White-collar crime, specifically computer crime, is becoming more popular as computers become more readily available. Crimes using computers and crimes against computers are usually committed without fear of being caught, due to if detachment of the offender from the victim.  computer crime is defined as, "Criminal activity directly related to the use of computers, specifically illegal trespass into the computer system or database of another, manipulation or theft of stored or on-line data, or sabotage of equipment and data.". This includes both crimes using computers and crimes against computers the people who committee’s crimes are of a wide variety. Cyber-criminal can be put in generally seven categories: Pranksters: These individuals perpetrate tricks on others. They generally do | not intend any particular or long-lasting harm. A large portion is juvenile. Hackers: These individuals explore others' computer systems for education, out of curiosity to achieve idealized social justice, or to compete more...

"Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope."                                                           —Anonymous With India on the verge of being the most populous country, the only gizmo that can decide the country's fate now is education. Education alone possesses the power to convert the population of 1,21 billion Indians from liability to assets. Today, human asset is the most valuable and prized resource. The dire need is to provide the requisite skills to transform its masses into massive working force. The first step towards this arduous but rewarding journey is literacy—the ability to read and write with understanding. While the country boasts of its IT revolution the world over and churns out world-class software professionals and engineers, it is disgraceful that 1/4th of the country is more...

There was once a time when people looked forward to the lazy evenings. They had a simple choice of programmes on Door-darshan. It was entirely apothem — to watch or not to watch the selected presentations. Today, the Satellite and Cable Television has stormed the media world of information and entertainment. This fast and sudden change is a welcome surprise. Interestingly, now, the people "don't know what to watch and what not to watch. The cable television has entered our homes and is there to stay. Today, television has emerged as a new frontier in international relations beit economic, political or cultural. It has acquired a great significance as it provided enormous opportunities of knowing the 'latest’ and the 'best' world over. The round the clock news, music, entertainment, sports and information channels are the desired visual delights. The Satellite network has made us reach far ingenerating enormous amount of more...

While India is at the threshold of becoming superpower, the rising GDP and the progress of the country is getting eaten by the corrupt leechs of the country. Today, the common man is not only shocked but disgusted at the series of scams unfolding everyday — 2G Spectrum Scam, Commonwealth Games Scam, Fodder Scam, Adarsh Housing Society Scam, Bofors Scam—the list is shamefully endless. An average Indian citizen is hard working and diligent, but a multi-thousand crore scam fumes a tax-payer as he feels heartbroken and cheated for his valued contribution of funds towards the development and well-being of the nation. Political and bureaucratic corruption in India is the cause of major concern today. From bribes to political maneuvering to misuse of authority to scandals—the average Indian daily finds himself struggling in the cobweb of political graft. The in-charge of the system, the so-called sarkari babus, with whom the power more...

Terrorism has become a serious problem in the modern world. India has particularly been facing this menace for the last many years. Thousands of innocent men, women and children have been" killed by the terrorists in our country particularly in Kashmir. Unfortunately, the world community has not taken much note of India's sufferings. America felt the heat of terrorism for the first time on2001 when the World Trade Centre Towers in New York and the Pentagon were attacked. Thereafter, America declared global war against terrorism and brought down the Taliban government in Afghanistan and that was all. Mainly, the Al-Qaida men were targeted. These were the militants who had masterminded the attacks in America. In 2003, the coalition force headed by America, attacked Irak to end the regime there, which, they said, and was terrorist in essence. But, America virtually remained disregardful of India’s problem with terrorism, particularly Tran’s border more...

Abrahim Lincoln, in his famous statement years ago, defined democracy as "government for the people, of the people and by the people." Democracy is a system of governance where people are free to choose their own representatives to rule over them. In simpler terms, the people of a country elect persons of their own choice who in turn make laws and frame policies for them. Thus, elections are the part and parcel of any democratic country. They are the backbone of a democracy. The nature of elections reflect upon the success of a democracy and the political maturity of a nation. Elections should be free, fair and impartial. The people should be free to choose leaders of their own choice without any fear, pressure or hesitation. All adults who have attained the age of 18 are eligible to vote in India. India is a democratic nation and hence elections are more...

We all look forward to our summer vacations. They are expected to be the days full of fun and excitement. Even before my school closed, planning for spending the forthcoming vacations had begun at home.  After many discussions it was decided that first we shall go to Neonatal for a week and then, after a few days, visit our grandparents at Allahabad. Some of my school friends agreed to meet me at Neonatal and I eagerly a waited the pleasurable days.  All our ambitious plans melted when on the last day of the school I suffered a heat stroke. I felt weak and dizzy and my friends were given the permission to leave me home.  My mother took me to a Doctor who prescribed the medicines and said that I shall recover in a day or two. My hopes rose and unfortunately, so did my temperature. To add to the more...

Growing child needs a complete mix of balanced diet for proper growth of body and mind. As children grow, there is an increased interest and participation in other activities, which compete with mealtimes. Healthy children with proper nutrition exude more self confidence, have higher energy levels and are more alert than malnourished children. Growing child requires proteins and carbohydrates for developing muscles and bones, and vitamins and minerals to build the immune system to facilitate proper growth. Proteins help build muscles and strength of the body. Calcium is required for developing bones, in the absence of which a child will have weak bones. Active children burn a lot of calories every day because they play more; for these children adequate proportion of carbohydrate is also required on daily basis. Vitamins are essential to the growing body; they help with digestion, energy, immunity, alertness, cell division, and growth. Vitamin A is more...

We no longer live in a society where kids run around actively throughout the neighborhood. The sandlot baseball games, pickup games in the park, and innocence in the children are gone in sports. Today children are more interested in television, computers, and video games and parents are afraid of letting their children run around the streets because of kidnapping. Kids are simply no longer interested in physical activity. A poll of over a thousand parents and one with students was done and the results show they blame inactivity on lack of time and homework. Whatever the cause is, we can see results with studies throughout the last few years. 22% of children are physically active everyday of the week. 49% in grade 4-12 are moderately to vigorously active. 34% attend Physical Education classes daily. 23% don't have these Classes offered, because no all states have educational requirements for Physical Education more...

Once I was travelling on a bus. The person sitting next to me got up to get down at the next stop and disappeared in the crowd. As I tried to adjust myself comfortably, within no time a heavy mass, as if an iron boulder, landed with a big thud on the seat. I was choked and could not move. A look at the right made me realize that the bulldozer was nothing but a burly aunt, who was ecstatic to have got a seat, as it escaped her the fatigue of carrying the burdensome weight of her own body. Wiping the sweat from her face, as if she ran past a hundred miles, she flashed a grin at me and I, though half my body crushed under the weight of her flabby arm and shoulder, had to reply out of courtesy, It is not an abnormal sight these days- more...


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