Introduction. General Elections were suddenly announced by Shri Rajiv Gandhi the former Prime Minister of India in the month Of October, 1989. It was a calculated step. The charges of corruption and all sorts of scandals were daily bringing a bad name to the ruling party. Therefore, the ruling party wanted to lake the opposition parties by surprise. The opposition parties were still busy holding dialogues for the so -called opposition unity when the General Elections were announced by Shri Rajiv Gandhi. The elections to some of the state Assemblies were also announced simultaneously. The dales For the Election were to be 22nd, 24th and 26th of November, 1989. The Election Commissioner of India made elaborate Arrangements for the conduct of peaceful elections. Preparations. After the work of filing of nominations, canvassing started by the contesting candidates in their respective constituencies. The entire country was in the grip of mad more...

Recently, Apollo Hospital group installed the world's most advanced Cyber Knife robotic radio surgery system at the cancer specialty centre in Chennai, India. Although it meant substantial price for the hospital, Apollo decided to go ahead with the project due to the new-found enthusiasm for robotics in India. From the Chandrayaan I project for sending robots to moon, to biomedical engineering and the auto industry, India has been using robotics on a wide scale. In an increasingly technology-driven country, robotics has fast assumed significance not only for industrial applications, but also in various day-to-day human activities. According to the Oxford dictionary, robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, structural disposition, manufacture and application of robots. The word robotics was derived from the word robot. The word robotics was first used in print by Isaac Asimov, in his science fiction published in May 1941 in more...

Introduction. Unseasonal heavy rains cause floods in Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Union Territory of Delhi. The floods left behind a trail of death and destruction. Destruction Caused By Flood. More than 800 persons died. Standing crops over a vast area were submerged. Communication and rails-and road services in many parts were disrupted shattered. In Jammu and Kashmir, the national highways roads which connect Jammu with Kashmir was blocked with landslides and rock slips, They blocked traffic all along the route. Heavy rains also caused great damage in Himachal Pradesh in Punjab, the flooded Sutlej, Ravi and Beas caused extensive flooding of farmlands and towns. Water from the Sutlej River entered Ferozepur city and cantonment which are projected by a barrage and head works. Punjab and Haryana and the grain houses of India. They were hit when the kharif crop was ready for harvesting rice and cotton more...

Anywhere one goes, one can see every second person's head glued to the shoulder (as if they are suffering from cervical disc, or perhaps someone twisted their neck like my broken doll). The other common sight is of those wearing garland of wires—perhaps they have taken the movie matrix too seriously! Even if one is sitting for Puja or is dying to go to the washroom the sound of Beep Beep! immediately catches one's attention—such is the influence of mobile on the entire world that it would not be wrong to say that it is a Mobile World indeed. Internet, video calling, 3G facilities, downloads, songs, movies, pictures, payment of bills, shopping, camera, videos—what else is there on planet earth that this pastry-sized gadget cannot do. Me and my friends chat, get match updates and play games. Not to forget, downloading Dhoni's heroic pictures, when we won the World Cup, more...

Introduction. The Seoul Olympic Games was the words most spectacular sports festival. It was the best Olympiad. Its opening ceremony took place at 10.30 am on Saturday, September 17, at the 1, 00,000 capacity Olympic stadium at Seoul, the capital city of Republic of Korea. This sports festival concluded on October 2, when it was formally declared closed by the international Olympic committee president Juan Antonio Samaranch. The Games. The heroic performances began in the arena of soul Olympiad for 16 days. New Olympics and world records were made. New stars sparked. Among the new stars to touch the horizon was Kristin Otton of east germane. He won about half a dozen gold medals in swimming. Two more were won by another woman in the Olympic history and she made her name immortalized for many years to come in the record books of Games. The glory in pools was shared more...

In 1851, Charles Babbage, the father of computers wrote, "it is not a bad definition to describe man as a tool making animal". He wouldn't have had the faintest idea of how prophetic his statement would become one day. Today, man has invented all sorts of machines, which a century ago would have been unimaginable. IT is an initialism for Information Technology. IT Day, which involves the participation of many IT companies features eminent developments and future trends which are somehow connected to computers and information technology. Information Technology (also known as Information and Communication (s) Technology (ICT) and Infocom, especially in Asia) is a broad subject concerned with technology and other aspects of managing and processing information, especially in large organizations. In particular, IT deals with the use of electronic computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information. For that reason, computer professionals are more...

We all can our bread by doing some that work is our profession. We like to do that work which gives us money and requires us to do little. But this is not possible and we have to choose a work which we can do and for which we have and interest. Unfortunately there are many people in this world who are doing a work for which they are not fit. Therefore, we should consider well before taking up any liking for a second point is the physical fitness. The third point is the means by which we may propose in that work. Generally people are interested in their ancestral profession because it is very easy for them Moreover they are skilled in it. The son of a carpenter finds it easy to run a shop. Trade requires money. Government service needs qualification. I belong to the family of learned more...

The first time I saw a martial arts film in a local cinema, I told myself that I wanted to be a great fighter like Bruce Lee. In my mind I was already a hero just waiting for an opportunity to show off my fighting skills. In my obsession I enrolled in a local Karate School to learn how to punch, kick and generally dispatch persons with ease. What I experienced in the school was totally different from what I imagined it to be. In the first place, I learnt that there is no heroism, involved in fighting. Only fools fight among themselves. Furthermore, they get broken hands and bruises all over the body for nothing. Learning karate is an arduous task. It requires discipline and perseverance. After all the tough sessions in the 'dojo', a karate practitioner will have no desire to go out of his way to fight more...

Science has gifted us so ninny wonderful things that have affected our style of living and made life easy going. Computer is one of them that has played an impotent role in improving the conditions of   advanced nations we can effectively realize our dreams through proper use of computers. India declared its computer policy in November 1984. It has opened a new beginning of computer revolution in the history of India. The first computer in Indio was built in 1966 by Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. After a while Bhabha Atomic Research Centre added to computers in a series. Computers are now manufactured on a commercial basis. This has given a further momentum to die computer revolution in India. The establishment of the Electronics Corporation of India was a momentous event. The use of electronics will not accentuate the problem of unemployment. On the other hand It will provide employment more...

In more ways than one, I say yes to the above question. The motorcar was invented a while ago. Since then we have enjoyed the ease of travelling, unparalleled to any other civilization. We have also become immeasurably lazier. We drive the car everywhere, to work, to play; for a hundred miles, for a hundred metres. My brother who has a pot-belly does not believe in  walking at all—it is always the car, even to the corner grocery shop, a stone's throw away. Many 'modern' people are like my brother, four wheels take over the job of two legs. Consequently, their whole physical condition suffer. They become overweight, under-exercised and prone to a multitude of ailments. The convenience of the motorcar has caused laziness which in turn is causing physical deterioration. Besides physical laziness, modern gadgets have also led to mental laziness. This happened to a person known to me more...


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