"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all" Hypatia of Alexandria, distillery inventor Distillation is not a process confined to spirit production; it is a method of separating chemical substances by their volatility. Chemicals are separated from solutions by heating them until they boil and turn into gas. The gas is then collected and cooled, when it condenses into a liquid. As different chemicals boil at different temperatures, it is possible to separate them by controlling the heating temperatures. There is evidence of the distillation of alcohol dating back to the second millennium B.C.E. although recent evidence from Pakistan demonstrates that it was not until 400 B.C.E; that the process was well understood. The idea of boiling water and collecting it as steam, which separates out dirt, salts, and bacteria, seems to have of tme 800 years later, when Hypatia more...

It is an age of science. Discoveries and inventions are taking place. Science helps man to manufacture a pin and also a jet plane. Man's comforts have increased and his powers strengthened. Man is now the master on land, in sea and air. One such marvel is the aero plane. It enables us to travel hundreds of miles in a few hours. It carries mails quicker than the train or the steamer. Doctors are using the plane to rush to distant places to save the lives of their patients. The aero plane has been used to save the lives of patients. It has been used to fight the locust pest that destroys crops in fields. Nowadays it is also adopted for sowing seeds over a large area of land. It is also useful to explorers in helping them to travel to places where other methods of transport cannot be used. more...

The introduction of midday meals is an important step for the success of the programme "Sarva Siksha Abhiyan" or "Education for All". It was recently launched all over the country to get rid of the curse of illiteracy. It is a fact that every year a large number of students drop out from schools. This is mainly caused due to poverty among the learners. These children in their very early age fall victims to child labour. Besides, most of these children suffer from malnutrition. Now midday meal scheme would arrest the drop-out rate and provide the under-privileged students with nutritious food. It would also promote communal harmony and remove casteism in a way. The successful implementation of the programme rests on the coordinated efforts of all those involved in it.                                

Our examinations were over. We felt relief after the hard labour. It was the month of May. We were waiting for the examination result We went to canal for a bath in the evening. We were ten in number. Many boys came and joined us. The canal water was flowing at full speed. Some of us did not dare to go far from the bank. A few of us were good swimmers. Shri Lal proposed that we should leap from the bridge. His proposal was accepted by all clever swimmers. They went up the bridge and began to leap one by one. This they did several times. Shri Lal went up once more and took his last leap. Somehow he went down. He did not rise from the bottom of the canal. For some time we watched thinking that he was taking a long dip. We waited but he did more...

“Rowling is only a magical ceremony by means of which one compels a demon to move the ship.” Friedrich Nietzsche, philosopher Although it is common knowledge that rowboats were used as far back as 3000 B.C.E. in Egypt as a means of traveling and trading along the Nile River, evidence has been uncovered recently to suggest that they were in existence much earlier. In a grave uncovered in the Mesopotamian city of Eridu, archeologists found a clay model of a boat, and the grave is thought to have been dug before 4000 B.C.E. Mesopotamia—widely cited as as "the cradle of civilization"—was the name given in the Hellenistic Period to a broad geographical area that took in what we now know as Iraq and a part of western Iran. The model they found was of a wide boat with a shallow bottom, rather like a barge, which was designed to float more...

The twentieth century has already come to an end. We are in the 21st century now. Now it is time to think what will be the position of India in 21st century. We presume that India will surely occupy an important position in the world in the new century. World will recognize her as the leader or torch-bearer of Asia. Every country in the world will try to have friendly relations with India. She will have good relations with our neighboring countries. In spite of all the hurdles Indo-Pak relations will improve and there will be free trade and communication between these two countries. India and China will succeed in setting their border disputes in the coming century and both will have very good relations with each other. The ethnic problem of Sri Lankan Tamilians will be solved upon by the end of the 20th century. The new century will more...

"A hearty laugh gives one a dry cleaning, while a good cry is a wet wash." Puzant KevorkThomajan Like so many inventions, the idea of dry cleaning was hit upon by accident. One morning, French dye-works owner Jean-Baptiste Jolly noticed a clean spot on a dirty tablecloth where his maid had knocked over a kerosene lamp. Since materials such as silk and wool blends shrink and lose their color when washed with water and soap, Jolly knew exactly how to capitalize on his discovery, and soon he had developed a way of cleaning clothes without using water. Jolly called the procedure "dry cleaning"—though this is something of a misnomer since the process does involve immersing dirty clothes in a liquid solvent. Jolly started to clean delicate clothes with kerosene and gasoline. These early solvents were highly flammable and the risk of fire drove the dry-cleaning industry to look for alternatives. Synthetic more...

Reservation is the term. which is applied for the process of reserving one's interest. Sometimes you get a berth or seat reserved in train or bus, sometimes you get a place reserved anywhere. Sometimes you have something reserved for you. The implication is the same. Reservation gives you a special authority or possession for the thing you have got reserved. After Independence the world's largest democracy i.e. India accepted this term in its Constitution in a very significant manner. Every community has divided itself in two prominent categories. First the privileged and the second the unprivileged or under-privileged. India has also followed this system of society right from very ancient period. Naturally there has always been a great rift between these two sections. After Independence the wise politicians thought over this rift very deeply. They adopted the policy of reservation for the next twenty years in order to provide a more...

Fashion is the term which applies to the trend and style that people adopt according to the changing world. It sets our dress, behavior, food, likes and dislikes, etc. in order to match with the changed scenario. In old days people mostly followed the traditional pattern of living set by our predecessors on the base of their religious values and beliefs. So the names   like Dasharatha, Ram, Krishna, Radha were the most common in the society. But now Tom, Dick, Harry are in fashion. Now the fashion is set according to the Bollywood and Hollywood. Heroes and heroines of the films have become the role models. Now it is very difficult to distinguish whether 'Puppy' is your pet baby dog or your own son or daughter. Fashion is not a word which is unknown to everyone today. The whole world has become crazy for fashion and tries to go more...

"[Reaching] the dim boundary... we measure shadows, and we search among ghostly errors..." Edwin Hubble, The Realm of the Nebulae (1936) The legend goes that, playing one day in their father's spectacle shop, two Dutch children realized that if they looked through both a concave lens close to their eye and a concave lens held at arm's length, the local church tower was greatly magnified. Their father, Hans Lippershey (circa 1570-1619), then mounted the two lenses in a tube and tried to sell the device to the Dutch Army.. Whether the credit for this invention should go to Lippershey or to, for example, Zacharius Janssen or Jacob Metius, or even the Englishman Leonard Digges, has become a matter of considerable debate. At the very least, Lippershey is generally credited with popularizing the device, and creating and disseminating designs for the first practical telescope. Soon similar instruments, known as "Dutch Trunks," more...


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