Bills & Acts

From my boyhood, I had great attraction for English. My father was a teacher of English. He taught me first how to make a sentence using grammar correctly. He advised me how to build a great vocabulary with the help of a dictionary. Now I have some mastery over grammar and know quite a few words. So, I am becoming more and more interested in this subject. In future, I want to study this subject at higher levels and become a professor in English. I like English for more than one reason. English enjoyed great importance before independence in India. It is still an important language in the country today. At present, English is used as a link language for interstate communication in India. It is an international language in true sense. It is used as the medium of international communication. Almost all Indian languages have been greatly enriched and more...

The earliest speech synthesizer was created by a Russian professor, Christian Kratzenstein (1723-1795). Between 1773 and 1779 Kratzenstein made acoustic resonators and produced vowel sounds by connecting them to organ pipes. A contemporary in Vienna, Wolfgang von Kempelen, produced a more advanced machine in 1791. His "acoustic mechanical speech machine" was able to produce single sounds and even words or short phrases. He is best known for an earlier invention, a chess-playing machine named "The Turk." This consisted of a cabinet, housing (apparently) just cogs and wheels, and a manikin with movable arms. One could not see the legless human chess player concealed inside. Once this hoax was exposed, his legitimate speech machine was discredited as well. Alexander Graham Bell became interested in speech synthesis after he saw a replica of one of Von Kempelea's speech machines. When young, Bell had taught his pet terrier to stand between his legs more...

We all earn our bread by doing some work. That work is our profession. We like to do that work which gives us money and requires us to do little. But this is not possible and we have to choose a work which we can do and for which we have an interest.  Unfortunately there are many people in this world who are doing a work for which they are not fit. Therefore, we should consider well before taking up any work. The first point to be considered is our natural taste and liking for a work. The second point is the physical fitness. The third point is the means by which we may prosper in that work generally people are interested in the work of their forefathers, because it is very easy for them. Moreover they have experience of it. The son of a carpenter finds it easy to more...

Introduction. Good food is a necessary requirement for a good health, in the same way good books are required for our healthy mind. Reading Learning process develops our mind and add a lot to our knowledge as well as experience. Different types of useful books are available in our school Libraries. We need a lot of books for the total development of our mind. In the matter of books, India has been very rich from the ancient times. We have many proofs of libraries with a lot of books which were available in our older Nalanda and Taxila Universities. Books are our true Friends. It is the universal truth that the book are our true friends. They are our never failing companions. They stand by us in the hour of grief and depression. Mahatma Gandhi always said, "Whenever I am in distress, I go to the lap of mother Gita more...

In 1814 German researchers first described the disease "German measles"—later known as rubella from the Latin rubellus meaning "reddish." Rubella is a single- stranded RNA virus spread from person to person via respiratory droplets. It usually causes a mild illness (symptoms include low-grade fever and swollen lyn-iph nodes followed by a generalized rash), but in pregnant women it is an altogether different matter. In fetuses, it can result in congenital rubella syndrome, a condition characterized by deafness, mental retardation, cataracts, heart defects, and diseases of the liver and spleen. Between 1963 and 1964 a rubella epidemic in the United States resulted in 30,000 babies being born with permanent disabilities as a result of exposure to the virus. The tragedy prompted the National Institutes of Health to launch a campaign to find a vaccine. Two pediatricians, Harry Martin Meyer (1928- 2001) and Paul Parkman (b. 1932), isolated the rubella virus and more...

"As a research scientist you are driven by the desire to find things out with ail your might." Gerd Karl Binnig As recently as thirty years ago the idea of being able to "see" bumps and grooves on substances at an atomic scale seemed unachievable. Then, in 1981, Gerd Karl Binnig (b. 1947) and Heinrich Rohrer (b. 1933) created a microscope capable of doing just that. Their scanning tunneling microscope (STM) bears little resemblance to a conventional microscope. Operating at a low temperature and in a vacuum, it consists of a very sharp needle (its end is the width of a single atom), which can be brought very close to the sample being examined. It is a tool that "senses" rather than "sees" because it deals with sizes that are smaller than the wavelength of light. The STM exploits a phenomenon of quantum mechanics known as electron tunneling where electrons more...

"It is... poured around the stone or anything else of this kind that one wishes to fasten." Theophrastus, philosopher and scientist Plaster goes by various names—plaster of Paris, partly dehydrated gypsum, or calcium sulfate hemihydrate. Gypsum is a common mineral found in a variety of crystalline forms, from the fine grain of alabaster to the large, flat blades of selenite. Plaster was first used as a building material and for decoration in the Middle East at least 7,000 years ago. In Egypt, gypsum was burned in open fires, crushed into powder, and mixed with water to create plaster, used as a mortar between the blocks of pyramids and to provide a smooth facing for palaces. In Jericho, a cult arose where human skulls were decorated with plaster and painted to appear lifelike. The Romans brought plasterwork techniques to Europe. Gypsum is found worldwide, as far east as Thailand and as more...

Cottage industries have always existed in our country but they were not developed to their full capacity during the colonial rule. The members of a family from within their homes usually run these units. Items like leather-goods, baskets, toys, ropes etc. are usually the products of the cottage industries. However spinning and weaving cloth is the main cottage industry of our country. Cottage industries serve to provide farmers with an additional income. Cottage industries do not use big machines, electric power and horrid labour. Nor there is the question of the exploitation of workers. The workers and his family being both the employees and the employers they, get all the earning from their business. Thus they are good means for providing part time employment. The farmers carry on their cottage industries side by side with their main occupation of agriculture, It has been often seen that in large scale industries, more...

During the Christmas of 1998 an interesting football match was played between St. John's College and Government College, Agra. It was the final match of the Inter-college tournament of the year. The two teams were well known for their game. The match began punctually at 4 p.m. in the sunny weather. For the first ten minutes the two teams were evenly balanced. The ball remained mostly in the central area of the field. The Government College team began to press their opponents slowly. Their two forward players made great efforts to take the ball to opponent's side but the St. John's College backs put up a mighty defence. Thus the game grew more exciting. The spectators cheered and clapped loudly at every fine kick the player gave. Neither side was able to score any goal till half time. People began to think that the match might end in a draw more...

There are conflicting views regarding students' participation in politics. There are people who always want to keep students very far from the politics. There are others who hold opposite view. They think that students ought to be well versed in politics because they are the future leaders of the Country. Let us see how far it is desirable or otherwise for  he  students  to be in politics.  It has been seen that the students who actively participate In politics often do not pay attention on their studies. There are exceptions no doubt but most of the time we see that student politicians lose their potentialities in the field of studies. Needless  to say that students' prime duty is to devote much of  their time to studies. If this period is wasted by any reason, they will have to face life long problems. They become burden on  their families because they more...


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