A part-time job is a good way of spending one's spare time as well as earning some extra money. Many people who take up part-time jobs do so to supplement their insufficient normal income. In this age of inflation and rising costs, this insufficiency is not surprising. Others may do part-time work because they love that particular kind of work. Yet others may have dreams of making it big. Whatever the reasons, part-time jobs are available to those who care to take them. Part-time jobs can be lucrative. Companies that deal with direct sales employ a lot of part-timers. They may be housewives, teachers, students, school-dropouts, labourers or anyone who have the time, energy and drive to go around pushing the products. These direct-sales organizations sell mainly consumer products like cosmetics, toiletries, casual wears and others. The employees are paid a commission for the amount of the goods sold. The more...

Travel has educational value. It increases out knowledge. While on travel, a person meets people of different races, regions, religion, castes. A person also visits different places—each location has importance of its Educational institutions arrange travel programmes for their students during vacations. Student from western countries travel often and far. Travel also gives much pleasure. It gives us change of.  Environment It relieves us of day-to-day anxieties. It gives a chance to meet people with different habits and Customs. Their food may be different. Thus we can learn about people of foreign climes through travel books. But when we personally visit—it makes a difference. We gain Firest- hand knowledge of these countries and the people.  The personal touch makes us remember forever. We can visit historical places as Agra, Gaya, Jaipur, Jhansi, Hyderabad, Nalanda, Mysore, and Udaipur. We may also visit places of religious significance like Ajmer, Amritsar Badrinath, Hardwar, more...

Introduction. It is true that science has given us the outstands of gifts. It has made our life comfortable. But there is another side of science. It has proved a source of trouble for us. Some of it curses are as under:- 1. Over crowded cities and towns. Science has invented machines. New factories and mills arc set up in cities. The people of villages have given up agriculture. They are running to the cities. Now villages are left backward. Cities are over-crowded. 2. Unemployment and poverty. Science has given us machines. A machine does the work of hundreds of people. So they have driven laborers out of employment. Ultimately unemployment results in poverty. 3. Division of society. A few persons are the owners of factories. The other persons have to work in those factories. The whole profit goes to the mill-owners who are growing richer and richer. The labourers more...

Introduction.  Exhibitions are held in many districts by the government. The Aligarh exhibition is very famous. With the permission of my father I went to see it. Outside the exhibition. My brother and I started towards the exhibition. There was a great rush of Tongas, motor cars and rickshaws. There was noise as well as dust-1 saw a large number of tents outside the exhibition. They belonged to the officers and rich men. They were, fenced. I went along the road which was sprinkled with water. Inside the exhibition. We reached the gate of the exhibition. It was 4 o'clock in the evening. As we went in. we saw shops on both sides of the road. They were very fine. The things in the shops were put in a tempting manner. Roads came from all directions and met at this place. Under a small tower stood the policeman, lo control more...

City Life There goes a saying: "God made the country and manmade the town". It makes clear the difference between urban and rural living. Life in a city—it may be a state capital, the country's capital, or any other city with huge population—is fast and more or less unnatural. Whereas life in a village is peaceful, simple and people are close to one another and nature. We have cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai that have big population. The state capitals have their own importance. City life has advantages as well as disadvantages. In large cities houses are usually very big and are furnished. The houses could have many storeys. If there are more than four storeys, lifts have to be provided for convenience.  a large city has many markets. Each colony is more. Or less self-contained and residents have not to go far for shopping. In contrast, a more...

The well-known adage that we eat to live, and not live to eat, draws sustenance from the biblical truth that man does not live by bread alone but by the word of god. This is so because when a man lives by the word of god, it gains primacy and all other things become subordinate to it. That is how a good book becomes the "precious life-blood of a master spirit". This assumes added significance as the verse takes us to colossal heights of glory and we eat only if we must. Just as we "talk less and work more" which is the slogan for efficiency for carrying out any work at the stipulated time, eat less and think more is the secret of living in grace, keeping off sins since gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins. Moreover, gluttony leads to disgrace. Unknowingly some people "punish" their offspring more...

Introduction. Generally dreams are the result of our thoughts which we have in our mind. The things or ideas that strike our minds which we cannot display in the day appear in form of dream when we sleep. Generally, we see dreams when we sleep at night. A politician generally dreams of politie.il matter in his sleep. A doctor we dreams of his patient’s disease and other similar things. During the examination days a student dreams of papers and results. Sometime. We dream of those things which have no relation with our profession or day to day matters Last night, I also .saw a dream. It is still fresh in my memory. Description of the dream. In the dream I saw that one day I was going to Agra to .see the Taj Mahal in the company of my friend-,. Near the bus stand of Agra 1 was attracted by some more...

Introduction. The annual school sports day is celebrated in our school with great preparations. . This day gives us a great pleasure. We are full of joy on that day. The 15th December was our sports day this year. Programme for the day. As usual an interesting programme was made for the day. We got printed copies of the programme. The Principal invited parents also. The Senior P.T.I was in charge of the whole show. The sports began exactly at 10 A.M. Items of the Programme. First of all, the athlete taking part in different events salved a march past. The Principal of the school took the salute. Then the sports began. (1) Different kinds of Races. The first item was the races of 100 metres race, the 400 metres race and the 880 metres race and five kilometers race. The live kilometers race was a great fun. The hurdle more...

Relationships are how we relate to others. We have relationships with everyone we know and those who are   close to us. Each and every interaction we have with   another person is the act of relating. If we have a problem   relating to others, it affects our ability to have supportive relationships. We have to ask ourselves if our relationships   are supportive, and if they are not, then ask why they are not.                                          Everyone wants the perfect romance or marriage, but not everyone looks at the mechanics of how to have one.  If we fail to have supportive relationships in our life, how can we have the "perfect love" relationships? Through the   act of supporting, we honour and validate who the other person is. This is turn, validates who we are. So, both   are supported; no one loses; no egos are involved; and,   so doing, we honour the relationship. This is more...

The Cinema is a popular form of entertainment today. Young and old, rich and poor, boys and girls throng cinema halls in hundreds to see a new film. It seems they see all new pictures; they are not selective. They have some leisure and they have to do something anyway. The cinema is becoming popular with the masses in spite of television. More and more cinema halls are coming up. There is not a city that does not have a number of cinema halls. It has become almost the only means of man entertainment and cinema halls have become popular places. The movies take away a person from the hard realities of life. He forgets his trials and tribulations and worries during that time. He is then in a make-believe world. He is in a dreamland and shares with the actors and actresses their joy and sorrows. The cinema has more...


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