Introduction. A hospital has several wards. There are female ward, outdoor patients ward and emergency ward. These wards are joined together except the segregated ward. Sight of the building. The building of a hospital la like any other building. It is beautifully built. It has a large number of doors, windows and ventilators. The rooms are full of good articles of furniture. But its furniture is different from house-hold funiture in many ways. Each room has iron beds. Surroundings. The surroundings of the hospital are quite neat and clean. Each ward has a garden in front of it. It adds to the beauty of the hospital. All the wards are neat and clean. . Operation theatre. There is special hall. It is called operation theatre. No one except doctors and the nurses is allowed to enter it, Operations are done here. It is fitted with surgical instruments. Description of a more...

Introduction. In September last, my father went to Delhi from Allahabad by a plane. He had to attend the meetings of the Revered I requested him to take me with him. He agreed. I was very much pleased. The aerodrome. My father is an M.P. He went in a car from Allahabad Id aerodrome in the morning. Our .seals had already been reserved. I was much pleased to see the aerodrome. I saw a number of aero planes I here. One aero plane just came in- ground. People god down from it. Some were being cleaned and repaired- Our plane was ready for the flight. The aero plane. Our luggage was put in the plane. We entered it. I wondered to see the plane. I had seen a plain. From a distance. Never thought that it was so lug. The plane was standing on wheels. It had two large wings. more...

Introduction. We all earn our bread by doing some work. That work is our profession. We all like to do that work which gives us money and requires us to do little. But this is not possible and we have to choose a work which we can do and for which we have an interest. Points to be considered. Unfortunately there are many people I this world who are doing a work for which they are not Fit. Therefore, we should consider well before taking up any work. The first point to him considered is our natural taste and liking for a work. The second Point is the physical Fitness. The third point is the means by which we May prosper in that work. Reason for the choice. Generally people are interested in the work of their forefathers, because it is very easy for them. Moreover they have experience of more...

Introduction. In summer the heat is intense. Hot winds blow. A dark cloud or a shower of rain is always welcome. IF the rain does not fall people pray for if. They do Yoga exercise. When rain comes. In summer a rainy day is a day of enjoyment. When dark clouds cover the sky, we begin to dance with joy. When breeze blows and rainfalls, every heart is Filled with delight. People g" out lo the canal or the river to hold picnic. Some people go out to enjoy sight of nature. Young girls gather under some big tree to enjoy swing. They enjoy going up and down on the swing. They sing sweet songs. These songs give us great pleasure. Thus (hey make merry. Little children come out. With loin clothes. They bathe in the rain water. Some of them roll in dirty rain water. They float paper boats more...

Introduction. India is facing many problems. One of them is the problem of unemployment this problem is very serious- it is increasing very rapidly. The demon of unemployment is threatening our peace and prosperity. Meaning of unemployment. Employment means lack of work for those persons who .ire willing to work. Some people have compulsory leisure. There are two categories of unemployed persons— 1. Uneducated persons and 2. educated.  Persons Unemployment among the educated people f- increasing. Besides unemployment, there is under employment also. Under employment means insufficient employment.  For example, a farmer is under-employment because he does not have work for the whole year. Reasons responsible for unemployment. There are many reasons responsible for unemployment; first, there is rapid increase in the population. Secondly, our collage industries arc nearly destroyed- Workers employed in collage industries:, are out of jobs. Thirdly, the educational system is defective. I produce only clerks who more...

Introduction. A journey by boat is not a common thing for me. I have sat on a boat once in my life. So it was full of interest for me. Occasion. Once I had to go to Allahabad to join a ceremony. Go for a bath in the Ganga. We decided to go on a boat from bought to sang am. The idea was liked by all so we started on foot to baluaghat. We were 16 in number many boatmen requested us to sit in their boats. We choose a small boat painted in blue. The wages were settled and we sat in the boat. There were two boat-men they asked us to sit properly on both the sides of the boat. Scenes and sights. The boat sailed. It moved gently. We saw the building on the banks. It was a pleasant sight. We were going down the current. more...

Introduction. Now-a-days the problem of indiscipline among students has grown very serious. Everybody complains of the growing indiscipline among the students who are our future hopes. Causes responsible for the indiscipline. The question arises   why there is indiscipline among students? Some main causes that arc responsible for the indiscipline among students arc: 1. Old system of education. Our old system of education results in unrest among the students. They have to pass through age-old system of examinations. 2. Political causes. Students were encouraged by our leaders before 1947 to take part in freedom struggle. The leaders and students made use of all fair and foul methods. The students grew in the habit of using them against their teachers and the elders. Now we are independent but still political parties use students for their selfish ends. 3. The conditions of schools and colleges. The schools and colleges arc over-crowded. The teachers more...

Introduction. (A hot summer morning) it was Sunday in June. Li was very closed-1 decided to go to the river which flows near our town at a small distance. I went there on my bike. On the way to the river. 1 had not gone far when I met my friend Ravi. He too, was going to the river. So we went along talking merrily. we soon reached the river the riverside. The river side presented a very lovely scene. There were men, women and children. They were in large number- All were Swimming those who could not swim were bathing in shallow water. Home people were washing their clothes- Some were playing in the Cold water of the river. Little boys and girls were playing on the sand.  Some boys were playing kabaddi on the sand of the river. Boating by students and washing clothes by washer men. A  more...

Introduction. Lire is a mixture of laughter and tears- joys and Sorrows. There are events of both light (happiness) and shadow (Sorrow) in life. My saddest day. The 22nd June, 1989 is the saddest day in my life. Oil this day a number of sad events look place. I can never forget this day. It is the blackest sport in my memory. What happened on the saddest day? I had taken the inter examination. Some of the papers were quite stiff. I had not fared well in Mathematics. I have never been good at mathematics I was wait in tor that result with teat. On this day the saddest one in my life" my result was to be declared. I looked at the result my fears only turner out to be too true. My roll number was missing in the list of successful students. My old father was then ill. He more...

Introduction. Life is a great struggle in many ways. Man has lo tight against disease;, poverty, misfortunes and so many other troubles. The best way to right these strong enemies is lo possess a sound health thus physical fitness is the fest duty of all men. Advantages of Physical experience. Proper and regular exercise is one of the best means I" attain physical runes’. Some people- believe that medicine and tonic maintain sound health. No mistake can be greater than this belief. Tonics and medicine provide temporary energy. Real and lasting energy cannot beget from them.  It is physical   that can make us healthy and energetic. It is a cure for almost all bodily ills and weakness. Physical culture Proper Development of the body. Has become I regular science. Even the greatest doctors of the world admit that certain chronic diseases like constipation or asthma can be cured only through more...


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