Introduction. I read in the Jam Higher Secondary School. It is not a Government School; it gets aid from the Government. Its Situation and Building. Our school is built in the open. It is Far from the dust, noise and .smoke of the city. Its building is very grand. It has Verandash on both sides of class-rooms- Gardens and Grassy Lawns. Near the gale there are two small Gardens which have grassy lawn. Flower beds, fruits, trees and a Beautiful butterflies. We enjoy he sweet-smell of flowers and the dance of beautiful butterflies. Laboratories and Library. Our School has two science labs and a big library and a reading room. Our library is full of books on all Subjects. Every student can borrow books from the library. In the labs we do experiments with the help of teachers. Teachers. There are about fifty teachers in the school they are all more...

If there is any game which has an obsessive mass following in India, it is cricket. Introduced by the British in India as a hobby in their spare time, India's towering position and passion for the game is a well-known fact. India has been hosting a number of zealous players of the game and Kapil Dev's name is on the top of the list. Born on January 6, J959 in Chandigarh, Kapil Dev or 'Haryana Hurricane' as he is fondly called, is the greatest pace bowler India has produced. He is also our greatest fast-bowling all-rounder. He played his first competitive game of cricket at the age of 13. In Chandigarh, he used to be regular spectator to watch inter-sector matches. On one Sunday, the Sector 16 Team fell one player short and Dev was taken in as a replacement. He impressed them with his attitude and became one of more...

This season there has been less rainfall. It was the month of August—almost the fag end of the season. The school was functioning after the summer vacation. It was still quite hot. There was a change. Hot wind gave way to welcome breeze. It was an indication that rains were round the corner. One fine morning, I set out for school. The sky was quiter clear then. Soon moving grey clouds covered the sky. I felt alarmed. I hid my bag and ran fast. I had hardly covered a short distance, when drizzling started—it changed into a good shower. It was welcomed by all. I took shelter under a big tree that gave me little protection as the leaves dripped. As the rain lessened, I ran towards the school. Luckily I was in time. The bell just rang. But there were few students. Some teachers had turned up by then. more...

Introduction. Mrs. lndira Gandhi was the beloved leader of the People of India. To see her was to love her. After her downfall 1977 The people had again placed the country in her bands in 1980. Her birth Education and her Marriage. She was born on Nov.19, 1917. She was brought up in a family full of political activities and love of country. So the family atmosphere had a great influence on her mind. She got her education at Allahabad, Oxford and Shaoli Nike tan. In 1942 she was married to Mr. Feroz Gandhi, Pars! Youth. He died in 1960 she had two sons- Rajiv and Sanjay. A, Born Politician. Indira Gandhi was the worthy daughter of a worthy father. She was a born politician. After the death of her mother she had a very difficult lime. In her early life ride Jumped into politics. Her Political Career. She had been more...

Her aversion to politics is no secret- She fought tooth and nail to hold back her husband from joining this treacherous game. But destiny had planned otherwise. It has been a long and arduous journey since 1991 when Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated. But Sonia Gandhi is stoic. She is not the one who would give up easily. Born as Sonia Maino in 1946 near Turin in Italy in a working class family, Sonia's life drastically changed its course when she met Rajiv Gandhi, at Cambridge in 1964. The couple married in 1968 and she moved to India. She initially disliked Indian food and clothes. But she spent the 1970s becoming steeped in Indian culture. Sonia Gandhi was against Rajiv's foray into politics after Sanjay Gandhi's accidental death in a plane crash. She is on record as having said, "For the first time, there was tension between Rajiv and me. I more...

In Indian ethos, it is widely believed that destiny is a powerful force to reckon with- Willingly or unwillingly one has to follow the unwritten fate held in store for us. How else can one explain Rajiv Gandhi's foray into the Indian political scene? An airline pilot by profession/ he was not a man of any unusual academic achievements or other distinctions. Born in 1944, this first son of Feroze Gandhj and high profile Indira Gandhi, reportedly had few ambitions before he joined politics. Since childhood Rajiv Gandhi was exposed to an environment steeped in intelligentsia and patriotism. From Motilal Nehru, Jawaharlal Nehru to his mother Indira Priyadarshini, he was brought up in India's rich and politically popular family- It was the first family which was to hold cudgels not only against British oppression but also take India to the path of progress. After being an alumnus at the Doon more...

Fire is the first discovery made by man. It was   chance discovery when men used to live in caves. It was found that if one piece of stone is struck against another, a spark of fire is produced. Fire was used to escape from cold. Later it was used to cook and heat food. Fire is now used to produce steam to run railway engines. Energy produced by burning coal is used in mills and Factories. Thermal power stations used it for producing electricity. Fire has thus become a source of energy. It is useful to mankind; it can destroy too. Hindus workship fire, the Agni devta. Marriages are solemnized by taking rounds around the sacred fire amid chanting of mantras. Fire kills germs—it keeps the atmosphere Fire is a good servant but not a good master. It’s   could be fierce. It can cause great loss to forests when wild more...

She is the formidable icon of women empowerment. Her extraordinary political skills and tenacity brought her foes to their knees. Her charm, intelligence and charisma made her a powerful statesperson, much loved and admired by her people. Born on 19 November 1917, in Allahabad, she was greatly adored by her parents and her grandfather Motilal Nehru, who was a famous lawyer and public" figure in his own right. Her father Jawaharlal Nehru had joined the freedom struggle, so little Indira, or Priyadarshini as she was lovingly called, was exposed to politics from the age of 3-4 years. Her house was the centre of political activity, as all important leaders stayed there while visiting Allahabad. Mahatma Gandhi was a frequent visitor to her house and she was greatly affected by his thinking. A visit to the Sabarmati Ashram left indelible mark on her psyche. After passing her matriculation exams from Pune more...

His story has a humble beginning. It is a sordid tale that tells us how a down-to-earth and honest person can hold the world in awe of his personality. Born in 1904, in a family with little means, Lal Bahadur Shastri proved by his mettle that the world should not take short-statured men lightly. A man of sound education with strong principles, he succeeded Jawaharlal Nehru as the Prime Minister of India in 1964- Though eclipsed by stalwarts in the Congress tike Kamraj and Morarji Desai (then Finance Minister in Nehru's Government), Shastri emerged as the consensus candidate in the midst of party warfare> He had not been in power for long when he had to attend to the difficult matter of Pakistani aggression along the Ranch of Kutch, Though a ceasefire under the auspices of the United Nations put a temporary halt to the fighting, the scene of conflict more...

"The other day I dreamed that the gates of heaver... and St. Peter said, 'Go back to Earth, there are no slums up here'. These words, once spoken by Mother Teresa, vividly recalls the life of the late Roman Catholic nun and missionary, known as "the Saint of the Gutters". Mother Teresa, originally christened as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born in Skopje, Macedonia, on August 27, 1910. She was the daughter of humble Albanian parents—a grocer and his wife. As a public school student she developed a special interest in overseas missions and, by the age of 12. she felt strongly the call of God. At the age of 18, she left her parental home in Skopje and joined the Sister of Loreto, an Irish Community who runs of nuns missions in India. After a few months' training in Dublin she was sent to India, where on May 24, 1931, more...


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