter scale. more...

About a century ago, photography was invented. In those early days, only simple box-cameras were available to take simple black and white pictures. Photographic techniques and equipment’s have come a long way since then. Exploding flash guns have progressed to compact electronic flash unit. box-cameras to sophisticated computerized reflex cameras, stills to movies, black-and-white to full glorious colours and part-time dabblers to highly paid professionals. In almost every sphere of human activity nowadays, photography has now come to play a very significant role. Photography as a hobby is perhaps the most popular of all its uses. Cameras and films are now cheap and easy to use. 'Instamatic' cameras have largely eliminated the hit-or-miss techniques of yesteryears. Anybody with a pair of eyes and hands can take reasonably good pictures. We see amateur photographers all over the place, especially in holiday resorts and recreational areas. Tourist and sightseers are never without more...

Sonia Gandhi is truly one of the most popular Indian. Women. Who with her amazing grace anointed as the queen of sacrifice. The way by which she declined the post prime minister of India has proved her to be true True India. She is the course, became the first –never person to decline the post of the M.P and amazed the whole words a mind that she would not accept the post of prime minister even if it. Came her way. Born at the small town of Orbassano. Near Turin, Italy in 1916. Sonia amino was sent to Cambridge, UK to study English where in 1965, she met Rajiv Gandhi whine resulted in their marriage. It gave her the honor of becoming a part of a great India family now they stated leading a happy life. Away from politics. Rajiv was an Indian Airlines pilot, and politics remained limited to more...

Computerization in every field is the order of the day. No one had imagined that computers in the forthcoming years would play such a decisive role in technology. No aspect of life has been left untouched by computers. They have invaded our professional lives, our homes, our medical facilities, our entertainment modes etc. Thus, besides being educated, it has become extremely necessary to be computer-literate in order to survive, Hence, education too has been reformed and revolutionized to suit the need of time. It is necessary that a child learns computer as normally as he studies other subjects. Thus, from a primary and now even from the kindergarten level, computers have become an indispensable part of education. It was in 1984, during the time of Rajiv Gandhi that computer was introduced on a massive scale in India for the first time. In 1966, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay prepared more...

Dr. Manmohan Singh, born on Sep. 1932 at Gah in West Punjab (now in Pakistan) had completed his M.A., Phil, from Oxford University and D. Lilt. From Honoris Cause University. For his brilliant-career he was appointed as a senior lecturer in Economic ices at Punjab University, (Chandigarh only at the age of 25. In 1969 he became the Professor of International Trade in Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University. He also enjoyed the post of Governor, Reserve Bank of India. And so far his political careers concerned, he came to politics in June 1991 and became Union Minister for Finance. During his tenure he achieved great popularity because of his sincerity and foresightedness. He has al-ways been considered as man of extreme simplicity and pure integrity- For the first time when he was elected the leader of the UPA (United Progressive Alliance) Coalition to rule the country I n 2004 more...

Ever since the sheep Dolly was cloned in 1997, a new field of controversy had been flung open whether  his newly acquired technology of cloning is beneficial or detrimental to human race. It was not by accident that Dolly was cloned. It took nearly about 276 nuclear transfer procedures by a Scottish Scientist at the Roslin Institute in order to create the first cloned animal ever. The success rate of reproductive cloning still remains doubtful at the present moment because the dangers of reproductive cloning are many. It was seen that during mammalian reproductive cloning, a large section of clones suffered from a weakening of the immune system which naturally reduces the animal's capacity to combat infections, diseases and other health related problems. Besides, many of the clones thus produced suffered from major abnormalities, for instance, deformation of an organ or its absence. Research has shown that out of all more...


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