Archives November 2012

At present there is so much reading material in theworld that it is hard to make a selection. Man reads books, magazines and newspapers fromdifferent angles. Students read books as they are prescribed in their courses. Research scholars go through hundreds of books,magazines, etc. to complete their research. Several other people read so many things to increase their knowledge. Generally, we read newspapers to get general information regarding news, sports, health, business etc. The most important aspect of reading, however, is thepleasure it provides to us. When we open a book, suchas the Gitanjali, we are simply enthralled by readingthe very first line. As we read further, our curiosity Goes on increasing and similarly our pleasure. Those who read technicalbooks actually do not get real pleasure. What they get is information regarding theirsubject. Real pleasure is provided by literary and creativeworks. Such works are a storehouse of wisdom which has more...

A person who plays a game seldom is not said to be a sportsman. A sportsman does regular practice and that punctually. A sportsman is always possessed with the spirit of doing something wonderful and unbelievable in his Feild. He does not like to be corrupted or to corrupt.anybody. It is because of this performance that he is acclaimed which he has to prove in the ground wheremany hundreds of people watch him. So, transparency Is one such quality which always lives with him. The qualities imbibed in the field of sports in youth stand a person in good stead all his life. The first and foremost quality is the sportsman spirit. This quality persuades a man to remain cheerful evenwhen he loses a match. It means that one should play a game for the sake of game and not just for victory. Life is also a field where one more...

Last Sunday I experienced one of the worst incidentsin my life. My dog Rover and I had gone for a walk to the Lodhi Garden in the morning. It was a bright sunnyday and the garden was full of joggers and old people who are regular sights at the Lodhi gardens. There were children who were busy playing various outdoor games and some loners were sitting under trees or close to the tombs and meditating. Rover and I decided to race each other in the garden. We set a point and started running. I was so busy tryingTo reach the "finish" point that I lost sight of Rover whodid not quite comprehend where he had to go. He suddenly disappeared behind a bush. I rushed tothe spot where I last saw him but to my despair I could not find him anywhere behind the bush. I ran all aroundthe place more...

An ideal citizen is one, who gives utmost importance of his country and countrymen. He thinks about them First, and then about himself. He thinks more about his duties than his rights. An ideal citizen always thinks about the progress ofhis country. He has full political awareness. He knows what is good for his country and what is bad. Heobserves all his duties devotedly. He never forgets to caste his vote. He considers the qualities of her candidate before casting his vote. No Greet can compel him to take a wrong decision. An ideal citizen is above caste, creed, religion and region. He never favours anyone. He works to help the Poor and the downtrodden. He is social and shares others problem. He never considers his personal Interests superior to others. He always tries to protect national properties. He takes care that public places like bus-stands, railways Stations, roads, parks, more...

In the foreign exchange market and international finance, a world  Currency, supranational currency, or global currency refers to a currency in which the vast majority of international transactions take place and which serves as the world's primary reserve currency. The US dollar, and euro to a lesser extent, is by far the most used currencies in terms of global Reserves. Around 40 to 60 per cent of international financial transactions are denominated in US dollars. Since the mid-20th century, the de facto world currency has been the United States dollar. For decades the dollar has also been the world's   principal reserve currency and even today the dollar continues to dominate global currency reserves, with 63.9 per cent held in dollars, as compared to 26.5 per cent held in euro. While many of the world's currencies are pegged against the dollar, some countries such as educator, El Salvador, and Panama, has more...

Islam—the second largest religion in the world—has five basic tenets. First, there is only "one God", Allah, creator of the whole universe, who is just, compassionate, and merciful. The absolute unit and power resides in God. He is the creator of life and death, the guide to righteous, mid the friend and protector of the sick and the poor. He chastises eternally the infidels to Hell, and he rewards the faithful with eternal Heaven Second, "Muhammad", was the last of the great prophets. Jewish prophets and Jesus were his predecessors. Third, the "Koran", was the last of the sacred books, which include also the Torah, Psalms, and Gospels of Jesus. The Koran forbids representation of human and animal figures. It denounces usury, games of chance, alcohol, pork, etc. and "pride" is a cardinal sin. Fourth, "life on earth", is a test and only a preparation for the eternal life to more...

Life is full of failures and success when we play a game too, we may either win or lose. "Sportsman spirit" is The spirit of accepting one's success with humility. One of the main advantages of playing any sport is that it teaches us to cope with these failures and Disappointments that come our way. After being defeated in a game repeatedly one begins to learn to Fight better yet accepts one's defeat better. The same can be said to apply to one's life too. There are times when we fail at our jobs or we fail to do our Duty or we may even lose some great things in life. If we lose hope and curse our fate we can never progress in our life. There was once a man who lost all his money and property in his business. The man was practically reduced to nothing. He had more...

Ramayana is a famous epic. It deals with the life of LordRama and was written by Valmiki in Sanskrit. It was later written in Hindi by Tuisi Das and the work isknown as 'Ram Charitramanas'. Dasharatha, the king of Ayodhya had three queens and four sons. Ram was his eldest son. He was very obedient and brave. As he was an obedient son, he left for fourteen years of exile to keep his father's words. His brother Lakshman and wife Sita also went along with him. KingDasharatha could not bear the separation and died. Bharat, Rama's younger brother, went to the forest tobring back his brothers and sister-in-law but Rama refused to return. In the forest, they had to face manyhardships. But they were always calm and peaceful. They helped many saints from demons. Once Sarupanaka, sister of Ravan, who was a braveking of Lanka, fell in love with Lakshman more...

The very shape of human body tells us that it has beenmade for work. This is very evident to us if we have a Look at a buffalo. So, even nature has made human body in such a way that man is expected to make himself busy in various types of activities. Our feet and legs tell to walk and run, if possible. The hands and arms urge us to do one or the otherphysical work or to carry out some kind of art activity over and above this, man is endowed with brain which means that we should be intelligent, wise and judicious; Besides, man has certain qualities, both virtues andvices hidden in the heart. Nature or God perhaps don'tIt'll us to be vicious. That is our own choice. Nature has given us emotions and impulses and the power to think, to will, to love, to behave decently and more...

Though rising prices is a common economicphenomenon which we witness in all developing Countries, in the past few years, even the developedcountries have had to face this problem in 1980. West Germany suffered a 14% price rise. However, in Indiait has been very steep indeed. Even though India has almost become self-sufficient inthe production of food, the system of distribution is poor. The role played by middle men has caused theprices to rise. Farmers who produce the food grains sell it at very reasonable rates to middlemen. However, when the middlemen brings this food to the city, he changes a lot more than the cost price and all this has to be paid by the common man who has to feed his children. The government has often been unstable. This too has led to a fluctuation in prices. Each government introduces a new policy and this causes the customerto suffer more...


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