"Defibrillators should be as common as fire extinguishers." Michael Tighe, saved by a portable defibrillator A defibrillator is a device that delivers an electric shock to the heart through the chest wall, with the aim of restoring a regular rhythm. It is used to treat ventriculat fibrillation, a condition where the heart muscle is no longer contracting in a coordinated fashion, thus preventing blood from being pumped around the body. If untreated, death frequently results. American cardiac surgeon Claude Beck (1894-1971) performed the first successful defibrillation procedure in 1947 at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Beck had been operating on a fourteen-year-old boy with a congenital heart problem, and had just closed the boy's chest when he suffered a cardiac arrest. Beck immediately reopened the chest and, after unsuccessfully massaging the heart by hand, tried out the defibrillator device that he was in the process of developing. Beck's more...

Introduction. The whole world is struggling against many sorts of problems. But, AIDS has been proved to be the most fatal disease like cancer. The doctors are trying their best to find out any vaccination but so far, they do not seem to have any ray of hope for the remedy of this dreadful disease. Origin of AIDS. The meaning of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This latest dreaded malady of the present century is supposed to be originated in the African green monkeys. It was detected for the first time when this breed of green monkeys of the Equator countries Was studied. No one knows how it passed on to human beings. Symptoms. The infected person of this disease can be easily identified. The resistance power of its prey ends altogether. AIDS is caused through blood. If you touch a person having AIDS, you cannot contract it. We more...

The success or failure of a school depends upon its Principal. A Principal has a very important place in the working of school. He can improve the standard of education in the school. He is a central figure in the school. If I were the Principal of my school, I would introduce some ideas which are in my mind. First I would introduce co-education. Time has come when boys and girls should be educated together. The girls generally are more hard-working than boys. There will be healthy competition between boys and girls. Boys will be encouraged to work hard to outshine girls. Secondly, I would try to make games compulsory for all students. It is on the playground that the feelings of brotherhood, discipline and social service are created among boys. The team work becomes their habit. The Duke of Wellington once said that it was on the playing fields more...

Of all the books I have read the Ramayana influenced me most. This is my favourite book. I love it most. The book has many charms of its own. It is more interesting than any other book. It is more philosophic than any other book on philosophy. It is a complete moral code. Hence, it has influenced me most. It contains the life story of Rama who is thought to be an incarnation of God. Hence it is a religious book which helps us to make us good and pious. The book is full of ideals. It presents every situation of life, from the examples given in the book, we learn how we should behave with our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, enemies, teachers, learned persons, strangers, husbands, wives, sons and even the low caste people. It teaches us to be brave and cheerful in all circumstances. Thus we may call more...

"If fall these cooktop[s] were laid out in a line, they would cover about three quarters of... the earth." Schott Schott, the German specialty glass producer, originally made glass ceramics for use in astronomical telescopes. In 1983 they introduced CERAN®, a glass- ceramic cooktop panel for halogen cooking. Hot and long-lasting, halogen bulbs were perfect for cooking, but their application in the kitchen had been limited by available cooktop materials. CERAN® brought the power of halogen bulbs to chefs everywhere. The cooktops contain reflectors beneath the bulbs to direct maximum heat to the cooktop surface. Everyday incandescent bulbs consist of a tungsten filament encased in blown glass that contains an inert gas, such as argon. Halogen bulbs are similar except that, instead of an inert gas, a halogen gas—usually iodine or bromine—is used. Using such gases ramped up the bulbs' light output and radiant heat, but also demanded a special more...

Many everyday objects are formed from polystyrene, such as pens, electrical equipment, and toys. This diversity of form comes from a relatively uninspiring molecular structure—a long chain of carbon atoms, each attached to a ring of six carbon atoms known as a phenyl group. When expanded with a gas such as pentane or carbon dioxide, it forms a light, foamlike structure ideal for packaging and insulation. The compound was first identified in 1839 by Eduard Simon of Berlin. He isolated an oily substance from tree resin that he named styrol, which, over time, thickened into a jelly. It was later discovered by Hermann Staudinger that the substance was a monomer, a type of molecule that, with heat, combines with others to create a plastic polymer. The polymerization process was joining together single units of the styrol to make a long chainlike molecule. The material found few applications until 1930 when more...

Television is traditionally vilified as being a vacuous, flashing goggle box—"chewing gum for the eyes." However, in the twenty-first century people are much more likely to be goggling at a computer screen than a television set. That is strange because, unlike the television, the computer did not originally include a screen. When they were first created, computers simply processed data from manually inserted punch cards. Save for some mechanical whirring, they gave no real visual clues as to what they were up to. To have even the most basic understanding of what a computer was doing at any given point in its processing, a person needed a fairly advanced degree in mathematics. Since the invention of the Graphical User Interface (GUI), that privilege has been accessible to everyone. The man who paved the way was Douglas Engelbart (b. 1925). Inspired by an essay by Vannevar Bush that he read in more...

My grandmother is a goddess in the form of a woman. The sole aim of her life is service and sacrifice. Thus she deserves claims and commands and respect in our family. My grandmother is the busiest member of the family. She is the most important wheel in the family vehicle. She is the lady who nurses and looks after the children. She is a religious woman. Soon after getting up before dawn, she takes her bath and absorbs herself in prayer. She reads holy books and recites in a sing-song manner while sitting before the temple that she has set up in the house. My grandmother is good cook. She loves to prepare meals and serve delicious food to all members of the family. She infact, acts like a machine. The time between 1P.M. and 4P.M. is reserved for sewing and needle work in spite of her age. She more...

Customs are manmade laws. They grow out of well established Conventions. They are the driving forces in the man's life. As habit Is a part and parcel of man's life customs are also. We cannot get rid of a custom whether it may be wrong or right. Customs shape our character. Customs guide our action. in the olden days there was the custom of Sati in India. Due to much efforts of some social reformers this custom was banned. But we have not got rid of this custom till today. There are some cases even today of Sati. Whenever any act is repeated by large section of society it becomes custom. After some time custom leads to superstition. A person who dares not to follow the custom becomes neglected and isolated in the society. A custom is even more powerful than law. Customs have a great influence on the peaceful more...

“... with worn-out worm-eaten rotten bits of wood ...a savage mode of keeping accounts..." Charles Dickens, novelist Tally sticks, or tallies, are batons of bone, ivory, wood, or stone into which notches are made as a means of recording numbers or even messages. The archeological and historical records are rich in tallies, with the Lebombo bone as the earliest example. Found in a cave in the Lebombo Mountains in Swaziland and made from a baboon's fibula, it dates back to 35,000 B.C.E. Its markings suggest that it is a lunar phase counter, indicating an appreciation of math far beyond simple counting. Tally sticks became the primary accounting tool of medieval Europe, which was largely illiterate. During the 1100s King Henry I of England established the Exchequer to be responsible for the collection and management of revenues. To keep track of taxes owed and paid, split tally sticks were employed. Usually made more...


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