I think that the media have little to do with the increase in violence. Too many people try to place the blame of their actions on someone or something else.   I think that there are several steps that should be taken to eliminate violence. Factors that are to blame for violence are parents roles in their children's lives and personal responsibility.   Consequences should be more effectively carried out. Alternatives to violence should be encouraged and practiced on a greater scale.   I think that the process of discouraging violence should begin at home. Parents should raise their children with the values and morals to act responsibly and take the blame for their own actions. Parents should act in a manner than reflects this theory.   Most people can control their actions and refrain from violent acts. If parents encourage better behavior then children will carry out this behavior more...

Seasons change with the change in nature. Summer, Rainy, Winter and Spring are the seasons in our tropical continent. The summers are so hot that people eagerly wait for the monsoon.   The rains bring relief. The winters are cold and many parts of northern India experience snow fall. The 'queen of seasons'. Spring is also the 'season of festivals'. Every season has its own characteristic features.   During Summer season the intense heat and the Scorching sun rays are a curse. People prefer to Stay indoors.   Many areas face the problem of water scarcity. Almost every year during summers epidemic breaks out. But despite the various drawbacks of the summer season, it is the season I like most.   The end of the Spring is the beginning of Summer. I welcome this change as it is the sign of fast approaching summer vacations. These holidays are always awaited. more...

Children are the assets of a nation. They are innocent like angels of God. It is not only the responsibility of the parents but also, of the society at large to do everything possible for the welfare of the children.   When a child comes into this world, he draws blank about this world. He is completely at the mercy of his parents.   Even before his birth, attention should have been given to his physical and mental growth in the mother's womb and that is what is being done in more advanced countries and is being increasingly realized in our country as well.   It is, therefore, of paramount importance to provide balanced and nourishing diet to expectant women.   Every woman must be given proper enlightenment about providing proper diet to the child, besides her breast-milk which is the most nourishing diet for an infant. It also provides more...

Family Planning has been adopted as our national policy and a lot of money is being spent on it. But still we are far behind in achieving our targets.   India's population is increasing fast in comparison to its dwindling and depleting resources. This explosion in population has been eating up the modest increase of about 5% in our per capita income. By the middle of the century our population would be about 200 crores. It shows an increase of 2.6 per cent a year.   Consequently, it is natural that our experts have started sounding warning bells. This rapid growth of our population has resulted in a very high pressure on our resources of food, employment, housing, clothing, education and  alleviation of poverty.   With the phenomenal advancement in science, technology, medicine, health and physical-care, the mortality rate has come down considerably but the rate of the birth has more...

The Gemini Circus paid a visit to our town last month. It is still there and will stay for about a month mere.   Last week I went to visit the circus show with my uncle. My uncle bought the tickets and we went in. We sat at the front row of chairs in the circular tent. Music was going on and everybody was waiting breathlessly for the event.   As the nets, ladders and cages had been fixed at their proper places, the first event was now joint to start. Meanwhile, the clowns clad in motley dresses had been enthralling the spectators with their funny presentations.   All of a sudden, there emerged smart half-clad girls on, strangely structured bicycles. Some of the bicycles had no handles.  Others had only one wheel. Some of them broke into two as the girls were riding them. But those smart girls never more...

The introduction of English education in the 19th century marked the beginning of a scientific I revival in India. Interest in science had laid mostly in abeyance during the periods of the Muslim rulers. Some progress was made during the regime of Emperor Akbar in the field of Culture and the Arts.   It was only in the British period that scientific pursuits (at least in theory) were taken up in I the country. Science was prescribed as one of the compulsory subjects of study from the middle classes onwards, although the number of schools and colleges was limited during the British period. Of course wherever schools and colleges were functioning, science laboratories came to be established in them.   The revival of interest in science was among other things based on the fact that the Indian youth gradually came to realize the value of science from the British rulers more...

Freedom has many different meanings. The quality of being frank, open, or outspoken along with the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint are just some of the meanings of freedom.   The quality of being exempt or released from something is also another definition of freedom. As much as freedom is considered to be a good  thing it also has bad qualities that can accompany , it. As young children grow, they want to have i more freedom as they get older.   They want to have that sense of independence. They want to show off their abilities to survive on their own. At age sixteen many teens are given their first real opportunity of freedom.   They are given a driver's license. This is the teen's chance to show that they are responsible enough to be given freedom. As they grow up they are given many more opportunities to more...

I often travel lo ho to my village and I Usually travel by tr.iin. Tickets are booked in advance and my packing is also done by my mother.   However, the last trip to my village was memorable as I started off on a wrong note because my reservation was not confirmed. Since I had no choice but to go under any circumstances, I boarded the train.   During the day there was hardly any problem while travelling. The ticket collector was a friend of mine but I still did not get a berth to sleep on.   At night the train was extremely crowded. People were sitting in the aisle, on the seats and wherever they could find some place. I had a big suitcase on which I tried to make myself comfortable. As the train moved on it got colder and colder. I had a sheet with me more...

Nature has the power to repair and renew many areas across the country. But due to some self- interest minded people, successes are proving temporarily.                         Nature has given many remarkable gifts to the country; such as; forests, fertile soil etc. We were rich in natural resources like rich and fertile soil, climate, wild life, etc. not so long ago.   But due to some profit making agencies the environmental system of India has collapsed. Pesticides such as D.D.T. fertilizers, mines etc. are used in massive quantity.   Trees, the best friend of man, are cut for sale of timber, causing further derailment of the environment. Deforestation have created many complications and difficulties for wildlife.   Many species of wild life have began to extinct. Floods, warming of the atmosphere, soil erosion are some of the examples of our ill policies and greed for money by some self interest more...

The government of India has done a great deal to provide students with schools even in the most remote villages. Although most villages have schools, there are very few that can produce students who can compete with those who study at public schools in the big cities of the country.   There has to be a lot of work done-towards building a strong base for students studying in these schools. Even though the parents of these children may be poor, the government has been providing free education for backward classes since a long time now. Yet a lost needs to be improved.   The buildings which house these village schools are sub-standard. Some have thatched houses Converted into schools. Once the monsoon arrives, classes cannot be held. The school has to be shut down and holidays may carry on for AS long as the monsoon lasts.   This causes a more...


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