Devotion   is the easiest way to get liberation. If god is “simple” and easily approachable as our spiritual guides Tell us, why then the numerous sacred texts, which project His qualities, are complicated, giving scope for divergent   commentaries and even for criticism by some? These  works will appear tough and controversial only  To an ordinary  individual but even he can get enlightened  When the  contents are properly analysed and presented  For those who are keen to approach god. The gita and Sri Madhwacharya's commentary on it resolve apparent inconsistencies therein, spelling out the theme relating to obtaining liberation which a Struggling soul will be keen to secure. What then is the Easiest and effective means to be adopted to seek Liberation is the question that may arise in many minds as they have before them several avenues. “Devotion” to god with intense faith, sincerity and love” Is the simplest way more...

Many people do not have much leisure but those who ought to utilize it well—the rich and the poor alike. The rich while away their leisure time in clulm OF hotels giving parties to their friends and relatives. The poor during off-time may indulge in gossiping or daydreaming. This is not a good way of spending one’s free time. Those who daydream may end up in frustration owing to disappointment. It could lead to despair and nervous breakdown. Similarly, gossip or idle talk or playing cards results in wastage of energy. One who gossips and speaks against anyone is considered am unreliable person. Utilisation of one's leisure time calls for imagination While making a choice out of many ways of spending our time, we ought to ensure that it restores our lost energy and cheers us up. There are a good number of   The hobby that fits our interest, nature more...

Introduction. A camp fire is a function which the scouts arrange. It is a branch of scout movement. The games which the scouts play give joy of spectators. Preparations for camp fire in my school. A camp fire was arranged in our school last year on the night of November 2U. All this coots of local schools and colleges look part in it. Preparations were made a few days before. Our scout master Mr. P.N. Mitra made all the necessary arrangements for the function. Beginning of the function. All the troops assembled in the field at 7-30 P.M. The guests had their own blankets because the weather grew cold in the evening, in the light of the fire the function began at 8 p.m. At once four scouts ran In the fire wood from four directions. Each of them had a burning marshal in his hand. They put them into more...

Introduction. We see a street hawker here, there and everywhere He is a common man in our streets. We see him generally near school, fairs, and corners of a road or near stations. He hawks his wares all day long. His dress. The street hawker's dress is very ordinary. He puts on poor looking shirt and a pair of pyjamas. He wears a big turban on his head. His clothes have stains of perspiration grease and dirt. He uses dirty piece of cloth as a duster. He often carries a bell in his right hand and a cane stand in his left hand. His articles. He deals in things of daily use. They consist of vegetables, fruits, clothes, utensils, sweets, ice-cream, parched grams, soap and toys. He places these things in a large iron tray. The tray is Placed on a four feet high cane stand- He does not cover more...

The choice is wholly yours: bhoga or yoga. "Right Intention is to the actions of a man what the soul is to the body, or the root to the tree," said Jeremy Taylor.  What you seek as your highest goal depends on who you think you are. If you think you are just a physical entity Subject to biological laws, the highest goal you can aim for would very likely have physical limits, says Ramanuja. You culd just and up seeking physical gratification.  In other words, human suffering is the result of our own Opinion and aspirations. Scientists tell us that we are the sum of our genes. The Genetic rude has, however, no impact in determining the Two vital of human beings: character and conduct. Human beings have the capacity to adapt, to change, To evolve from one stage of mental evolution to another. The capacity to change is more...

The other day I was communting to school by bus. The bus was overcrowded. It had passengers almost double its capacity. The driver applied brakes all of a sudden. Owing to the jerk passengers lost their balance and fell on one another. One of the passengers was an old-lady. She could not get up after the fall. The woman gathered her wits and strength in a short while. She looked for her purse in her sweeter pocket. It was gone. The conductor took pity on the old lady and blew the whistle for the bus to stop. The bus stopped. Some passengers raised objections for delaying the bus. There were others who in sympathy with the old lady demanded that a search be carried out no matter what. Who could object to it? A search was conducted. Everyone was asked to dip his hands in his pockets. There was one more...

Introduction. On annual funcuon we decided to stage a drama. The choice of play fell upon me. Within a few days, I wrote the drama and named it “The Struggle of a Boy". The selections of actors. Now the problem of selection of actors arose. Orr music teacher took this work in his hand. He selected me for the role of the hero. He selected other senior students for other character1.. Shri Raj supervised the whole show. The beginning of the play. Exactly at- 30p.m. the first bell rang. The hall was full of guests- The volunteers were helping them in finding out their proper seats. The crowd filled our hearts with pride. After the second bell the Principal went up to the dais. He made a .brief speech requesting the people not to Judge the performance critically. On his request the District Judge performed the opening ceremony. The curtain arose more...

Introduction. The monkey-man is a common figure in a town or a village. He goes from town to town and village to village. He has a monkey and a little drum with him. He announces his daily visit by the beat of his drum. Boys and girls run from their houses to see his monkeys and their feats. His appearance. The monkey-man is a peculiar Figure; He belongs to a lower class called Kanjar. He has an unlearned beard on his dirty face. His dress is always loose on his body which is quite sturdy. He is generally dressed in poor and shabby clothes. His kurta hangs from his shoulders reaching down his ankles. He wears a lehmad instead of pair of pyjamas and pants. His performance. When boys and girls gather round him in quite a large number he stops healing the little drum. Then he lies his monkey more...

Meditation is way of living full of love and consciousness. It is not about going to temples, praying hurriedly and yet continue living life mechanically and accidentally. Meditation means to bring spiritual awareness to each act—big and small. The quality of love and acts of meditation go hand in Hand. If you meditate, says osha, you will be simply Loving; it will be just a quality of your being. And then It has a   different flavour and does not create a bondage. then you share unconditionally and your love is just the way you naturally are.  Osha tells a story. Once a mystic was travelling with his disciples. They come to a sarai. In the morning, the keeper of the sarai offered tea and snacks. While they were drinking their tea, suddenly, the keeper fell at the master’s feet, ecstatic—crying with joy.  The disciples were puzzled. How could he know more...

People busy in different kinds of work to earn their livelihood get some spare time—more or less. Some folk spend this leisure time in gossip or playing cards; others utilize this time in pursuing a hobby. The purpose of a hobby is not monetary benefit—a hobby gives pleasure and relaxation. If a person does his professional work continuously, he will become machine-like, mechanical. He needs time off for change. Different people have different hobbies. Selection of a hobby depends on time available, money one is willing to spend and one's aptitude. A hobby does give a person a sense of well-being and cheer. Some people spend their spare time reading books, magazines and newspapers. Some collect stamps, coins. Keeping pets is another hobby. Photography as a hobby is quite popular but is expensive. Swimming, fishing, trekking, travel, could also be hobbies. So also collection of autograph of distinguished persons.  Gardening more...


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