
Holi is a spring festival. It is celebrated in the month of Phalguna, as the lunar month is locally known. It is the month of March that corresponds with this time of celebration. Though originated in the northern part of India; Holi has assumed a national flavour over the ages. Despite being a Hindu festival, it is now regarded as a secular event. For, the entire nation takes the day off, as people, irrespective ' of race, culture and ethnic background, enjoy the spirit of Holi, Cities and suburbs, towns and villages all come alive to catch the frenzy of March madness with a range of colours.   Holi, the great Indian festival of colours, is a unique celebration of high spirits, when the new season is courted with a riot of rich colours. It is like a grand kaleidoscope that glorifies all the hues that tinge and renew the more...

What a change in women's status from the Vedic age to the present day? Looking back at history, we find that women were treated with respect in the Indian society. In the Vedic age women were educated. However, as society became orthodox, there was change in their status. They were confined to the four walls of kitchen and occupied in rearing children. Men became bread winners and it was considered necessary for them to be educated. The roles of men and women was thus separated. But now the social scene has considerably changed. Women all over the world are being educated in almost every field that men were so far normally associated with. The knowledge of arts, science, technology and politics is no longer the privilege of men alone. Women have begun to study these subjects and have brought great credit to themselves and their nation by contributing actively in more...

A horse is a useful animal. The horse is a big animal. It has a beautiful body in brown colour. It has a large body and four strong legs. It has two ears, two bright eyes, and a long tail also. Its hair on the head are called mane. It runs very fast. It is famous for its strength and beauty. His skin is glossy. He is black, white or brown in colour. Horses are of many kinds. The horses of Arabia are famous for their swiftness. It can run on all kinds of roads. It eats grass and gram. Horses pull tongas. They are used to take part in races. The horse carries goods from place to place. He is used for riding and drawing carriages. It is faithful to its master. He never forgets his master and his home. The trained horses obey their master. It is used more...

Tulsi Das was one of the greatest saints of India. He was born in 1540 at Banda in Uttar Pradesh. His parents died when he was only five years old. He had to work in the fields to earn his livelihood.   The life of Tulsi became better after he met Guru Nar Hari Das. By following his guru's teachings, Tulsi became a devotee of Lord Rama. He got married to a beautiful woman called Ratnavali. Tulsi Das began to love his wife so much that he forgot his devotion and love for Lord Rama. One day, his wife got angry and told Tuisi that if he had paid even half of his attention to Lord Rama, he would have found him.   This sentence changed the life of Tulsi forever. He left his home and went to Ayodhya and there he wrote the Ramchantmanas. He completed it in 1600. more...

The Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta is an integral part of Mahabhararta, which is our third important scripture. From Mahabharata, a vital section of 700 verses spread over 18 chapters has been compiled to form Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta. In the battlefield of Kurukshetra when Kauravas and Pandavas came face to face in armed conflict with their relatives, cousins and loved ones in opposite camps, it was natural for Arjuna to get confused and confounded. They were his cousins and relatives, how could he slay them? Although Pandavas had been wronged, betrayed, harassed and insulted, yet Arjuna's mind witnessed an intense duel. He could not decide the right course of action for himself. He remembered all the wrongs, deceptions and tortures of the Kauravas, yet questions like "How can I fight them?" "What should one do in such a situation?" boggled his mind. These were perplexing questions, which posed a big problem for more...

Although I have many friends in India I have always wished for a friend who lives in a foreign country. The other day I was reading the magazine "Target" and I came across the addresses of various children all over the world who want to make pen friends. I looked for a name and country that I liked. I wanted a pen friend in the United States of America as I found the culture of that country very different from ours. Finally I found the address of Jane Adams who lives in San Francisco. She is fifteen years old and she is the daughter of two doctors. Her parents love her dearly as she is the only child. She wrote to me as soon as she received my first letter and I was very touched by her warmth and friend lines. Jane loves America a lot. She had never heard more...

My favourite scientist is Thomas Alva Edison. Now as a child he was considered to be a foil. He was not attentive to his studies and could not pull on well at school. His wise and sympathetic mother, however, succeeded in teaching him the essentials of education, reading, writing and arithmetic.   Pressed by poverty, Edison had to work for a living at an early age. But from his very childhood, he was fond of making various experiments some of which made him the laughing stock of the common people. A kind railway guard allowed him to set up his laboratory and printing press in compartment of the train. Besides selling fruits and candles, Edison sold his own newspaper edited and printed by himself: Unluckily one day a bottle broke and inflammable substance in it set fire to some of the boards. The angry guard put young Thomas along with more...

Human beings are born equal in dignity and rights. These are moral claims which are present in all human individuals by virtue of their humanity alone. These claims are formulated in what is known as human rights. Human life and human dignity have been disregarded throughout history and continue to be mis-used even to-day. Yet, even though laws have been made to safeguard a human being's  dignity, discrimination continues to exist because of prejudice, limitations, ignorance and man's' own greed for control and power. These rights have been needed to defend slavery, ill treatment on the grounds of sex, race, colour, descent, religion, caste, and class. The International Bill of Human Rights was founded on 10th December, 1948, when the 'Universal Declaration of Human Rights' was founded by the General Assembly as a common standard of achievement for all people and nations. The rights are of two kinds—civil and political more...

Last year, my uncle was transferred to Nainital. I received a telegram from my uncle At Nainital. He invited me to spend my summer vacation with him. Nainital is 322 kms from Delhi. We went there with my family by bus. Our bus went via Moradabad, Rampur and Haldwani. I reached in the evening. My uncle and aunt were there with their car to receive us. Nainital is a beautiful hill-resort. It is surrounded by giant mountains dotted with bright cottages, bungalows, hotels and Villas. I visited all the beautiful spots. I went for long walks in the mornings and evenings. I viewed the plants, the trees, the flowers, the birds and animals. Everything looked fresh and green. The nights were even more beautiful. The lake is surrounded by many weeping willows. I enjoyed boating in the lake. I also enjoyed horse-riding around the lake. After a stay of more...

Eid is a Muslim term which means festival. Muslims throughout the world celebrate three Eid's during a year.   Ramzan is a month of fasting. It is a very strick fast which does not allow even a sip of water during the day. The fast is broken daily after sunset. After the month long fasting, on the day after the new moon, Ramzan Eid is celebrated. This festival is formally termed as Eid-ul-Fitr.   Bakri Eid is celebrated in the memory of Hazrat Ismail's sacrifice. This festival falls about two months and nine days after Eid-ul-Fitr. It is for this festival that Muslims who can afford, go on pilgrimage to Mecca. This pilgrimage is known as Haj. Mutton biriani is the main dish eaten on this day. This festival is formally known as Eid-ul-zuha.   The third Eid that is celebrated with great enthusiasm is Eid-i-milad. This day commemorates the more...


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