Archives November 2012

Introduction. Every village has a well in its centre. Villager’s lake water from it for drinking and washing purposes. The well has a raised. Platform around it. The villagers draw water by means of buckets. Activities of young women along the well. Some young women come to the. Well daily to draw water. They cleanse their utensils then'. Their sweet smiles with shining eyes show that they are cracking jokes with one another. Next moment they become serious. Perhaps they have seen some elderly man coming towards the well. Some woman sing sweet songs. See how nicely they walk with piles of pots on the" heads'. At some distance from the well you can ace some women washing;.' their clothes. Their tongues pour out ill talks about others. Again in- village well is a news agency. Here you can get all kinds of reports. True and false, about the people. A more...

Introduction. Men are a social being. He is always eager to see his friends and relatives. In olden days people did not like to take long journeys. There were no quick means of travelling. Old means of travelling. In the beginning legs were man's means of travelling. He was never satisfied with his legs. Next to legs came animals, horse, camel, elephant, ox-donkey, pony and yak. All have been serving us since ancient times. On plains we use horse. But in desert the camel is the only means of travelling. Bullock cart, horse and Pony. In the villages there are no roads. People make use of bullock cart. In the same way people make use of horse. We use pony on mountains. No importance of animals at present. Animals have lost their importance at present. We do not use them as means of the travelling. We like to travel by more...

Introduction. A citizen is one who has common Interest with others. He lives with others in the same place and under the same government. Because I am the citizen of Gwalior, I lake interest in its affairs. The Importance of duty for a man. I know well that to have a right is one thing and to enjoy in a proper way is another. So I care more of my duties than my rights. I always try to increase the happiness of my companions. Being a student of tenth class I remove the difficulties of my younger brethren in school time. By helping them in their studies. I add something to their knowledge. My only motive is to sec my school companions better and happier than they are now. The duties that I do in school i am doing my best to do my duties well. 1 follows the laws more...

Introduction. Many months ago I went to Missouri with my friends. All of us formed a good company. We had good lime on I In way. We reached there in a bus. On the top of the hill. One day, we reached the top of the highest hill. It is called the Lal Tabby. We were tired. But we were pleased to see the top. We lay down .on the hard surface. We gave full rest to our tired limbs. The air was quite fresh and cool. We breathed freely. The natural scenery was very charming. The beauty of nature charmed us We looked around and below the hill. The green hill. The hill was not bare. It had a very large number of trees and plants. Some plants bore flowers of different colours. The colors of flowers were quite different from the flowers in the plains. There were very more...

Introduction. I am a good player. Hence I take part in all the outdoor games. Each boy has his own choice. Some like hockey, others like football, white. Many others consider cricket to be their best game. The game which i like most is football. The points in favour of my choice. Now you can ask me why 1 prefer football to any other game Well, it can he easily explained. The main object of all games is to give us some exercise. This is one reason why football is my favoutite game. It helps our body to grow. It brings a sense of discipline   and a habit of endurance in us. A good football player is sure to .succeed in any walk of life. He can make himself a great soldier to defend his country. He can be a clever statesman to run the government. Comparison with other games. But more...

Introduction. Problem of risin-priccs is the burning problem at present. Prices of all things have been rising very rapidly. They have gone up twenty times. Causes of rising price. (1) A developing country. India is a developing country. In a developing country prices are bound to go up. (2) Hoarding tendency. There are no actual shortages of anything In the country. But there is shortage of honesty only. The businessmen create artificial shortage of food grains. So the prices go up day by day. . (3)  Population explosion. Our population is increasing very rapidly. Now our population is more than SO errors. Food grains have not increased in proportion of increase in population. (4) Deficit financing. The deficit financing in the plans is also responsible for the. Roaring prices. (5) Useless plans. Much money is spent on some plans which do not seem to be useful. (6) Increase in the more...

Introduction, The market of my town Is very important. There is no other place of grain market in the area of so much brisk business as this market is. Situation of the market. The market itself is in the centre of the town. All important bazaars of the town lead to this market. It has .square shape. There is an open ground in the middle of the shops. There are shops on the four sides of the big square. The main shopkeepers are regents. Their trade is chiefly export and import of grains. There are a few shops which meet needs of the people who visit the market for purchase. Scene of crowd in the market. The crowd scene in the market is very interest. It is a centre of attraction for both buyers and sellers. I always find a big crowd here. Businessmen come from far and wide. They more...

Introduction. A hospital has several wards. There are female ward, outdoor patients ward and emergency ward. These wards are joined together except the segregated ward. Sight of the building. The building of a hospital la like any other building. It is beautifully built. It has a large number of doors, windows and ventilators. The rooms are full of good articles of furniture. But its furniture is different from house-hold funiture in many ways. Each room has iron beds. Surroundings. The surroundings of the hospital are quite neat and clean. Each ward has a garden in front of it. It adds to the beauty of the hospital. All the wards are neat and clean. . Operation theatre. There is special hall. It is called operation theatre. No one except doctors and the nurses is allowed to enter it, Operations are done here. It is fitted with surgical instruments. Description of a more...

Introduction. In September last, my father went to Delhi from Allahabad by a plane. He had to attend the meetings of the Revered I requested him to take me with him. He agreed. I was very much pleased. The aerodrome. My father is an M.P. He went in a car from Allahabad Id aerodrome in the morning. Our .seals had already been reserved. I was much pleased to see the aerodrome. I saw a number of aero planes I here. One aero plane just came in- ground. People god down from it. Some were being cleaned and repaired- Our plane was ready for the flight. The aero plane. Our luggage was put in the plane. We entered it. I wondered to see the plane. I had seen a plain. From a distance. Never thought that it was so lug. The plane was standing on wheels. It had two large wings. more...

Introduction. We all earn our bread by doing some work. That work is our profession. We all like to do that work which gives us money and requires us to do little. But this is not possible and we have to choose a work which we can do and for which we have an interest. Points to be considered. Unfortunately there are many people I this world who are doing a work for which they are not Fit. Therefore, we should consider well before taking up any work. The first point to him considered is our natural taste and liking for a work. The second Point is the physical Fitness. The third point is the means by which we May prosper in that work. Reason for the choice. Generally people are interested in the work of their forefathers, because it is very easy for them. Moreover they have experience of more...


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