Street quarrels are very common features of city life. They occur sometimes due to bad temper and sometimes due to greedy nature of some wicked man. Whatever may be the cause behind street quarrels, one thing is clear that most of the time people join the fight for mere joy showing off their fighting spirit and thus create an unwanted scene polluting the whole atmosphere of their surroundings.  A few days back a quarrel took an ugly turn when the persons involved in it forgot all civic sense. There is generally a great rush of traffic in the school street at 1:30 pm because it is the time when the school is over for the day. The street is not so wide. One man with a heavy load had obstructed the narrow passage. Soon a man on a scooters and an auto rickshaw driver tried to surpass but none of more...

I am a young boy enjoying every second of my life. I don't have a dull moment from the time I get up in the morning till I go to bed at night. I rise at cock-crow everyday and refresh myself in the toilet. Then I start the day with a quick run round the field to warm myself up. It makes me feel fresh for the whole day. Back home, I find my mother awake. The breakfast is served on the table. A few slices of bread and a glass of milk or a boiled egg are all that I have for breakfast. There is a lot of homework to do. By the time I finish, it is time for school. I am hungry enough to relish every single dish that Mummy cooks for me. Then I proceed to school. I feel a thrill when I learn something new. more...

"There are... fixed boundaries, beyond and about which that which is right cannot exist." Horace, Satires, Book 1 (35 B.C.E.) Vernier callipers are a sliding, adjustable-jaw device for measuring distances of a few centimeters to an accuracy of 0.01 centimeters. A main (ruler) scale is marked off with 0.1 centimeter divisions. Sliding parallel and alongside the main scale is a much smaller vernier scale on which ten divisions are equally spaced over 0.9 centimeters of the main scale. To subdivide the 0.1 centimeter division on the main scale into ten, the user has to select the nearest vernier division that is in line with one of the main scale divisions. The scale was invented by French scientist and engineer Pierre Vernier (1580-1637), and the details were published in his 1631 book, La Construction, I'usage, et les proprietes du quadrant nouveau de mathematiques (The Construction, Uses, and Properties of a New more...

The unprecedented rise in prices of almost all the important necessities of life has posed a serious problem before us. Millions of people find it hard to earn one square meal a day, because prices of food grains, edible oils, sugar and other food articles have been rising very rapidly. This has caused great unrest among common people. The annual average of whole sale prices index always shows an increasing trend. This alarming rate of increase in prices has thrown the country's economic out of gear and made common man's life miserable. Millions in India to-day sleep without food at night. All their day's work does not even promise them sufficient to eat and drink. Everybody is complaining of increasing prices day by day.  Prices have become double in the last few years and there are many things which are now beyond the reach of common people. This phenomenal increase more...

Life is not a bed of roses. There are more sorrows than joys in life. If someone thinks deeply about it and becomes upset, he can never be happy. We cannot ignore the bitter truths of life and can only search some moments of happiness to keep ourselves satisfied.  The idea of a happy life differs from man to man. True happiness is just a state of mind. It is no way connected with material glory and eminence. There are people who think that happiness is hidden in wealth. These people are very much sure that the rich lot enjoy life to its fullest. They do what they wish with no worry at all. If this were true, kings and millionaires would be perfectly happy. They would then know no sorrow. But this is not the fact. They are hardly happy. Again there are people who find happiness in high more...

Although I have many friends within the country, but I have always wished to cultivate a friend in a foreign country. The other day I was going through a magazine and came across the addresses of many children from the world over who were desirous to make pen friends. I looked for the name and the country that I liked. I wanted a pen friend in the United States of America as I found the culture of that country very different from ours. At last I found the address of Mary who lives in San Francisco. She is fifteen- year-old and is the daughter of a doctor. Her parents love her dearly as she is the only child in the family. She wrote to me as soon as she received my first letter and I was very much touched by her warmth and friendliness. Mary loves America  a lot. She more...

Accidents are very common in big cities than in small towns Saw a bus accident yesterday. It took place in the open. I was going to Agra. The bus left Shekohabad and reached near the canal bridge. The road rises very high at the bridge from both the sides. Unfortunately a car was coming from the opposite direction. Both the drivers forgot to blow the horns, since they did not see anything ahead. The car being new made no sound. As our bus reached the bridge the car came up suddenly. The driver of our bus became nervous. He lost his presence of mind. He tried to put the brakes but there was no time. So he gave a sudden turn to the wheels. Unluckily the road was not very broad at the bridge. The canal was deep on both sides. The result was that the driver could not control more...

I cannot say exactly whether he caught me or I caught him, but I was made the hero of the day. It all happened when I was travelling in a local bus. It was packed to capacity. Some commuters were virtually hanging on the rails. I was trying to move forward to seek a comfortable place. Suddenly, I saw a man putting his hands in the back pocket of another passenger. First, I grew nervous but soon I calmed down and alerted other passengers. They caught him red handed. He struggled hard to get away from them. He showed his empty hands to plead innocence. I refuted his claim and told everyone that I had seen him putting his hands in the back pocket of one of the passengers. The pick-pocket caught me by the collar and challenged me to prove it. I struggled hard to get myself free but more...

There are two main pillars of human life-man and woman. Both share equal responsibility in the making of society and hence both are supplement to each other. But from the very  beginning, there has been a big question mark on the status of women in our society. All talk of their role and responsibility but none care for their position. They have been exploited and ill-treated right from the beginning of the creation.  No doubt in the days of the epic age, women enjoyed great respect among people. Even in the great modern books their position remained respectable. In Manusmriti it has been said, 'God reside where women are respected' while in modern age Napoleon Bonaparte told, "The hands that rock the cradle rule the world." But the reality is something else. Women have been put behind walls from ages. Sati Pratha is the bitter truth which shows to what more...

Rabindra Nath Tagore fondly called 'Gurudev' is one of the great sons of India. He was a gifted genius in history. According to Mahatma Gandhi he was the greatest poet of Asia in twentieth century. Both as a poet and as a man Tagore earned a great fame and respect in the world. Rabindra Nath Tagore was born on May 6, 1861 in a Bengali family. His father Maharishi Devendra Nath Tagore   was a zamindar. Being the fourteenth Child of his parents, young  Rabindra grew up under the care of the family's servants. He learnt Sanskrit, Grammar and Astronomy from his father. He studied English literature from his elder brother. Tagore started writing poems from a very early age. At the age of seventeen he went to England. Tagore thought of starting a small experimental school, modeled on the ancient ideals of the Gurukula. So on December 22, 1901 more...


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