Jharkhand State Exams

The Indian Constitution, which stands for national goals like Democracy, Socialism, Secularism and National Integrating  was framed by the representatives of Indian people after  long period of debates and discussions. It is the most detailed  constitution in the world. No other constitution has gone into such minute details as the Indian Constitution. The Constitution of India was framed by a Constituent Assembly which was established in 1946. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected President of the Constituent Assembly. A Drafting Committe was appointed to draft the Constitution. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was appointed the Chairman of the Drafting Committee. The Assembly met for 166 days spread over a period of 2 years, 11 months and 18 Days. The Constitution was adopted on  26 November, 1949. It came into force on 26 January, 1950. It had incorporated some of the salient features of the British, Irish, Swiss, French, Canadian and the American Constitutions. more...

Fundamental rights are basic human rights. These rights are considered necessary for the development of the  personality of an individual. Without the enjoyment of these rights the happiness and development of the individual is not possible. They are included in our constitution so that every citizen can enjoy them and no one is able to encroach upon them. The Constitution guarantees six fundamental rights and these form very important part of the constitution. These fundamental rights are-(i') Right to Equality, (n) Right to Freedom [Hi) Right against Exploitation, {iv} Right to Freedom of Religion, [v) Cultural and Educational Rights and (w) Right to Constitutional Remedies. Every citizen in a democratic country needs these rights in order to grow as a balanced and responsible citizens. The constitution guarantees that all citizens will be equally protected by the laws of the country. It means that the state cannot discriminate against a citizen more...

"I don't own a cell phone or a pager. I just hang around everyone I know, all the time." Mitch Hedberg, comedian Alfred J. Gross (1918-2000), inventor of the pager, had a lifelong passion for communication devices. As a boy he built his own radio set from junk materials, and, by the age of sixteen, he had earned his amateur radio operator's license, the beginning of a career in the radio communications industry. The pager was originally developed as a tool for the medical profession, and was first introduced in a New York hospital. The devices responded to specific high-frequency radio signals and beeped to alert doctors to an emergency. They were not well received in the medical profession, however, with some doctors complaining that the beeping of the device would annoy patients, or even interrupt their golf swing. But the pager soon proved to be a useful device and more...

"[The glory] belongs to the author of the experiments made on the River Saone at Lyons in 1783" Robert Fulton on De Jouffroy's steamboat It is not uncommon for the American Robert Fulton (1765-1815) to be heralded as the inventor of the steamboat, but in actuality the true creative force behind its invention was a young French aristocrat, Claude-Francois-Dorothee, Marquis de Jouffroy d'Abbans (1751-1832). De Jouffroy d'Abbans, according to legend, was wild and unruly, resulting in his incarceration in a military prison on the Isle of St. Marguerite. While he was there he studied the boats passing by and developed an interest in engineering. On his release he went to Paris and studied with the Perier brothers, examining the Watt steam engine and devising methods in which it could be applied to propelling a vessel. He began work on an experimental boat, a steamship called the Palmipede, which he ran more...

The first attempt at a commercial surround system for the cinema is thought to be Disney's Fantasound. It was developed in 1939 at the inception of Walt Disney (1901-1966) himself, to accompany Fantasia, his projected hybrid of animation and classical music. Disney, who was dissatisfied with the quality of existing motion-picture sound, worked closely with conductor Leopold Stokowski, who himself had played a pioneering role in some of the first stereo recording experiments in the early 1930s. Disney's aim was less to create a surround panorama than to produce a cleaner, more distinct sound. Thus, nine independent optical recorders were used, each with its own microphones, to record different parts of the orchestra and soundtrack elements. These would then be replayed through independent speakers placed at different points behind the screen and around the perimeter of the theater. Fantasound, as it had by then been christened, was used at the more...

Human rights are those rights which a person should  have in order to be a human being. These are the rights which every person should enjoy to lead an honorable life as s human being. All individuals should enjoy these rights without Any distinction of race, religion, caste, colour or sex. These laws have been given a proper place in the constitutions of almost all the democratic' countries of the world. In the present day world, there is a lot of concern about the protection of human rights. The United Nations on Decembers 10, 1948 adopted the Universal declaration of Human Rights and called upon the different member nations to assure all the human rights to their people. December 10 thus became a historic day in the annals of the world history. As such this day, i.e.  December 10 is therefore celebrated all over the world   year as Human more...

Educational tours are of great importance as they not only broaden our outlook but enhance our knowledge to a great extent. That is why, we, the students await for this precious moment impatiently. Recently I got such an occasion. It was the time of summer vacation when all of a sudden a programme was made for all India tour. It was a tour of twenty days. All the students who were willing to enjoy this tour, had to deposit Rs. 5000/- to bear the expenses of travelling, fooding and lodging. I being a great advocate of educational tours, joined it whole heartedly. My parents supported me with required money. We had our reservations in a special bogie. We were a group of fifty students all from XIIth class, three teachers and two attendants. We had already taken those things which we thought were necessary during the travel. As it was more...

Oliver Smithies [b. 1925), a scientist working at the University of Toronto in the 1950s, discovered a way for scientists to separate proteins quickly and easily by their size, using potato starch to create a type of microscopic sieve. Smithies, who was one of three scientists sharing the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, was looking for a way to separate insulin from its precursor when he developed starch-gel electrophoresis. Using potato starch, Smithies created a gel that allowed proteins to be separated by size. He found that the best potato starch came from a powder produced in Canada. Later, when Smithies worked at the University of Wisconsin, he made many trips from Madison, Wisconsin, to Toronto to obtain this special powder. The powder was used as a matrix in the gel. The proteins were applied to the gel and exposed to an electric charge, which allowed them to more...

Years before the format war between VHS and Betamax, and decades before DVDs came onto the scene, there was film. But film was hard to use and eventually videotape was invented. It was much faster to edit than film and speeded up the news business. But these first video machines were so big that they were stationary, and the roving reporters of the world stuck to film until portable versions eventually appeared. The first portable broadcast recorder, which had a huge backpack in which the tape sat, allowed news to be filmed on video outside a studio, although at a lower quality than film. The videotape was stored on reels, just like film, but this changed in 1971 when Sony released the U- Matic video recorder. The U-Matic had been designed for home use, and the tape was in cassette form, which made it easy to handle, although the units more...

Outline: You are sitting in an over-crowded bus—An old lady some- how manages to get into the crowded bus, you think in your mind—whether to offer the lady a seat. At last you decide to offer her the seat—She thanks you.    The transport system in a big city like Delhi is far from satisfaction, a It is a total dismal, a complete failure. Here commuters increase by  thousands every day and the number of buses remain the same. They rather decrease. Most of them are unserviceable, Most of these buses are only in name otherwise they are junk, must be piled up in a junk dealer's shop. You have to travel in such rickety and shaky buses. There are hundreds of buses with many depots and workshops But still they are insufficient, they cannot cope with the need of growing population. Their condition is horrible, they let out plenty more...


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