Introduction. It is a custom in our school that 11th class students bid farewell to the 12th class. They make the parting day attractive. They arrange a parting feast. The last day of my school. This year, 20th February was my last day 'it school. The school bell rang as usual- The 11 Th class hoys were sad. After I hr first period the teacher', and the students of both classes met in the-school hall The Principal and the teachers sat in the chairs. We, the students, look our seats on the desks- Function. The function was started by the students of eleventh class. They read poems. They sang songs. They made speeches suited to the occasion. Every part of the programme was about the outgoing class. Then our class in charge rose up. He made a speech' which moved our hearts- He mid us that we would soon enter more...

India is the seventh largest country in the world. It covers an area of around 33 lakh sq km. India has only 2.5 per cent of world's land, yet it has to support 16 per cent of the world's population. Its population is growing at an alarming rate. According to the 1991 census, India's population was 84.39 crore as compared to 68.51 crore in 1981. Now the population has crossed the 100 crore mark. It has been predicted that India will overtake China and become the most populous nation in the world by 2020 AD. China has reduced its population growth by enforcing the one-child norm; while India's voluntary family programme is based on the two-child norm. India became independent of British rule in August 1947. And since 1951, the country has had many Five- Year Plans. The country is self-sufficient in food grain. Now, India is one of the more...

There is no conflict between faith and reason. May we examine the issue in some detail In this context prayers Offered in full faith are very efficacious. Prayer does not Change things. It changes people, and they change things.  So do not pray for lighter burdens; pray for stronger back. Rabbi Eliezer once said, "Turn to god one day before your death,” His disciples asked: "How can a man know the day of his death?" The Rabbi replied: "Then you should turn to god today; perhaps you will die tomorrow; thus everyday will be employed in returning to god." Faith, as embodied in religion, and reason as embodied in science are often but erroneously thought of as being In oppotions to each other. Science is not an enemy of Religion, only of superstition. Both science and religion are engaged in the search for truth; the main difference lies in the more...

Introduction. India is famous for its ideal teachers. In olden times, we had very great teachers. They lived a life of simplicity and service. They never cared for money. Knowledge was their aim. We can see examples of sacrifice in the city of Kashi even now. His dress. Mr. Dixit is an ideal teacher of our school. He puts on a white Khadar Kurta and a coarse dhoti- On his head. He wears a Gandhi cap of white colour. He puts on unlaced shoes. He walks quickly and has a charming personality. You can easily know him by his simplicity. He is Strong and healthy. His habits. Mr. Dixit is a man of regular and simple habits. He is one of those who go two kilometers everyday for a walk early in the morning. He eats simple food and lives a simple life. He is very punctual in everything. He more...

How a magazine is financed? There are many schools and colleges which publish their own magazines once a year. The money needed for this purpose is got by a small monthly subscription from each student. How it is managed? The school magazine is a collection of articles, poem nines and plays in English and Hindi. They are written by the student as well as teachers. There is a Magazine Committee made up of teachers and students. This Committee keeps the accounts and selected articles for the magazine. There is an editor who is generally a senior teacher of great ability. He is helped by associate editors who are generally good and intelligent students, they all –see that the articles published in the magazine are all useful for the students in improving their knowledge, taste and character. Uses of the school magazines. There are many uses of the school magazine the more...

Smoking is growing. You find the incidence so common—every second or third person is smoking cigarette or bidi. Smoking spells ruin to one's health. It opens the gateway to hell, of physical down wall and speedy death. Tobacco consumption can cause cancer of mouth, throat and lungs. About 50 per cent of cancer cases in India are related to tobacco consumption. Eighty per cent of heart attack patients less than 40 years of age are chronic smokers. It is unfortunate that a habit so injurious to health has so much acceptance in society. Of the common addictions, smoking is the most damaging on a national scale. The glorification of such a habit has to be stopped. But the manufacturers of cigarettes place display advertisements in print and electronic media to catch the attention of new customers. They aim at catching their, patrons young. They say cigarettes and the young are more...

January 26, 1950 is a red letter day in the history of modern India. On this day, India was declared a sovereign democratic republic. Since that date, January 26, is celebrated as our Republic day each year. Sovereign means a country that is internally supreme and externally without any outside control. Democracy means a government of the people, by the people and for the people. In a Republic, head of state, is elected by people's representatives. The Constitution of India was also given effect on January 26, 1950. Recall on January 26, 1930, the AICC at its Lahore session held under the president ship of late Jawaharlal Nehru pledged that India's aim is puma swaraj that is complete independence from foreign rule. Republic Day reminds us of our long freedom struggle and martyr's sacrifices towards the goal of Indian independence. The day is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm and more...

For a few days I woke up around 6 o'clock. It became a habit with me. Up and down I started walking on the terrace. Then I thought why not go out for a morning walk.                                                An early morning walk is so refreshing. It invigorates our body and prepares us for the day's work. I walk briskly. The air is pure, cool and fresh. I go alone. If   go with someone, talking becomes necessary. I prefer walking alone. I can then keep my thoughts to myself and enjoy the nature around. What makes me happy is the activity of birds. Their chirping is sharp and melodious. They seem 10 be preparing to welcome the rising sun.   go to a hill garden which has its up and downs—that give me exercise. The very sight of greenery in the garden cheers me up   Small dew drops on petals and leaves look more...

Introduction. Napoleon was Once asked what the great need of France was. He answered, "Nation's progress is impossible without trained and educated mothers. If the women if my country are not educated, about half the people will be ignorant. Duties of a woman have to play three roles in the course other-life. Each of these roles expected some duties from her. It is only with the help of education that she would be able to do them successfully. The first duty of a woman is to be a good daughter. The second duty \t. to be a good wife and third duty is to be a good mother. Education leaches a woman what she should be. It also teaches her how she should do it to be a good daughter, a good wife and a good mother. Advantages of an educated wife. Many men spend their evening time at clubs more...

Introduction. Shivaji was the founder of Maratha Empire in India. He was the first Hindu to establish ii Hindu empire after the Muslim rule. His birth and childhood. Shivaji was born in 1627 at Poona. His father Shahji Bhonsle was a Jagirdar. He was a general in the service of the King of Bijapur. Shivaji lived at' Bijapur- The charge of Shivaji's education fell in the hands of a Brahmin named Dadaji. His mother Jijaji Bai was a very pious lady. Shivaji got best qualities of his character from her nature. He could not learn how to read and write. But he became skilful in all sorts of manly games. When he became young, be was master of riding and arts of war and fighting. Dadaji used to read to him the stories^ of the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Thus the fire of patriotism was kindled in him while he was more...


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