India is said to be the largest democracy in the world in terms of numbers. Democracy is the form of government in which people's will is supposed to be supreme. Lincoln's words in this connection can be quoted here, 'Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.' Such is the form of democratic government. But in big countries, it is not possible for the entire population to gather at one place and discuss the matters and control the affairs. Government is therefore, carried by the elected representatives of the people. Of all the political forms of governments democracy is considered to be the best. It is most cultured and civilized political institution. Democracy provides to its people freedom of thought, speech, expression and action. General elections are held after every five years for the new government. These elections make clear the general opinion of more...

The recent doping scandal in the Olympic games has I increased public awareness to a great extent. In reality doping practices have become a threat to the fairness and the existence of sportsman spirit in games and sports. Doping means taking of drugs i.e. chemical substances by the sport persons in order to enhance their performance. It is an illegal practice and therefore dope tests of participants are conducted before every big event. And the winners are again tested after the performance. Inspite of such precautions, we have seen so many doping scandals not only in sports but in cricket too. We have example of Shane Warne, an Australian cricketer who was banned for one year due to drug abuse. Again Aparna Popat, a badminton star was tested positive a few years back. In the Olympic games 2004 Pratima Kumari, a weight-lifter, got life ban in the similar case. Drug more...

In India season is not the same throughout the country. When it is hottest in the plains, Shimla, Mussoorie and Darjeeling are very cold. When there is winter in west coast of India heavy rain falls on the coast of coromandal. The Indian summer is the hottest season in the whole year. The rays of sun fall perpendicularly. Hence it is difficult to walk in the day. At mid-day we do not like to go out of doors because the heat is intense. The light is blinding in the day. We can do a little work only in the morning. The rich people make use of electric fans, coolers and air conditioners. Generally the greater part of the day is wasted. Sometimes it is very hot. We drink a glass of water again and again. School and college hours are changed during summer. All institutions work in the morning. They more...

A camel is a domestic animal. It is found in the desert area of Asia and Africa. The people of desert areas tame camels for carrying goods and walking miles after miles in the desert. A camel is a large and strong animal but it looks very odd. A camel can carry water in its stomach and smell water in the dry desert. A camel is called 'the ship of the desert' because it can live without food and water for many days together. It is a beast of burden, so the people in the desert use it for travel in the sandy regions. Some camels have two humps on the back and some have only one. A camel is very hardy and modest. Its legs are exceptionally large. Its neck is very long and odd-looking. It has keen eyesight. As a result, it can know in advance about the more...

Every school must have a library. A library is a place where books on different subjects are kept. The school library is for the use of students and teachers. Our school has a good library. It is housed in a big hall. There is a separate and spacious reading room attached to it. The books are kept in many big wooden almirahs. Our librarian manages the library. He arranges books. The almirahs have glass panes. Besides text books we have books on travels, biographies, history, geography, science etc. There is a special magazine section. All books are arranged subject wise. Each almirah has a catalogue. One almirah has books on teaching and reference books. They are only for teachers. There is a class library system in our school. The students do not get books directly from the librarian. Once a month class  teacher goes to library. He selects four or more...

A flight in an aero plane is a highly exciting experience. It is r flying in the air like a bird. The whole thing is strange and wonderful. But there is also a risk in the flying. Though cases of aero plane r crash are not very much common. I once happened to see a sight of aero plane crash. Last year I r was in my village. It was morning. I was out for a walk. As I was moving and up and down the railway bridge, I heard a terrible sound. I looked into the direction from where sound was heard. I saw an aero plane burning. I at once ran to the place of occurrence. The scene which I saw was a moving scene of human misery An aero plane had met with an accident. It had taken off from the Indira Gandhi Aerodrome, Delhi. It was more...

Generally there is shortage of water in the cities during summer season. The moment water supply fails we start abusing Municipal Corporation and other agencies connected with the water supply department. We know the importance of the thing when it is not available. The  long the water supply failure, more of inconvenience. In case of failure of water supply all of our routine tails It becomes hard to meet our natural calls. We cannot take a bath, can't wash clothes, even quenching of thirst becomes difficult. If it is summer season, then it becomes more horrible. Life comes to standstill. Folks of women can be seen in the streets cursing the Government. Even the Prime Minister is criticized, though he has no hand in the supply of water, which is the work of Local Municipal Corporation or Jal Boards. Even educated men start cursing the government without thinking for the more...

The moon is the queen of night and a splendor among Starry heavens. A walk in a moonlit night is really a refreshing and fascinating experience. Strolling in a moonlit night is pleasant and delightful in ways more than one. Walking in moonlit night does not only remove the weariness and boredom of the hectic day, but also it elevates our  spirit, enlivens our soul and refreshes our mind. The atmosphere during a moonlit night is reigned by calmness and quietness if we walk through the countryside, which is away from humdrum, noise and clamour of cities. Moreover, the cool air and the cool beams of the moon, kissing each and every object of nature, present a charming sight. One really feels thrilled and relieved. One feels a sense of joy. There comes the freedom of mind,  throughts and ideas. A moonlit night delights our heart and soul. The tranquil more...

In 1919, long before the invention of electronic computers, a pair of British physicists invented the circuit that would become their key building block. William Eccles (1875-1966), who had pioneered the development of radio communication and assisted Guglielrno Marconi, together with Frank Jordan worked with the leading-edge electronic technology of the time—vacuum tubes, the predecessor of the transistor. Eccles was a radio pioneer, and his interest in vacuum tubes stemmed from their use in radio. In particular, the vacuum-tube diode was used to detect radio signals (the term "diode" was coined by Eccles). Experimenting with vacuum tubes, Eccles and Jordan found a circuit with an interesting property—it had a memory. Unlike other circuits whose output would change depending on what their inputs were doing, this "trigger" circuit would cling on to the last state it had been put in. The circuit had two stable states: a brief pulse applied to more...

"Some guy walked into the shop... with something like white syrup.He said, 'It's an acrylic.'" Leonard Bocour Otto Rohm studied acrylic plastics for his 1901 Ph.D. thesis. Six years later, he co-founded the Rohm and Haas Company, which in 1936 began selling shatter- proof acrylic glass (more commonly known by trade names such as Plexiglas®, Perspex®, and Lucite®). Sales were slow until World War II, when the United States began manufacturing tens of thousands of aircraft each year, all with Plexiglas® canopies. Chemists at Rohm and Haas had worked with acrylics for decades, but they were not the ones who invented acrylic paint. Instead, the inventor was an artist turned paint-maker. In 1941 Leonard Bocour (1910-1993) was making oil paint and selling it to artists when he was shown a sample of acrylic and was impressed by how white it was. After the war ended, Bocour worked with Rohm and more...


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