Archives November 2012

First of all, what do we mean by 'discipline'? I would say that discipline means "controlling one's behaviour'. Why would one want to control one's behaviour? The reasons are obvious. We live in this world with many other people, each one unique and different. In order to live together harmoniously we must have some sort of etiquettes guiding our social behaviour. Without these we would differ so much that there would be chaos and we would not be able to live together at all. However, too much discipline can become inhibitive to the point that our creative energy does not find any outlet. This can cause more problems than solving some In school, there are codes of behaviour defined for the smooth running of the school. We have to come to school at a fixed time and all lessons and activities are carried out according to a schedule. This is more...

Atul is my next-door neighbour We live in a neighbourhood comprising people of different regions and cultures. Most of my neighbours are from the lower income groups and as such all of them work hard for a living. There are rubber tappers, labourers, clerks, fishmongers, doctors and contractors. Some are unemployed. Nevertheless, we live in harmony and we help each other out whenever we can. Of all these hard-working people, there is none who can match Atul He is a person with boundless energy and possesses a single-minded drive. By looking at a typical day in his life we can get an idea about his work-load. Atul gets up at three in the morning. I can hear him getting ready to leave the house because the thin wooden wall that separates our houses does not prevent sound from passing through, I know he goes straight to the fish market to more...

Anger is one of the most devastating emotions that a person can have. When a person becomes angry, he loses his senses and can do things that normally he would not do. However, after the deed is done, it becomes a cause for regret. I had an experience with a soldier when both of us became angry and said things we never should have said. It all started one day when the soldier's son, a little boy of six or seven, walked by my house and started throwing stones at my dog. Unfortunately for him, the front gate was open and my dog ran out and gave him a bite that drew blood. The boy ran home and the next thing I knew, his father, a big burly fellow, was at my gate demanding componsation. At that time I was a hot-headed youngster of fifteen and though I stood a more...

Man has the intelligence to make use of animals for his own benefit. The ways in which man uses animals are many and varied. Sometimes, however, man goes beyond the borders of human decency by misusing the very animals that serve him. Take for example the dog. Most people keep dogs as pets-cum-guards. These faithful animals are fed and looked after in exchange for their vigilance and obedience. Most dog-owners love their dogs and take good care of them- A dog is a man's best friend", is a popular saying that is undoubtedly true. The dog is a very useful animal. It is an indispensable part of the police force, Bomb Detection Squads and a dozen other security organizations. It serves as a guide-dog for the blind, a retriever for the hunter and a clown for the circus. What a versatile and intelligent animal it is! Yet some so-called human more...

It was on a fine morning in October when I was summoned, together with four of my other classmates, to the Principal's office! The person who summoned us was none other than the head-monitor himself. While we headed unsteadily toward the Principal's office, we tried to figure out what offence we had committed to warrant this "call-up". We could not think of any. So, we were in the Principal's chamber and what a surprise we received! Fifteen of us, from various classes, were made class-monitors! It was far from some unpleasant event that we had expected. There we stood in the Principal's office; the cream of students, or so it seemed. I could not figure out the reason for my appointment as a monitor. So began a completely new phase in my school life. It was strange to wear the blue shirt of a monitor and the extra heavy badge more...

The main roads, highways and the expressways in our country are used by many types of vehicles. Cars, lorries and motorcycles travel along them. The roads in cities and towns are often choked with vehicles until traffic jams are created. The roads that link big towns are also so full of vehicles that it is almost impossible to go any faster than the slow lorries. The jams and the crawling pace are unavoidable and tolerated as much as possible However, the danger posed by such overcrowding is something else. Traffic accidents take hundreds of lives each year and cause many more people to be scarred and maimed. The newspapers and TV' channels carry news of such accidents everyday. Sometimes whole of a family is wiped out and we read the news like "it took two hours to extricate the mangled bodies from the wreck." Thus, it is of utmost importance more...

Introduction. The cycle is one of the means of travelling. It is very useful in covering short distances. Hence we see one, two or more cycles in every house. In India the number of the cycles is greater than the number in any other country of the world. In India Delhi has the biggest number of cycles. Pleasures of cycling. We can go on our cycles where we like. We need not roads for this purpose though roads are more suited to cycling. As we travel along on cycle, we enjoy fresh air. Outdoor life gives us many advantages. New scenes meet our eyes. Our mind is free from the serious thoughts. We forget bitterness of life as long as we are on the bicycle. Again, cycle is a boon lo those who live in cities and towns. They have very few chances to en joy nature. But on cycle more...

Introduction. In olden times women in India had the place of slaves Men considered them weaker. Hence they imprisoned them within the four walls of home. In other words, Men lorded over them and kept them under their thumb. The girls were taught to obey their husbands blindly after their marriage. Their position in free India. Now India is changing fast. Still the women are treated as inferior to men. A. female child, girl, is not welcomed in an Indian house. She is looked upon as a curse for the family Parents think a girl a decree on them. Hence girl is not treated in the manner in which the boy is treated. As wife she is no better. She has always to obey her husband. She depends on her husband even for bread Even education could not bring change ''n the outlook of the educated husband. An educated husband more...

Introduction. Our leader’s right from Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru down to the Present Prime Minister said that India does not want to go nuclear in the sense of building up nuclear war-potential. It is now high time we should give a fresh thought to it. This is essential by the fact that our immediate neighbor under the military government has acquired a nuclear capacity. Although we have been trying our level best to be on friendly terms with Pakistan. The leaders of Pakistan have always been thwarting our peaceful and friendly gestures. Confirmation of Pakistan getting ready for manufacturing nuclear bomb. The earlier suspicion that Pakistan had been acquiring nuclear material and was getting ready to manufacture a nuclear bomb in a very short time has been confirmed on official grounds. Pakistan now has a military nuclear capability. Another important thing is that Pakistan has purchased the ultra modern nuclear more...

Introduction. The proverb "All work and no' play makes Jack a dull boy" is quite correct. This shows the need for rest, recreation and fun after doing hard work. Tiresome and constant work becomes a burden if we fail to get rest. So holidays are necessary. They remove fatigue from our body. They give comfort to our mind. Different kinds of holidays. There are two kinds of holidays - (1) Short holidays and (2) long holidays. Sunday is a short holiday. It gives us time to do our urgent work which we cannot do on account of busy life and routine work. We get long holidays on the occasion of festivals. Generally, such holidays are spent in celebrating festivals or to get recreation. Students get summer vacation which lasts for two months. How to make use of holidays? We must use long holidays in a proper way. A programme must more...


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