Introduction. One of the most interesting matches is ‘tug of war’ it is a pure trial of physical strength between two parties. How this game is played? In order to play this game one long, thick and strong rope is required. The rope is generally made of coconut fibers. There is mark to indicate the middle of the rope. The contesting learns take hold of hall the rope on each side. Each player grips it very hard with his hands and he puts his feet firmly on the ground sometimes the last man on each side ties the   remaining part of the rope round his body and waist-The referee stands in the centre of the rope. When both parties li.ive adjusted their positions he shouts ‘pull’ or gives a long whistle. Immediately the tug of war logins. Each party tries to pull in his own direction-The spectators cheer and clap. more...

Divine directives have to be obeyed. Several are the categorical assurances given by god to men of deep faith to save them from ordeals (which have been made known in the holy texts). One among such statements refers to the bed elements "who disturb the peace of devotees who abile by this Law of Righteousness". “When hatred develops in the mind of an individual towards various gods, the Vedas, the bovine race, the pious souls towards the virtuous and myself, that person will surely perish before long", says the Lord in the Gita.  He gave a long rope to one such individual who claimed Himself to be god and forced everyone to recognise him alone as "supreme". However when he overstepped his limits and tortured his child, who defied him, reposing full confidence only in drive dispensation, god interfered and protected him from different dangers and punished the evildoer. In more...

Rabindranath Tagore's birth anniversary falls on May 9.'On this occasion may we look into the spiritual insights in Ins works. Said he: "Love gives beauty to everything it touches. Not greed and utility; they produce offices, but not dwelling houses. To be able to love material things, to clothe them with tender grace, and yet not be attached to them, this is a great service." One of his most memorable poem's begins thus: "The world is insane with violence, every day there emerges a new kind of cruel conflict". He goes on to pray to god to instile love and wisdom into a world afflicted with myriad ills. This reflects the gist of Tagore's spiritual  humanism. Stressing the need for spiritual freedom, he referred. To the uncontrolled excesses of passion that upset our balance and obscure the underlying harmony between the individual and universal spirit. This malady, that he called more...

Introduction. There are four seasons in our country. Summer is one of them. It comes in the month of April and lasts till Julv-In England, the. Summer is a happy lime. But in India it is very hot. It is so hot in India that all schools. Colleges and some of Government offices and courts are closed for the summer vacation. Morning in summer. In summer the morning is the busiest time.  People are seen walking about doing their business. The rich people who have no work go out for a walk- Only la-? People remain lying on their beds. Some boys and men go out for a bath in the river, canal or tank. The market is busy. The people try to finish all their work as quickly as possible. Noon inside and outside. At noon, the towns and cities loot; descried. The -shopkeepers are dozing. There are few more...

Introduction. Walking tour with a party of a few friends is a very pleasant thing. But a tour on cycle is more pleasant.    The occasion. In the month of November last year, one of our friends proposed that we should go to Agra on cycles the next Sunday.  The distance from our village was 20 kilometers. The proposal was liked by all of us. We agreed. Each of us had to make some purchase at Agra. We decided to meet at 6 a.m. at school. We were five in number. The experience. We reached the school at a fixed time with cycles and money. We started. The road was smooth and fine. There was no traffic. It was morning. So we pedalled quickly. We had gone about four or five Kilometers when the sun rose behind us. There was pleasant breeze. The weather was fine. We were full of joy. more...

Since the advent of internationalism, nations of the World have become members of the world community.   Countries have become interdependent. It is not possible for any single state to produce all that it needs, as natural resources in variety and reserves, are limited to certain areas only. So export is very necessary in the modern civilized World prior to Independence, the pattern of trade of India was typically colonial. India used to supply only Raw materials to industrialized nations—as a result there was no industrial development in India.  In the beginning, after Independence, we imported Heavy machinery that we could not produce ourselves. At The same time the aim of the government was to become Salf-sufficient in producing as many goods as it was possible Markets had to be located for our finished products India's exports before Independence proved harmful to the economy of India. We were exporting only raw more...

I have seen some beautiful places that are located in India. Kashmir is really a heaven on earth with scenic beauty and bracing climate. Close to Srinagar are those long tall pine trees. Mumbai, the gateway of India is a natural harbour with beautiful surroundings. Chandigarh, a union territory housing the capitals of Punjab and Haryana, is a planned and most well laid out city with neat and clean tarred roads speaks volumes of the skill of the French designer who planned it in the first place. The Taj in Agra is the most beautiful tomb that symbolises eternal love. But I have not seen a more beautiful place than the Mughal Gardens at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. The Mughal Gardens at Rashtrapati Bhavan were laid out by the British and is a replica of the Nishat or Shalimar Gardens in Srinagar. It is called Mughal Gardens as it more...

Introduction. During the Christmas of 1978 an interesting football match was played between St. John's College and Government College, Agra. It was the final match of the inter-college tournament of the year. The two teams were well-known for their game. The details of the game. The match began punctually at 4 p.m. in the sunny weather. For the first ten minutes the two teams were evenly balanced. The ball remained mostly in the central area of the field. The Government College team began to press their opponents slowly. Their two forward players made great effects   to lake the hall to Opponent’s side but the St. John's College hacks put up a mighty defense. Thus the game grew more exciting. The spectators cheered and clapped loudly at every fine kick the player gave. Neither side was able to score any goal till half lime. People began to think that the match more...

Introduction. The success or failure of a school depends upon its Principal. A Principal has a very important place in the working of school. He can improve the standard of education in the school. He is a central figure in   a school, Being a Principal of My School. If 1 were the Principal of my school, I would introduce the following:- Coeducation. First. I would introduce co-education- Time has come, when boys and girls should lie educated together.  Girls generally are more hard working than boys. There will be a healthy competition between boys and girls. Boys will be encouraged to work hard id outshine girls. Compulsory Games for Students. Secondly, I would try to make games compulsory for all students. It is on the playground that the feelings or brotherhood, discipline and social service are created among hoys. The team work becomes their habit. The Duke of Wellington once more...

Introduction.  Last year Madan, a well-known wrestler of Gwalior, threw a challenge to the wrestlers of his district. The challenge was taken up by Harinath. A match was arranged between them on the Dussehra day. Great Crowd of people. The news of the match caused a stire in the town. The entry was by tickets. Thousands of people gathered to sec the match. My friend Mohan and I also purchased tickets. As we entered the arena we saw it was full of spectators. Every inch of space was occupied. Many other wrestlers were present to see the match Description of the match. At 4 p.m. two wrestle jumped into the   arena they shook hands with each other. Madan was a tall, heavy and well-built. He seemed to be full of energy.  Harinath was short, ratherthin but muscular. At first we thought that harinath was no match forMadan. Madan seemed to more...


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