Archives November 2012

Street hawkers are found in almost every nook andcorner of the city lanes. Whenever, there is a big Whopping complex or even a small market one willn I ways come across various street hawkers selling the most interesting things to eat. Street hawkers are often troubled a lot by policemen as they are not allowed to stand with their carts atroadsides. These carts are a nuisance as they causeproblems for the easy movement of traffic. At times there may be a long line of street hawkers at the fringe of a road which would lead to less space being left for traffic to move freely in. The biggest danger of eating the food that street hawkers sell is in the fact that the constant exposure to the heat and dust of the road side makes this foodunhygienic to eat. Although sometimes this food is far more delicious then what one more...

The very desk and chair that I am using when writing this essay must have been designed by somebody. The designs are simple and crude, and can hardly be called works of art. Nevertheless these humble desk and chair serve their purpose well enough. Looking around myself in the classroom, the school and, in fact, that whole world, I come to realize that almost everything has a certain design of its own, especially man-made things. My school was built long before I was born and the architects of those days must had very different views about how a building should be like. The walls are a foot thick, the pillars gigantic and the elaborate arches and angles on the building are so markedly different from the buildings being built these days. By contrast the school's new science block looks so simplistic and bare. Modern school buildings are designed to be more...

Last Sunday woke up late in the morning as usual and to my surprise I found a lot of activity in the park Next door. Ours is a silent colony and the presence of trucks and vans next to the park seemed a rare sight indeed. At First I assumed that the hustle and bustle could be due to some cleaning operation by the .municipal department. On colorful observation I discovered that these vehicles were .carrying hundreds of pots filled with plants. These were no ordinary plants too. They were pots with vegetables growing in them. The kitchen garden association had organized a competition and entries had come from various parts of the country. For the first time I witnessed plants that were grown in nurseries where gardening enthusiasts had been conducting a research on how to improvethe quality of the vegetables. As a result the exhibition had vegetables with more...

I often travel to go to my village and I usually travel bytrain. Tickets are booked in advance and my packing is also done by my mother. However, the last trip to my village wasmemorable as I started off on a wrong note because my reservation was not confirmed. Since I had nochoice but to go under any circumstances I boarded the train. During the day there was hardly any problem whiletravelling. The ticket collector was a friend of mine butI still did not get a berth to sleep on. At night the train was extremely crowded. People weresitting in the aisle, on the seats and wherever they couldfind some place. I had a big suitcase on which I tried tomake myself comfortable. As the train moved on it got colder and colder. I had asheet with me but no blanket to cover myself with. Iwrapped it around myself and more...

We will have a tendency to be lured by the outward glittering appearances of things. Appearances are usually deceptive. Man's real qualities cannot be judged by His exteriors. It is true that man's action is his index and man is judged by his actions. If a man performs good deeds he Shall always be popular and respected in the world. Sometimes we come across a very insignificant looking Person but he suddenly performs some great action that makes one and all take a second look at him. Sometimes there are things that appear shining and once we try to study it closely, to our dejection we find That it was a worthless thing. We must have sharp eyes and a keen perception to secwhat lies beyond the face. We must never take peopleat face value. A person who appears handsome andbeautiful physically may in fact be a mean person. Onlya more...

As a student in school I had opted for science. My subject was biology, physics and chemistry. I took up these subjects .with an aim in life. My aim was to become nurse and take care of patients who have no One to attend to them. After passing my higher secondary examinations Ijoined the nursing course and became a nurse. As anurse I have to work very hard. Although I knew that I would have to work almost twenty hours a day I chosethis profession so that I could be a really good and usefulcitizen of this country. Love of humanity is the goal of every nurse. To servethe suffering humanity is the work of saints and greatmen if I could follow their footsteps and try to servepeople like they do, I shall consider myself to be verylucky. I get up early in the morning and have my bath. Afterhaving more...

Travelling by a Blueline bus is an adventure for a youngman and a trying experience for an old man. Formerly, itwas only the fear of pick-pockets who could at the most liquidate one's pocket but in these changed times when terrorism is on the rise, travelling by a Blueline busamounts to inviting danger or even death to oneself. Who knows there may be a bomb under the seat which could blow the entire bus to pieces? But there is no escape from it as one has to travel long distances to reach work places and these Blueline buses are the Cheapest mode of transport. Ones had a bitter experience of a terrible journey by abluelinebus. As soon as I reached the bus stop, I saw a long queue of passengers waiting anxiously for buses. The buses which came were already packed to full. After too much jostling and pushing when more...

Rohan and I are good friends. We sit next to each other in class. He is a good-looking person who is popular with others in the class. He is popular with everyone in school. You could say that Rohan has the kind of charisma and flamboyance that makes everyone look at him wherever he goes. He reminds me of The Lone Ranger' who never ceases to get attention. Being popular has many advantages. Everybody knows Rohan. He is a prefect, a house captain, the school soccer captain and our spring star. He excels in everything he d6"es except his studies where he is merely fair Nevertheless, he barely manages good results and I help him whenever I can. The school children like him a lot as a prefect because he is very fair to everyone, He never bullies or takes advantage of anyone. So his popularity is well-maintained. As the more...

In modern world, honesty has lost its meaning. Wealth plays an important role in man's life to-day. Value of Money has gone high. Everyone wants to become rich without hard labour. He does not hesitate to adopt any means at all to become rich. But still some people appreciate honesty. All religions lay down great stress on honesty. An honest man is always brave. He is not afraid of anybody sometime; he has to face many problems also. He is and is liked by everybody. On the other hand, liar, greedy and cunning people earn moremoney but they are not liked by people. Honesty should be maintained everywhere, at home, in school, among friends and even in the playground. An honest person always obeys the law so he is freefrom serious trouble. Honesty also gives rise to spiritual strength. So one takesup any challenge with confidence. On the other hand, more...

The moment the last paper is over, I am going to step outside the examination hall and give out the loudest yell that I can muster. This will be the yell that will tell the world that the examinations are over. The months of toil, sweat and tension have ended and it is time for joy and celebration. Then, my friends and I will head straight to our favourite Mall to just chill out- This will mark the beginning of my celebrations of the end of these cruel examinations.  When I would reach home after all this fun, I would get hold of a largo cardboard box into which I would dump all my textbooks, revision books, exercise books and other paraphernalia. No reminder of the past months of slogging would be allowed to remain on my table. Instead 1 would put a vase of flowers, some novels and other more...


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