Introduction. A flight in an aeroplane is a highly exciting Experience it.  Is flying in the air like a bird. The whole thing is strange and wonderful. But there is also a risk in flying. The cases of aeroplane crash are common. Where I saw the crash. I once happened to see a sight of aeroplane crash. Last year I was in my village. It was morning. I was out for a walk. As I was moving up and down the railway bridge, I heard a terrible sound. I looked into the direction from where sound was heard. I saw an aeroplane burning. I at once ran to the place of occurrence. Cause of the crash. The scene which L saw was a moving scene of human misery. An aeroplane had met with an accident. It had taken off from the indira Gandhi Aerodrome, Delhi. It was hound for Madras It more...

Introduction. The poets have been singing in praise of pleasures of country life since times immemorial. Still people run to cities in every country. Charms of country life seem to have no attraction for them. Life in the country is full of charms. Villages justify the remark of Cowper. "God made the country and manmade the town". The naturalness and simplicity of villages make us call the villages the creation of God. Simple and innocent life of villagers. "The life in the country is very simple and innocent. Perfect peace rules there. The retired people love to pass   days of their life in the country. Alexander Pope spoke highly of I he quiet life of country in his poem 'On Solutidc" Simple occupations of people. The occupations of people are very simple. Nearly all of them are agriculturists. They cultivate their own fields and depend on tin 11 own labour. more...

Introduction. A country's name or fame rests on the youth if the power of Youngman of the country is put to use for constructive purposes, the whole nation gains in many ways. But the question arises how to make the youngmen useful to the country. What can the youngmen do for the country. India is a developing country. The young men may do a lot in the development work. They may go to the villages for adult education, for doing social service to the poor villagers, for teaching new technology in farming and other such vocations. The trained and learned youngmen may bring about Green Revolution in the country. They may preach ideas of secularism in the country. By leading an ideal simple life they may lead others to simple living. They may make the illiterate people literate. In emergencies they may do a lot in controlling floods etc. We more...

Occasion. One day I was travelling by Kalka Mail from Allahabad to Tundra. I started from Allahabad at 3 o'clock in the night. There was a great rush in the train. But somehow I got a seat. The accident. The train started. It had hardly gone two kilometer when we felt a sudden jerk. I fell down upon a man who was sitting on the door. He had just begun to rebuke me when another man also fell down. The next moment a box fell upon a woman and she became unconscious. In only a few moments men and bundles lay in disorder, one upon another. The passengers had their head struck against the windows and of the heavy things. I also was wounded. As soon as I was able to stand up, I realized the whole situation. Tile description. The train had collided against another train. My carriage was more...

Introduction. I live near the Jamuna River in a small village. Forty families lived there. Every year during the rainy season our village is surrounded by Jamuna water. We have built our houses on the rocky ground. It is much above the level of the surrounding earth. Heavy rains. Last year heavy rains caused flood. We had to vacate our village. We saw big sheet of water alt round. Boats were playing in the Jamuna. I saw with great horror many houses surrounded by angry water. Ultimately we had to vacate our houses and went to our farm where we were safe. The farm was situated at about fifteen kilometers away from our village in the interior. Scene of the flood. I saw that many other villages were submerged in water. The people were carrying their luggage in boats. The Government had called the police. The police helped those whose more...

Introduction. ‘News' has four letters. These four letters stand for four directions-North east, West, South. Reports from four directions are given the name 'News'. The paper on which reports are printed is called 'newspaper'. Advantages of Newspaper. Newspaper has its own advantages. The main advantages are as under:- 1. Supply mental food. From the newspapers we come to know what is going on in the world. They increase our general knowledge. They supply food to our hungry mind. 2. Means of advertisement. Newspapers are good means of advertisement. They help the business. There are news about the manufactured articles, ions of prices and rates of commodities. We get all types of information from thcm4 social, political, commercial and educational there is one magazine section in them. In this section there is the list of the latest books. This section is very useful for the students. They get the books more...

Introduction. Accidents of Tongas and cycles are very common. We read of them every day. They are more common in big cities than in small towns. The occasion and cause of accident. I saw a bus-accident yesterday. It took place in the open. I was going to Agra. The bus left Shekohabad and readied near the canal bridge. The road rises very high at the bridge from both the sides. Unfortunately a car was coming from the opposite direction. Both the drivers forgot to blow the horns, since they did not see anything ahead. The car being new made no sound. As our reached the bridge the car came up Suddenly. The driver of our bus became nervous. He lost his presence of mind. He tried to put the brakes but there was no time. So he gave a sudden turn to the wheels. Description of accident.  Unluckily the road more...

Scene lo front of the ticket window. In front of second class booking window [here was a long queue of passengers. They were walling for their turns to gel tickets- When the window opened, they pushed one another. Lo' the old man fell. At once a policeman ran for his help. He saved him from being crushed. He purchased a ticket for him. At the platform. At the platform there were a large number of passengers. They were wailing for the train. Some were silting on the benches. They were talking. The villagers were silting on I he floor or on their boxes or trunks. Some gentlemen were walking up and down the platform. Every now and then they were looking in the direction of the train. When the distant signal became yellow, they fell happy. They knew that the train would shortly arrive. As soon as-they caught night of more...

Introduction. India is a land of fairs. Almost every district has a fair. Some of them are religious fairs. Others are commercial fairs. Some of them are both. Name of the fair. On the Kartik Purnima, it was a holiday. I went with some friends to see the Bateshwar Fair. It is very famous and people come to see it from far and wide. We went there in the morning. First view of the fair- When we reached the fair, we had to cross bride over a part of the river. Then we reached the Mela ground. We saw 'a large number of donkeys, pigs, camels and horses in different parts of the fair ground. The donkeys were holding a braying competition. The pigs were grunting, the horses were neighing and camels were making a babbling sound. 1 liked the horse show best. The owners of the horses were riding more...

Introduction. All houses in a town have not water laps. The municipalities of the town make arrangements to supply water for those who have no private laps. For this purpose every street has one or two laps. They are generally at the ends of the steel. They are meant for those who need them. They are not private properly. Scene before the running of the tap. Long before the taps are turned lo run, men, women and children come to them with pails. Pitchers or buckets in their hands. They place their pots about the la]' those who come first place their pots near to the lap. Some of them go back to finish work in their houses. Others remain silting there. They fear they will lose their turn, Scene during the time when tap is running. Here is a description of scene at the tap in a street. On more...


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