The washer man belongs to a low caste of people. The caste system in India is very strict and many people have to suffer on account of it. The washer man, the shoe-maker and the sweeper are important members of the society.  They do necessary and useful service for us yet they are looked down upon by foolish people. This is a disgrace to our country that man hates man on account of his caste. In the villages, the life of a washer man is easy and simple. He goes to his customers from village to village and collects their dirty clothes. He does not use soap or bleaching powder. He heats water mixed with rah (a kind of sand) and puts the cloth in it. Then he goes to the pond or a brook and cleans them with labour. He returns clothes in a day or two only. He more...

Outline : Fear and anxiety; mind puzzled; memory failing; no appetite; divine help sought; not a wink of sleep; mixed feelings of helplessness and hope. A day before the examination is full of fear and anxiety. One is extremely nervous. One is a picture of forgetfulness. One is sad and gloomy. One feels feverish and puzzled. With a perplexed mind one scans (reads) one's books. They are too many. The time at our disposal is too short. Everything looks blank. There is darkness before our eyes. Memory appears to be failing. Whatever one has mugged up and read so far, seems to be slipping out of hand. The notes, guides, books and exercise books lie scattered here and there. They are piled up in the shape of the Himalayas. The job is quite difficult. What to read and what not to read. Everything looks important. One does not want to more...

Indian agriculture has been the source of supply of our leading industries. Investment in agriculture, in irrigation facilities, tractors, ware houses etc. have been rising continuously, increasing the demand for industrial output and adding to the nation's capital stock. The significance of agriculture in India arises also from the fact that the development in agriculture is an essential condition for the development of the national economy. Economic growth means a higher rate of growth of Gross National Product and it is obviously impossible to attain a higher rate of growth in the economy unless there is rapid growth in both the agricultural and non agricultural sectors. The new agricultural strategy during 1964-65 was the only cause for starting green revolution in India. Green Revolution implies to improve agricultural production within a limited period and maintaining a high level agricultural production over a long period of time. To improve agricultural production, more...

We see a street hawker here, there and everywhere. He is a common man in our streets. We see him generally near schools, airs, corners of a road or near stations. H° hawks his wares all day long. The street hawker's dress is very ordinary. He puts on poor looking shirt and a pair of pyjamas. His clothes have the stains of perspiration, grease and dirt. He often carries a bell in his right hand and a cane stand in his left hand. He deals in things of daily use. They consist of vegetables, fruits, clothes, utensils, sweets, ice-creams, parched grams, soap and toys. He places these things in a large iron tray. The tray is placed on a four feet high cane stand. He does not cover his wares. He keeps them open so that one can see them at a glance. He hawks his wares at the top more...

Introduction. Sachin Tendulkar is the real gem in the history of wor cricket. He is acclaimed as a genius. He is at the age of 34, and has achieve such heights that no one will ever reach to that. He was chosen the man the year in 1998 and the Government of India has honoured him with Padam Shri. Birth and Early Life. Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar was born on Jun 23, 1973 in Mumbai. In his childhood, he was a very handsome child an had long curly hairs. He looked like a girl. But he was very strong an' bashed other boys. He had only one craze, cricket. He did not pay mud attention to his studies. So taking into account of his interest in cricket hi was admitted to Shardashram School. Here education did not interfere with cricket. Boys joined this school for cricket only.  Career in Test Cricket. more...

Outline : The Year of the Handicapped: special attention to the handicapped children; their problems, change in the attitude of society — sympathy and understanding; need for special institutions; appreciation of their activities; to make them feel wanted. The problem of handicapped children is the problem of every country of the world. These tiny tots have been treated cruelly by nature. They are not at fault. They are innocent, tender and harmless. They invite the attention of all of us. It becomes our moral duty to do something substantial' and concrete for them, otherwise our conscience will never forgive us. They are not a burden. They are not a liability. They are also important members of our so-called civilized society. They do not belong to some other world. They are hundred percent our responsibility. Let us realize our moral duty and come to their immediate help. The handicapped may be more...

Buildings erected using preformed, shaped bricks of dried mud date back to around 7500 B.C.E. Examples have been found by archeologists in Cayonu in the upper Tigris Valley and close to Diyarbakirin southeast Anatolia, both in modern-day Turkey. More recent bricks, dating from between 7000 and 6400 B.C.E., have been found in Jericho in the Jordan Valley and in Catalhoyuk, again in Turkey. These early bricks were made of mud molded by hand and then left out to dry and harden in the sun. The bricks were then laid into walls using a simple mud mortar. Mud is an exceptionally good material for building in dry climates: it is readily available wherever agriculture is practiced, it may be dug from riverbeds, and it has good structural and thermal qualities. Some years later, mud bricks were shaped in wooden molds, enabling a form of organized mass production to take place. This more...

Ever since birth, I have lived in Delhi. Since I had heard a lot about villages, I wanted to visit one. And at last I got an opportunity.  One day our teacher decided that he would take us to a One day our teacher decided that he would take us to a village, situated at a distance of 15 kilometers from Delhi. He wanted us to see for ourselves the crops of the season. Sunday was the day fixed for the visit. We started in the morning in a bus. The journey from Delhi to the village was much fun. The moment we were out of Delhi, we seemed to have entered a new world. The air tasted sweet. Everything was different from what we had seen in the city. We reached the village in an hour. Our teacher contacted the village in an hour. Our teacher contacted the village more...

A major weapon advancement in the complicated history of ancient warfare, the invention of the pike in 400 B.C.E. is credited for the Macedonian takeover of Greece, Egypt, and parts of Asia. Philip II of Macedonia (382-336 B.C.E.), father of the famous Alexander the Great, is credited with adopting the pike (also called the sarissa), as well as the Macedonian phalanx, a type of infantry formation of soldiers. The pike was around 20 feet (6 m) long, and this great length enabled soldiers to strike while they were themselves out of range of shorter weapons. The phalanx consisted of a tight formation of soldiers and pikes. The men in the front of the phalanx would hold their pikes straight out, creating an equivalent depth of about five rows of men. Before Philip's invention, the Macedonian army was considered ill-equipped and ill-trained.  The combination of the pike and the phalanx formation more...

A distinguished English physician, John Ayrton Paris (1785-1856), was the inventor of the thaumatrope, a popular children's toy of Victorian Britain. It was conceived, not as a form of entertainment, but to demonstrate an optical phenomenon. The thaumatrope is a simple device: a disc with a picture on each side and two pieces of attached string. The disc is rotated by hand to coil the attached strings, and then the strings are quickly pulled apart. This causes the disc to rotate rapidly, enabling the pictures on either side to be visible in quick succession; the two images are interpreted by the human eye as a single image. This phenomenon is known as persistence of vision and was demonstrated to a meeting of the Royal College of Physicians in 1824. One of Paris's exhibits featured a bird on one side of the disk and an empty birdcage on the other; when more...


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