The first binoculars were really "opera glasses," and these small instruments consisted of two small Galilean telescopes side by side. The combination of a convex objective lens and a concave eyepiece produced a rather limited field of view and a magnification of about three. By the 1790s the Venetian optician Lorenzo Selva had introduced a central adjustable hinge, enabling the binocular eyepieces to be moved apart or close together. The center-wheel focusing mechanism was introduced about 1830. A Keplerian telescope system of two convex lenses was used for astronomical observations but this had a huge disadvantage for terrestrial use as the image was inverted. An Italian artillery officer, Paolo Ignazio Pietro Porro (1801-1875), overcame the problem of inversion by placing two prisms in a Z-shaped configuration between each objective lens and eyepiece. This widened the binoculars and separated the objective lenses. It also improved the user's stereoscopic vision and gave more...

Outline; Noisy place; crowded passengers; sitting on benches; young men; old men and women—tea stalls; Shouts—smoking; reading; newspaper; get in; people get down. A scene at a railway platform is very interesting. It is the biggest meeting point of the world. People from all walks of life assemble here. They come from one place, then go to other. Thus, it is busy day and night. The whistle of the train breaks the pandemonium and it is a signal for someone that his train has come, that he should get in, otherwise he will miss it. A platform is an extremely noisy place always crowded with passengers. They are occupying the benches and the corridors. They are standing in queues to get their tickets or confirm their reservation. There are long queues in front of the booking windows. One stands there for  hours to get system makes the thing very simple. more...

India is basically an agricultural country and therefore it1. maximum population live in villages. Indian villages arc generally cut off from the cities and towns and we notice  completely different life there. The charms of nature and peace of life can be fully enjoyed in the villages because they (villages) are far from the hustle and bustle and worry of the city life. It is in these villages that our country's most basic business agriculture takes place. The villagers lead a very simple life. Living in the midst of natural surrounding they enjoy the beauty of the sun rising and sun setting and feel soothing effect of the sweet-breeze of day dawn. Cattle lowing, birds singing, the flowing of the rivers, the greenery of the fields all add charm to the surrounding. In villages we find purity of everything. There is no smoke, no pollution, no noise. A wonderful peace more...

"To carry stones and rakings of garden to places, appointed to receive'em or, to carry earth...." Francis Gentil, The Solitary Gardener (1706) The wheelbarrow is reputed to have been invented by a Chinese chancellor, Zhuge Liang (181-234) during the Han Dynasty, who used the device in military campaigns to transport supplies for injured soldiers. It was said to have been kept secret because of the advantages it gave the Chinese over their enemies. It was also used for early Chinese agriculture, which was said to have been thirty times more efficient than that in Europe. Designed to transport heavy loads, wheelbarrows are now used in the construction industry as well as in gardening. A wheelbarrow is a small cart, with one or two wheels, designed to be pushed by one person using two handles at the rear. Chinese wheelbarrows often had two wheels, and the Chinese sometimes attached sails to more...

In this era of the steam engine, motor car, electric locomotive and aero plane, it may be hard even to think how difficult it was to travel two hundred years ago. In India, bullock carts bumped and carriages often sank as the axles got buried in mud, trying to negotiate a narrow side-track. In winter, the country roads were almost impassable. People who drove in carriages often lost their way in the dark in the absence of proper roads. Travelling in stage-coaches was uncomfortable and slow. When better coaches were built, attempts were made to improve roads. Turnpike gates were established at various points on the prominent roads, and a toll was collected from coaches and carts. The income from the toll was spent on repairing roads. As travelling by stage-coaches grew popular, men began to think of improved ways and means of making and maintaining roads. A very clever more...

Our country is facing an acute problem of unemployment  People are willing to work but they cannot find jobs. As a  result majority of them go astray. If we discuss the reason for this situation, we will find that it is our defective education system which lays too much stress on literary training and Ignore technical and vocational education. The growth in education has resulted in large number of people looking for white-colour jobs, which are not available. There is no dearth of natural resources in our country. It is our misfortune that we are still poor. It is because we do not know how to make the best use of our natural stock. Only technical and vocational education can save us from hopelessness and depression, which are seen at all levels. Technical and vocational education can give us expert engineers, technicians and mechanics. They are needed in large number more...

Fire accidents are not very common. But when they take place they cause great alarm and destruction and sometimes loss of life. After taking our food in the night, my father made fire to heat milk. When the milk had been heated, we drank it in another room. Then my father told me to put out the fire with water on the half burnt pieces of wood. Then thinking that the wood would not catch fire again in the oven, I put it aside in a corner. Unfortunately there    was a huge pile of wood for fuel in that room. I went away to my father's room. The beds were ready and we slept. It was 9 o'clock in the night. My father was reading a newspaper. Suddenly he saw smoke entering our room. He wondered from where it was coming from. He went out in the courtyard. The more...

There are many hill stations at the Southern slopes of the Himalayas. Nainital, Mussoorie, Shimla and Darjeeling are  very famous out of them. There the people enjoy the cool climate and scenery. Thousands of rich people and Government officers go there.  During the last summer, my father was advised by the doctor to take my mother to Nainilal for the improvement in her health. Had summer holidays, so I went  with them. This gave me a great joy. We went up to Kathgodam by train. Then we had to go some kilometres in a bus to reach Nainital. The road went up to the hill in a zigzag way. There were deep valleys on both sides. The path was difficult. It required great skill on the part of the driver to drive the bus safely. I was so frightened that I began to fear. I expected accident every moment.. But more...

Last year Madan, a well known wrestler of Gwalior, threw a challenge to the wrestlers of his district. The challenge was taken up by Harinath. A match was arranged between them on the Dussehra day. The news of the match caused a stir I" the town. The entry was by tickets. Thousands of people gathered to see the match. My friend Mohan and I also purchased tickets, as we entered the arena we saw it was full of spectators. Every in0" of space was occupied. Many other wrestlers were present to see the match. At 4 p.m. two wrestlers jumped into the arena. They shook hands with each other; Madan was tall, heavy and well-built. He seemed to be full of energy. Harinath was short and thin hut muscular. At first we thought that Harinath was no match for Madan. Madan seemed to be the stronger of the two. Presently more...

The tiger is our national animal. It is found in almost. All countries in Asia and Africa. It has four legs, a long tail, strong teeth and sharp claws in its powerful paws. We are afraid of it because it is very cruel and ferocious. A tiger likes animal flesh. A tiger can become a man-eater if it does not get animal flesh to eat over a long time. It is one of the majestic and handsome animals. Its manner of walking and beautiful colours generally draw the attention of the visitors near its cage in the zoo. A tiger looks like a big cat. The head of the tiger is round. The hair on its body is yellowish marked with black stripes. A tiger lives in the forest with long grasses. It can easily sight animals. It runs after them to catch them for its food. A tiger can more...


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