Archives November 2012

The Gemini Circus is one of the most popular circusshows in India. It brings actors/ acrobats andperformers from various parts of the country. Theyperform tricks that attract everybody and people liketo visit the circus again and again. The circus has lions, elephants and horses. Animals aretrained by experts and we often see dogs, rabbits, bears,monkeys etc. Performing tricks that we could never beable to imagine them being capable of. We visited the circus last week and it was a memorable experience. We reached the circus gate at 5.00 pm and purchasedour tickets for the entrance. My classmates were with meana we were all looking forward to the gymnasticfeats and the various amazing things that the animals did. We sat down comfortably with our packets of chips andpopcorn when all of a sudden we heard the loud trumpeting of an elephant. An acrobat sat on the elephant’s back. She suddenly began more...

My winter vacation had just begun when T received aninvitation from my cousin to visit her at Lucknow. Dueto official reasons, my parents offered me the chanceto travel alone. I accepted. There was nothing to fear as my father escorted me tomy reserved berth and further, my uncle had confirmedto be at the station to receive me. On Friday I boarded the Lucknow Mail from New Delhi railway station. It departed at 9.30 pm. I waved as long as I could see my father and thenmonkeyed up to my reserved berth. I placed my small Suitcase and a handbag in one corner and made myself comfortable. I had rented a pillow and a blanket and tucked myself cozily. I looked around at the passengers near me. A touring executive was on the berth at my level. On the four Berths below me were a family. Parents and their two pretty more...

When we speak of universal education as one of thecharacteristics of highly modernized societies and as one ofthe special problems of latecomers to modernization, we meanas a minimum attaining universal or nearly universal literacy. Contrary to our general belief, the great change in historywith regard to literacy rates was not a consequence of theinvention of printing. It is true that China and Japan probablyhad higher literacy rates than any other non-modernizedpeoples, but it is extremely doubtful that literacy ratesexceeded 30 percent of the population concerned either beforeor after printing was invented. The discovery of printing inEurope many centuries later in the fifteenth century did notlead to anything approaching universal literacy, indeed, it isextremely doubtful that literacy rates reached or exceeded 30percent in European settings until well into the nineteenthcentury. Printing has its relevance no doubt, and one wouldnot wish to cite it, but modernization is a more crucial variablein predicting more...

It is believed that India is likely to become a fullydeveloped nation by 2020. In any case, I can have a Dream about India. The India of my dreams will be afully developed nation. In the India of my dreams, there will be no poverty, no illiteracy, no disease, no unemployment, no scams, no Shortages of food and no serious problems. In such an India population -will have stabilized. Allthe People will be literate, highly learned and skilled. It will be an egalitarian society in India that I dream of. There will be no wide disparity in incomes and Possession of property and hence no heart-burning. In the India of my dreams, there will be nocommunalism. All communities, even while observing their own different rituals and having different faithsand creeds will live in peace and respect each other's Sentiments. Such an India will be a strong world power both ineconomic more...

Media Violence in Children's Lives During the past decade, America has witnessed an alarming increase in the incidenceof violence in the lives of children. On a daily basis, childrenin America are victims of violence, as witnesses to violent actsin their homes or communities, or as victims of abuse, neglect,or personal assault. The causes of violent behavior in societytire complex and interrelated. Among the significant contributors are poverty, racism, unemployment, illegal drugs, inadequate or abusive parenting Practices, and real-life adult models of violent problem-solvingbehavior. At the same time that there has been anincrease in number of reported violent acts directed at children, beer. An increase in the amount and severity of violentHi Is observed by children through the media, including television, movies, computer games, and videotapes and anincrease in the manufacture and distribution of weapon-liketoys and other products directly linked to violentprogramming. In response. Governing Board appointed a panel of more...

In India, there are certain things which do not changeor if they change, they change only to take a more Negative shape. This is true about most of the Indianinures while leaving some scope for exceptions which are always there in all ventures, good or bad? With the passage of time, the noisiness andexpensiveness of Indian marriages has attained dizzy Heights. We might blame the elders for being superstitious, but we fail to realize that any amount of superstiousness is at least better than vulgarity and rowdyism. Last Sunday, I was invited to the marriage of one of my relatives. I was on the girl's side. The poor girl had been subjected to horrendous treats of facials, waxings, fruits pastes on the face, Mehandi, Powders, chemicals, even petrol which was mixed in the so-called Kali Mehandi and was smeared on her' delicate hands, arms, feet and legs. But all were more...

Approaching the Essay As a student you will almost certainly have to produce essays during your course. Some will be written during term time and contribute to course work assessment, others will be answers to questions set in formal examinations. An essay is usually defined as a continuous piece of writing ranging in length from at least 500 words to about 5,000 words for a special or extended essay. But this booklet is not just about 'writing' essays, it's about the various stages you need to consider when producing an essay and about the ways in which producing an essay helps you to learn. The time given to each of these stages will of course vary according to the conditions surrounding any particular essay. Let's look at the first stage -which is approaching the essay. Why write essays? If we understand the value of doing something, it usually helps to more...

Multicultural Education History, Past Challenges: One of themajor goals of the American school system is to provide allchildren with equal educational opportunity. However, withregard to minority students, meeting?, particular objective has presented a real challenge to educators as they have beenconfronted with the task of reshaping education in themultilingual, multicultural society that characterizes the UnitedStates. Many significant events contributed to the need ofschool reform. The Civil Rights movement launched by African Americans in (he 1960's, which resulted in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, triggered major social changes in the' direction ofquality and jusstice for all. Consequently, the US Department of Education was charged " conduct a survey onavailability of equal educational opportunity and to provide technical and financial assistance to school boards in carrying  out  plans for the desegregation of public schools". Changing immigration patterns .also occurring since the 19n0's brought educational issues to the forefront more...

Fairs and festivals hold a special value in our life. Theirplace is permanent. We can miss our important choresbut not our festivals. Since they are the very life-breathof our religion and culture. They remind us of oursplendid past. The festival of Raksha Bandhan is the festival of pure love and brotherhood. Sisters tie sacred threads to the Wrists of their brothers, thereby reminding them of theirgreat responsibility. The brothers pledge to defend the honour of their sisters.This bond of love and affection is very unique. A piece of thread becomes a sacred promise, never to be snapped. It is renewed every year. This bond of love Takes a permanent shape. All over India sisters—married or unmarried young orold visit their brothers. They tie the piece of thread. They offer sweets and pray for the long life of their brothers.In return, the brothers give them some token money.The idea is to more...

Sometimes, parents advise their children not to playwith bad boys. Who are those bad boys whose companyis desired to be shunned? They are, actually just children as all other children.Only they have bad manners. In other words, they don'tobserve good manners or they don't know what goodmanners are. Maybe, they haven't been guided properly by theirparents or guardians or they are so headstrong that theyhaven't learnt to do any good in life nor perhaps theyhave any inclination to do so. If good manners are so important, then, of course, theymust be learnt and followed. Good manners sometimesoverlap with good habits. Such are rising early in the morning, brushing one's teeth, having a regular bath, putting on neat and clean clothes, polishing one's shoes daily, going to schoolregularly and punctually, having meals at regular times, not talking while eating, obeying and respectingteacher, parents and elders, reading good books, doinghomework regularly, etc. more...


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