Archives November 2012

Many years ago when I was in standard four in primary school I had an experience that was both terrifying and enlightening. Here is how it occurred: During one of our science study lessons, we were undertaking studies of frogs and tadpoles. As an assignment, my friend Sandeep and I were asked to catch some live tadpoles and bring it to the class for joint study. So during recess on that day, we walked down to a small stream that ran past our school about two hundred metres away. We were delighted to find a large number of tadpoles on a shallow part of the stream where the water was very still and quiet. We happily got down to our task of scooping the tiny black tadpoles into two glass bottles that we had brought. I noticed that the place was shaded by a huge tree and that made our more...

Excursions have a great educational value. Schools often organize excursions for the students apart from Educating students and exposing them to varionexperiences, it is a great means of recreation. It is the Day that all students wait for-the day the school hi takes them on an excursion. My class was taken on an excursion last month. There "was a bus arranged for us. We sat in that bus and' It took us all to places that we had to see. We were all very happy. We sang on our way and the bus speeded through various towns and villages. The sound of the horn was a constant irritant but wecould tolerate it because we were too busy having a Good singing session in the bus. We were going to Agra from Delhi. The bus stopped on the way at a restaurant. We all got off the bus to have some more...

One evening after dinner, I felt my stomach churning- I suspected that I might have eaten too much and was having indigestion. Later on in the evening I began to have a stomach ache and had to go to the toilet twice before I finally went to bed. My mother made me take some medicines before retiring. I could not sleep as my stomach was aching spasmodically. Also I had to get up two or three times to relieve myself. The pain abated a bit after each visit to the toilet but returned, increased in intensity after a while. I did not know how I got through the night but by dawn I was weak and tired owing to the repeated purging. Once I nearly blacked out while in the toilet. When it was time to go to school I realized that I could not make it. I had to more...

In this modern age, anybody who complains that he or she has nothing to do is simply downright lazy. There are books to read, movies to watch, music to listen to and games to play. Sometimes, I find that 1 do not have enough time to do all the things I want to do. So a lot of things are left undone. If only time is a transferable commodity, maybe those who have too much time can pass over little to me. As student, school takes up more than half the daylight hours. In the afternoon, there is the inevitable homework to do. An afternoon nap is out of the question unless I want to slog late into the night to complete my assignments- Very rarely teachers do not give homework. When evening comes, sports and games become alive. The doers know that time is precious and they spend it more...

A cinema Hall is a lively spot throughout the day. It isthe center of many activities. Cinema is the mostpopular source of entertainment for young and oldalike though the majority that goes to see the filmsbelongs the younger generation. The Big hoardings and posters outside the Cinema Hallattract the attention of the movie-goers. They inform about the current movie running at the hall as well as.the forthcoming attractions. The rush at the ticket counter covers the window outof sight. There are long queues. Some people who are In the - back of the line try to get tickets earlier byrequesting those who are near the counter? A few get lucky while others are turned down orliorrd completely. These disheartened ones again join at end of the queue. A part from the people in the queue isthere are companions. They eagerly wait at the entrance. Some Stroll a few paces keeping more...

For most of us living in towns and cities today, the answer to the above question would be a definite Yes. The reasons are obvious. Look at an ordinary schoolboy from an average home in a city. First and foremost, he has to go to school. After spending five hours in school everyday he needs to attend extra tuitions, swimming lessons, art lessons and various other activities so that he ran learn as many things as possible. Finally, when he arrives homo, takes hath, has his dinner and if hp is lucky, gets to watch television for a while. Then he is back to the grind; finishing his homework. Come weekends, there will be picnics, parties and other functions. In short, the poor kid has no time to relax. Whether purposefully or not he is being pushed all the time. The parents ought to realize that their child is not more...

I am an old pine tree on the side of a big mountain inMissouri. It's been years since I came up on my own, I wasn't planted by anyone, with the seed from myneighbor I just happened to grow all by myself. There is a long line of us on the mountain? Apart from sometrees that are as old as me, many younger ones have begun to crop up just like I did. Years ago Missouri used to be a quiet place. Flowersused to blossom, covering the mountains facing me, Every morning I would be greeted by the tossing of tin'heads of the flowers. Fruits like cherries, berries, plunr.and apricots would grow in the green expose aroundme. Tourists coming to Missouri would be amazed by tin ‘beauty of this hill station. I take a lot of credit for tin Fame that has been enjoyed by the place where we growhad more...

Last Monday I attended a birthday party of my friend. It was his fifteenth birthday. He celebrated it with great Pomp and show. He had invited all his friends and relatives. Thearrangement of party was done in hall of a hotel. I Along with other friends reached there in time. His parents were standing at the door of the hall. Theygreeted all the guests arriving at the hotel. They greetedus and welcomed us in the party. We entered the hall and took our seat. We were offered cold drinks and snacks. My friends Gagan were busy in meeting his relatives. Gagan sawus and came to meet us. We wished him happy birthday and presented him thegift. He asked us to take cold drinks and enjoy ourselves. The guests kept on coming. In late evening the cake cutting ceremony started. Abng table was put in the center of the hall. A more...

Our annual School Sports Day falls normally in the month of November each year. It is not a very grand affair like some other schools, but it is the grandest as far as our school is concerned. We are not considered a 'premier' school but we do what we can to make the Sports Day as memorable as it can be. On the morning of this Sports Day, which is a Saturday, almost every student is involved in its preparation, the opening ceremony is due to start at 2 pm and there are many things to get ready before that. Many boys and girls are busy decorating their respective House Booths so that they look as beautiful as possible. There is a prize for the best booth and each House (there are four of them) is set on winning the honour. Some boy scouts are busy arranging chairs in the more...

Human beings are born equal in dignity and rightsthese are moral claims which are present in all humanIndividuals by virtue of their humanity alone.Theseclaims are formulated in what is known as human Rights. Human life and human dignity have been disregards throughout history and continue to be misused even Today. Yet even though laws have been made to safeguard a human being's dignity, discrimination continues to Exist because of prejudice, limitations, ignorance and Mans own greed for control and power. These rights have been needed to defend slavery, illtreatment on the grounds of sex, race, colour, descent, Religion, caste, and class. The International Bill of Human Rights was founded on 10th December, 1948, when the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' was founded by thei .general Assembly as a common standard of Achievement for all people and nations. The rights are of two kinds—civil and political rights.These include, the right to more...


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