"Man is a social animal", said Aristotle centuries ago and rightly so. We all need company and companionship. Life would be a burden—hard to bear—without good companions to share your joys and sorrows. Family is the first kind of companionship that a child gets as soon as he is born. He spend a few years under the protection of his family members only. As he grows up he learns to differentiate between family and strangers. Away from his family he feels unsafe. But when a child starts going to school, his social circle starts widening- He learns to find companions outside his family. He thus starts making friends as per his compatibility, likes, dislike's, interests, aptitude and attitude. I too have many friends in my class and also in my neighbourhood. I like all of them and get along very well with all of them. But Ravi is the best more...

Introduction. The postman is a Government servant. He belongs to a very important and useful department. There are post offices all over the country, in every town and every important village. Every post office has a number of postmen- The number depends upon the quantity of work. The area under a post office is divided into parts and one postman is put in charge of that part. The postman's work. Bags of letters come from different places by trains or buses. They are sorted at the post office and given to the concerned postman. They put them in their leather bags to deliver to the addressees. Each postman receives the money orders also from the post master for delivery. Then there are registered letters and insured letters and ordinary parcels add insured parcels. He puts all in a bag. If the parcel is a large one he takes another bag more...

A computer is a fast and accurate electronic data Manipulator. It is fashioned to store input data, process it as per some predefined instructions and show results.  The computer performs four basic functions, namely Input, storage, process and output. The present century is witnessing a computer revolution in which information processing and retrieval are being done accurately at tremendous speed. The data and the instructions on how to process it are kept in the- storage unit of the computer called 'memory'.  The relevant instructions fed into the computer are called ‘Program’. Usually, FORTRAN and Pascal Languages suit mathematical applications, and COBOL and Basic language are useful in other applications. In India to begin with Trade Unions opposed the introduction of computers. They were assured that the manpower which became surplus as a result of computerization would be absorbed and that no retrenchment was thought of. The first computer was installed more...

COMPUTER is a wonderful treasure trove of information and technology and is at your command to carry out your instructions with the pressing of a button. It is the realization of a fascinating dream, nourished by a number of engineers, mathematicians and scientists for a long period of time. Like the evolution of human race, the computer too has come off through a number of stages that started with the ancient ABACUS, a sort of calculating device quill- prevalent in a number of countries in the past. This w.is followed by the first AUTOMATIC CALCULATOR, invented by PASCAL, a French mathematician cum scientist. The wonder device performed addition and subtraction by means of a set of wheels that were linked to each other by gears. This was further improved by GOTTFRIED WILHELM VON LEIBNIZ, a German mathematician in early l670's. It made even the multiplication and division possible with the help of the more...

Introduction. The 15th August is the most important day in the history of India. On this day our country became free after many centuries. Preparation for the day. We celebrate this day with great real every year. this year we made great preparations in our school. Everyone of n-- was eager to take part in the Independence Day Celebration the vice principal on the 13th of August. Peregrine In the town. Early in the morning of the 15th of August we gathered in the Ramleela ground behind the bus stand near the water tank. Our teachers also joined us in a few minutes. We were divided in" lour parties. Each party singing national songs and shouting Mahatma Gandhi ki jay Bharat mata ki jay our younger companions were toll of more enthusiasm. They were shouting the storms m lops of their voice. Thus, singing and shouting national slogans we reached more...

"There is nothing permanent in life except change,” Said philosopher Heraclitus. Others have called change or variety as 'the spice of life'. So, changes (shuffle or reshuffle) in the government from time to time should come as no surprise to anyone, though changes in the political arena are often viewed with suspicion. Change is in the very nature of being. Every new day is different from the previous day. Body metabolism is one such process as also growth of trees and revolving of plants. Tides come and go. Sometimes a whole river changes its course as was the case with the Saraswati. The great insight of the enlightened, Gautam the Buddha, was the everything that is, will change and the Changed will change further. Hence, one must neither get Attached to joy (happiness) because that will pass away; nor get depressed with sorrow (suffering) because that to will pass away. more...

26 January is celebrated as Republic Day in our country. On this day in 1950, the Constitution of our country was inaugurated. The fundamental law of the land, the Constitution, born out of the deligence, conscientiousness and hard labour of our founding lathers became supreme in our country on this day. Hence, the day has its own historical importance in the history of our nation. Our Constitution is the fruit of the labour of the esteemed members of the Constituent Assembly under the Presidentship of Dr. Rajendra Prasad. Dr, B, R. Ambedkar is called the Father of our Constitution. After deeply studying the various constitutions of the world, our founding fathers framed our Constitution. It is one of the lengthiest constitutions of the world, The Constitution reflects upon the dedication and foresight of these great men, The Constitution took 2 years, 11 months and 18 days to take its final more...

Introduction. First day at school is an experience which 1 cannot forget. Its memory is still fresh in my mind. It was July 15. On way to school. I get up really in the morning on this day. I got myself prepared. With my tutu started my new school. School office and the principal’s Office. We entered the office where I found four men sitting behind the counter. My tutor got a form one of them. He tilled it, Tin-it we entered the Principal's office. Tutor gave the form lo him Hi looked at the form and struck at all. At once a peon came in. He ordered him to take us to the staff room My test and Admission In- peon led us to the room where I found the teachers round a long. My tutor gave the form to one Them. The teacher put my knowledge to lest in more...

August 15, 1947 is the day engraved in gold in the history of India. It is the day when India attained its freedom from the clutches of a long slavery of over 200 years of the British Rule. It was a long and hard struggle in which many freedom fighters and great men laid their lives for our beloved motherland. Mahalma Gandhi led the great non-violent movement against which the British had to finally succumb. The country produced great leaders and patriots like Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Subhash Chandra Bose, Dr Rajendra Prasad, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Laid Lajpat Rai, Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak, Sardar Valldbh Bhai Patel, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru and Chandra Shekhar Azad. The struggle for Independence was such a moving force that it united all the people belonging to different castes, classes and beliefs into a single nation. Women also came out of their houses and significantly contributed to more...

Rivers occupy an important place in the Economy of India. They provide irrigation to parched lands. They are used for navigation. Fishermen catch fish from rivers for a livelihood. Villagers find rivers handy for their day-to- day needs of water. Habitations flourish on the banks-of rivers. A number of big cities as Hardwar, Allahabad, varnashi, Patna and Kolkata came up on the banks of rivrers. India is fortunate in having a number of rivers— satlaj, Beas, Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, Mahanadi, Brahmaputra.. These have water the whole year round. At Times, these rivers are in spate owing to excessive Rain    or melting snow. They overflow their banks causing misery to people. Men and cattle are affected. Standing crops  are damaged. Though big dams have been built— the problem is solved only to some extent. A flood is a  natural calamity. Every year some part of the country or the other is more...


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