12th MP Board

Discipline does not mean only training of mind and character for self-control, habit of obedience and observance of rules and laws. The aim of discipline has always been accommodation, integration and complete identification with the existing social relationship and not alienation from the organization called society.  Thousands of years ago, when human society was not organized and when our forefathers were engaged in their fierce struggle for existence against the ruthlessly hostile force, there ' was no chaos As they got familiar with the ways of nature, i they were astonished to find order everywhere-the sun rising in the east every morning, night following day, the birds singing and the plants blossoming.  There was no discordant note anywhere, nothing threatened the harmony of the nature. Without any education and training they wandered and learnt. The lessons culminated in the organization of the society which was later perfected and broadened to more...

Science has created a wonderful world for us. It has provided us with so many things which have made our life comfortable and more advanced. We are now always ahead of time. It has controlled everything. There is no field in human life without an impact of science. It has, on the one hand provided us with good things, on the other it has created some beautiful things also. While the one saves our life, the other destroys it. The field of war has not been spared. War has all along been the greatest curse upon humanity right from the dawn of history. Man has been competitive by nature. Sometime this competition has brought about quarrels and struggles which in a larger sense has sometime resulted  n fights and war between man and man, race and race and sometimes between the nations. In the beginning of our civilization wars were more...

Nothing is so popular nowadays like cinema. People can easily miss meals but they hardly miss the premier show of a film in which their favorite hero or heroine is acting. It has greatly influenced the youths of our country and there is no exaggeration if say that they have become prey to it in a way. Cinema has both the aspects. It is good as well as bad. It is a source of entertainment, according to the common concept but we can't deny the fact that it also diverts the attention of our young minds who are said to be the hope of a nation. Cinema is one of the wonderful inventions of the modern science no doubt, for it has played a great role in moulding and shaping the outlook of the people. With its advent, people have felt a new thrill of life and laughter in them. more...

There is a common saying that war is never good, peace is never bad. But if we look back into the history of mankind, it will be cleared that there have been wars since prehistoric ages. Although attempts have been made to abolish it, success has not been achieved so far. Thus, eternal peace seems to be ' beyond our reach. There are people who justify wars and say that it is necessary because it is the law of nature. They highlight their point by placing Charles Darwin at their front. It was he who established the principle of survival of the fittest. He told that there is a constant struggle for survival in all nature, both animate and inanimate. In this struggle only those will succeed who are the fittest. Thus, war is held necessary without which there will be no development of humanity. But such people forget that more...

“... a piece of work which excites the admiration of the most learned mathematicians." Cosmogrciphica Pomponii Melae (1511) Often in history one critical invention leads to another that overshadows the first. This was true of the German locksmith Peter Henlein, the inventor of the portable or pocket watch. He created this sometime between 1504 and 1508, and it could operate for up to forty hours before it needed rewinding. Henlein's work was made possible by the invention, more than fifty years earlier, of a single piece of metal that, when in a certain shape, would use the metal's natural elasticity to both absorb and release a force applied to it: the humble coiled spring. History does not recall who first created this most useful invention, but a small number of examples of spring-driven clocks have survived from the early fifteenth century. The coiled spring's ability to store energy was what more...

"Native Americans burned oily fish (candle fish) wedged into a forked stick." Bob Sherman, Candle Making History It is difficult to attribute the invention of the candle to one society or country. The first "candles" may have been nothing more than melting lumps of animal fat set on fire. Later, these evolved into reeds dipped into animal fat, longer burning than their predecessors but still without a wick (a central slow-burning core to the candle, usually made from fiber or cord). Archeological evidence indicates that both the Egyptians and the Greeks were using candles with wicks (not dissimilar to those we know today) as long ago as 3000 B.C.E. Many ancient cultures appear to have developed some variation of the candle, using materials such as beeswax or tallow or even the product of berries to make the wax. This surrounded a wick made from fibers of plant material, rolled papyrus, or more...

I am a boy. I am twelve-year-old. My name is Deepak. Deepak means a lamp which gives us light in dark and it also shows the way at night. I am proud of my name. My grandmother gave me this name. I live in Delhi. It is a beautiful city. It is the capital of India. My mother is a housewife and my father a serviceman. My parents are very kind. I have a brother and a sister. My brother is younger to me by eight years, but my sister, Preeti, is older to me. My brother's name is Alok.  We live in our own house. It is beautiful with a big lawn and a small garden. There are swings and slides for plant and trees. I love gardening. My parents also help me in gardening. I go to school in bus. It is about 9 kms. away from my more...

“The most significant development for [navigation and surveillance] since... radio navigation." National Aeronautical Association The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a system of satellites that transmit microwaves over specific wavelengths. GPS receivers pick up signals from these satellites and define a location from the information they obtain. The system was developed by the U.S. government in 1993, but similar mechanisms have been set up in other countries including the Russian GLONASS (incomplete), China's-COMPASS system, and the upcoming Galileo system in 'Europe. The GPS system costs the U.S. government approximately $750 million a year and is used worldwide for navigation. The system is extremely useful and there are a huge range of commercial and domestic applications. In military terms, GPS is used to track targets, locate positions in unknown territory, and project missiles, and it is also used in search and rescue and reconnaissance missions. In the civilian world, GPS units more...

TV is a household name now. One hardly comes across a house today that does not have a TV set. Even those who belong to the lower income group invest in a TV set as soon as they can afford it. Most Indians spend their evenings glued to the television as this is the most easily available entertainment for them. Now there are cable connections in most of the houses and with the advent of international channels on our television, the popularity of TV has grown many fold. How does TV affect our lives today ? We have to consider its advantages and disadvantages. In some ways TV is a boon. It is a vital source of information and helps to shape our lives in many ways. It keeps us posted with the latest political, social and cultural developments in the world. Hence it educates us. It brings the people more...

Outline: Some incidents in life influence our character and future  Ufa—we always remember such incidents or a memorable incident Student of 8th class; wrote an essay on 'Our School—wrote against the  student secretary of the literary club of our school— was abused—matter  reported to the Principal who determined to take action; my request to  excuse him this time—the Principal and all others highly impressed by my  sense of love towards enemies. The enemy became a good friend—won great honour.                                                Everybody has one or the other memorable incident of his/her life This particular incident takes such serious turn that it is long remembered in later life. The significance of the happening is so vital and important  that sometimes it changes the very course of one's life. Some incidents more...


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