The evening walk has its own pleasure as evening time is as thrilling as morning. Because of the sunset sky is scarlet colored. The heat of the summer season due to sun cools down by the  evening time. People have a pleasant walk in nearby parks and gardens. In cities people after taking their dinner go out for an evening walk with their families. There is a lot of time with the people at this moment as they have no other work to do before going to bed. The entire tiredness is gone with the fragrant smell of flowers in the park, and they feel refreshed. There is good crowd in the parks. There are lots of children, young and old there. Children are seen playing different types of games. Some of them playing with the Balloons. Young ones have a stroll on green grassy carpet of the park. The more...

Once I went to Allahabad to join a ceremony. Many other relations had come. It is a religious thing to have a bath in Ganga and specialty at Sangam where three rivers, meet. We decided to go for a bath in Ganga. We chalked out a programme to go on a boat from Baluaghat to Sangam. The idea was liked by all. So we started on foot to Baluaghat. We were 16 in number. We chose a small boat beautifully decorated. The remuneration was settled and we sat in the boat. There v/ere two boat-men. They asked us to sit properly on both the sides of the boat. The boat sailed. It moved gently. We saw the buildings on the banks. It was pleasant sight to watch. We were going down the current. So the boatmen had not to work hard. We passed by the famous fort of Allahabad. It more...

A soldier is the symbol of a nation's pride and strength. He represents the armed forces of the country. He is trained to lead a very hard and disciplined life. He undergoes a very rigorous training. He is the defender of country's freedom and integrity his life is very uncertain during war times. He may be ordered to attack the enemy at any moment. He may have to spend many days continuously lying in a trench, waiting for his commander's orders. Any bullet from the enemy gun may end his life any moment. In the peace time he follows a very strict schedule. His life is very regular and disciplined. In the early morning he leaves his bed and gets ready to go to parade ground. There he undergoes a very rigorous physical training. A practical training to use the arms is also provided to him. Training to learn signals, more...

Dussehra is the festival of Kshattriyas. But all Hindus observe this festival with great joy. Dussehra comes in the Hindi month of Kuwar. It is said that in olden days, the kings and rulers marched out of their kingdoms to conquer new areas on this very day after the rainy season. It is also said that the Goddess Durga killed the demon on this day. Hence this festival is observed on this day in her honour. It is also said that Ram killed Ravana on this day. The festival has different meanings for the different people. People think that any work begun on this day will bring good luck. The Kshattriyas take out their arms. They clean and worship them on this day. In the evening, people go to visit friends and relations at their houses. Betels are freely offered to visitors on this day The girls also observe this more...

One  of the  most  beautiful achievements of man is a garden. Man has loved gardens and gardening from the earliest times. Gardening is a delightful and interesting hobby. 'Garden refreshes the spirit of a man, without which buildings and palaces are but gross handy works,' wrote Bacon. A beautiful garden is in itself a constant source of pleasure. It forms a quiet retreat where one can rest far from the madding crowd. Soothed by the singing of birds, a weary man enjoys soothing coolness. Smooth green lawns of grass with beds of gay flowers fill the air with sweet smell. No wonder, man has dreamt of garden, the Paradise on earth. It is the expression of his first state of innocence,                          Gardening promotes physical as well as mental health. Looking after a garden all the year round with more...

A Principal has a very important place in the working of the school. He can improve the standard of education in the school. He is a central figure in the school. Mr. R.L. Sharma is our Principal. He is a tall and strong man. He has a well built body. He has a grand personality. His appearance is pleasing. He is always neat and clean in his dress. He is M.A., B.T. Our Principal is able, highly qualified and hard working. He is very noble and honest. He takes great interest in his work. He is the friend and guide of the students. We regard him as our Guru. Besides being a good teacher he is a good administrator. He teaches us English. He is a lover of honesty. He is famous for his method of teaching. Students take interest in his class. He teaches us so nicely that we more...

Russell Ohl (1898-1987) was a precocious talent who by the age of sixteen had already entered Pennsylvania State University After a period in the Army Signal Corps and a brief career as a teacher, OhI finally took a research position in U.S. industry. Early radios were only able to receive low- frequency transmissions. At Bell Labs in Holmdel, New Jersey, Ohl worked to create an improved radio receiver for high frequencies. Here he experimented with semiconductor materials that he thought would outperform the electron tubes used in existing receivers. An expert in the behavior of crystals, Ohl investigated different materials for semiconductors, such as germanium and silicon. The crystals were heated, and when cool would be sliced for use. In 1939 Ohl was working with a silicon sample that he noticed had a crack down the middle. When he tested the electrical resistance of the sample he noted that when more...

"An antibiotic for all seasons, it's used for a dozen reasons... there is no proxy, for our antibiotic doxy." James McCallum, from the poem "Doxycycline" The world existed for a long time without antibiotics, but as soon as they were discovered, the race was on to find more. Penicillin and streptomycin had both been isolated from some form of fungus, and the search continued for products that came from naturally occurring bacteria. Research groups looked everywhere but one of the more promising avenues of investigation began to emerge from groups studying certain fungi that lived in soil—organisms known as actinomycetes. Lederle Laboratories found the now forgotten antibiotic aureomycin in dirt samples. Pfizer soon followed suit with the equally obscure antibiotic terramycin. Both aureomycin and terramycin functioned as broad-spectrum antibiotics, covering a range of both gram- positive and gram-negative bacteria. This sparked a great deal of interest in figuring out how more...

"The Space Shuttle is the most effective device known to man for destroying dollar bills." Dana Rohrabacher, U.S. Congressman Booster rockets—such as the Saturn V that launched the Apollo astronauts toward the Moon—are extremely wasteful. They can fly only once, parts are thrown away after use, and 97 percent of the mass is Consumed in the first few minutes. Clearly, what was really needed for advanced and economic space exploitation was a spacecraft that could take off and return, to be reused time after time. In 1972 the United States decided to build the Space Shuttle. Rockets were to be used to assist the launch. Crew facilities were to be provided for up to eight people, and the huge cargo bay would be used to take satellites and sections of the International Space Station (ISS) into orbit. New instruments would also be taken up to existing spacecraft, and In-orbit more...

In 1952 Gregory Pincus (1903-1967), a biologist working at the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology in the United States, demonstrated that a synthetic form of the hormone progesterone, known as norethidrone, inhibited ovulation in rabbits and rats. Norethidrone had been developed a year earlier by Carl DJerassi, a chemist working at the Syntex company in Mexico City. It had initially been created with the aim of producing high concentrations of progesterone to treat menstrual disorders. It had the advantage of being more active than the human hormone, and also of being effective when taken orally. Margaret Sanger, founder of the American Birth Control League, saw the potential of Pincus's work. She enlisted the help of heiress Katharine McCormick, who agreed to fund research to develop a contraceptive pill. Pincus developed a pill with the aid of gynecologist John Rock (1890-1984), a devout Catholic aiming to improve conception among infertile couples. more...


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