UP State Exams

A parrot is the most popular of all the birds kept as pets. It is of different colours.  A parrot has a strong curved bill and sharp and powerful claws. It builds nests in the hollow of old trees. It is often found flying in flocks. It lives on fruits and seeds. Green chilly is its favorite food. A parrot is better known as a talking bird. It can be tamed and trained to talk. A parrot can imitate people's voices quickly. It is caught and caged young and taught to talk. It can imitate our words by listening to them again and again. Then it can go on talking. The grey African parrot is the best talker. A talking parrot can call a person by his name or can recite the names of gods or goddesses. It sounds really nice when one hears a parrot talking in the house. more...

One day I was travelling by Kalka Mail from Allahabad to Tundla. I started from Allahabad at 3 o'clock in the night. There was a great rush in the train. But somehow I managed to get a seat in the train. The train started. It had hardly gone two kilometre when we felt a sudden jerk. I fell down upon a man who was sitting on the floor.  e had just begun to rebuke me when another man also fell down, The next moment a box fell upon a woman and she became unconscious. In only a few moments men and bundles lay in disorder one upon another. The passengers had their head struck against the windows and other heavy things. I was also wounded. As soon s I was able to stand up, I realized the whole situation. The train had collided against another train. My carriage was lying more...

"Be he 'live, or be he dead I'll grind his bones to make my bread." Jack and the Beanstalk, English Fairy Tales (1890) As humankind ceased to live as nomadic hunter- gatherers and began to settle down and raise crops, a different style of tool became necessary. People were now able to grow grain. However, grain had to be ground into flour in order to make bread. To accomplish this task an early form of mill, called a quernstone, eventually emerged. Approximately 4,000 years ago, humans worked out that they could place one rough stone on top of another and use the two of them to grind grain into small particles. Early versions consisted of a rough rock base, or quern, and a smaller rock that could be ground over the top of it, often referred to as a rubbing stone. A major advance occurred when the top stone was more...

Work is Worship'. This is a very old proverb which means there is no better way to worship God except to be hardworking. And this is fully justified what man has achieved during the course of his development is a result of hard work over long periods of time. He owes all his greatness to hard work. Hence, it is the root of all success. There is no alternative of hard work. Today man has conquered nature, he has set foot on the moon, he has travelled in the space, he has invented so many life saving drugs-all became possible because he never avoided work. We see wonderful progress in field of agriculture and industry. The methods of agriculture have been improved which has resulted in the growth of production. Now the farmers are enjoying better days than what they had to face previously. This is again the result of more...

Press (newspaper) occupies an important place in our society. It plays a significant role in making the destiny of a nation. A newspaper in the present time makes us familiar with the up-date current news of our nation. It also brings news of the world and the news of the masses to us. It tells us the general opinion of the public through Readers' Columns, articles and suggestions. Press enjoys great powers in the society. Press comments and criticizes the laws and working of the government's affairs. It also suggests important amendments. Press educates the people's mind on legal, educational, historical, economic, political and social topics. It makes democracy a true success by rightly directing the public. Press is one of the important means of communication and a channel to link the government with the people. Government places its policies, laws and programmes only through press. Then it seeks the more...

A man who carries the luggage of the passengers to train compartment and takes down it from the compartment is called coolie. He is often seen in and out the railway platform in red shirt. He knows many rules and regulations of railways. He knows train numbers, their name and their arrival or departure time along with the platform numbers. If a passenger has any confusion about any train he may consult a coolie. Thus, a coolie, apart from carrying passengers' load, helps them with his knowledge about railways. The coolie belongs to a class of very poor people, who earn their livelihood by performing manual labour. He gets a  small amount for his work. The amount depends upon the weight of load, the distance and the conditions of time and place.  The railway coolie wears a particular dress. He puts on a red shirt and a yellow turban. He more...

Every country has her own national flag. It provides a distinct identity to a nation. It is the symbol of freedom and national pride. India is an independent country. She has a national flag which we are very proud of When it flies on top of a building or a flag-post, our hearts swell with great pride and nationalism. The history of our national flag is long. Freedom-fighters fought a long battle under its shadow. Many died fighting, but kept the flag high and flying. It inspired them to make great sacrifices and struggle hard for freedom. It united the people of all castes and communities in a strong national bond. Our leaders, when they first designed it, placed a spinning wheel in the centre. Later, it was replaced by the wheel of Ashok Chakra. It symbolises justice, peace and spirituality. It is deep blue in colour and has 24 more...

Named after Samuel Morse (1791-1872)—Morse code is a simple code in which letters are represented by dits and dahs. The code, which is a milestone in long- range communication, was designed so that telegraph operators could communicate via a series of electrical signals. In 1844, several years after Morse and his partner Alfred Vail had created the code. Morse demonstrated to the American Congress the power of the telegraph by using the code. To their awe, he sent the message "What hath God wrought" from Washington to Baltimore at a speed that no horse or car could hope to match. Congress was skeptical of Morse for several years before they agreed to build the Washington-Baltimore line (at the enormous cost of $30,000). Morse code took off and was soon used internationally by militaries, railroads, and businesses. The first form of radio communication was "wireless telegraphy," which involved transmitting Morse code more...

Indiscipline among students has become so rampart that people freely criticize them. Teachers accuse them for k want of respect. Parents are dissatisfied with them because H they do not get good marks in the examination and waste J time in this and that. And if we talk about the students we H see that they are angry with the authorities, they are displeased B with their teachers, their parents. Every day we read in newspaper about strikes, incidents of free fighting in B educational institutions. Sometimes, these incidents take so K ugly turn that they come under control by police only. At times it also happens that students are put behind bars due H, to their aggressive activities. What are the causes of this indiscipline? Students are H the builders of nation. They are the symbol of creativity. When they indulge in destructive acts what will be the future more...

Introduction. Every powerful nation's first motive was to visit the moon. Even since Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon on July 20, 1969 it has been a back-to-the-Moon journey. In this very age of globalization each and very powerful country is realizing that the moon is within reach. Forget the US and the previous USSR, China, India, Japan and the European Space Agency (ESA), which comprises 17 nations, are now in the race. India's first unmanned spacecraft mission to moon. India's first unmanned spacecraft mission, Chandrayaan-I, was launched on October 22 from  Sriharikota spacecraft. This spacecraft travelled in space for some days. This spacecraft is the smallest and the cheapest among all the spacecrafts sent to the moon. Successful Mission. An entirely indigenously manufactured device, the Moon Impact Probe (MIP) with the tricolor painted on it about the size of a large television set was released from the Chandrayaan-I spacecraft. more...


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