
Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru is the person I like most. He has impressed me greatly. He was born on i4th November, 1889 in Allahabad. Moti Lal Nehru was his father. He was a great lawyer. Jawaharlal Nehru got his early education at home. The he went to England for higher studies. He returned to India in 1912. Later he became a lawyer. He gave up his practice and joined the freedom movement under Mahatma Gandhi. He was totally involved in India's freedom movement. He was sent to jail several times. In 1947 when India became free, he was elected the first Prime Minister. He was a great statesman, idealist and a dreamer. He has written many books. He worked hard to serve his country. Pandit Nehru loved children. And the children called him Chacha Nehru with love. He always liked and enjoyed the company of children. He always wore a more...

I have a number of books. I have read  them all. But the book I like most is the Pancha Tantra (sanskrit) stories. It (contains a number of stories. All of them are interesting stories. They were written long, long ago. A great-wise man wrote them. His name is Vishnu Sharma. This story book was given to me as a present by my aunt.   Each of these stories tells us a moral. Human nature is portrayed here through various animals. These stories are really  wonderful. These are in narrative form.   Damnak and Sanjivak are the main characters. Damnak is a jackal and Sanjivak a bull.   They are so amusing and interesting. I like to read and re-read them. Many of them I remember very well. I like to tell them to my friends and my younger sister.   Though very old, the stories are quite fresh and more...

Cinema is one of the most wonderful gifts of science and has created a niche for itself in the hearst of people of all ages, sections and groups. In today's fast life cinema is one of the cheapest forms of entertainment for millions of people. It is a good pastime for people. From its beginning and till now, cinema industry has made a rapid progress. In the beginning there were black and white movies which have. Been replaced by coloured movies. The number and quality of cinema halls has increased manifold. New and modern techniques are being applied to get the best results. Big cinema posters with attractive poses are seen on the walls of cities and towns for advertising and announcing the new coming movies in the city. Long queues of fans can be seen before the booking windows to get their tickets booked in advance. Cinema is source more...

I live in Delhi. It has a big railway station. Yesterday, I went to the railway station to receive my friend. He was coming from Punjab. I bought a platform ticket and went in. The station was very crowded. There were so many people moving on the platform. Some people had come to catch a train. Others had come to receive or see-off their relatives. Many coolies could be seen. They were wearing red uniform. People were waiting for the trains. Some trains were late. My friend's train was also late by forty minutes. So, I decided to take a look around. There was a huge crowd on the platform. There was great rush of hawkers at the platform. The hawkers were shouting at the top of their voice in order to sell their things. They were selling eatables, fruits, food, tea, newspapers, magazines etc. At the windows of the more...

One of the greatest rulers of India's history is Ashoka (Asoka). Ruling for thirty-eight years (274 B.C.-232 B.C.), he was generally mentioned in his inscriptions as Devanampiya Piyadasi ("Beloved of the gods"). As the third emperor of the Mauryan dynasty, he was born in the year 304 B.C. His greatest achievements were spreading Buddhism throughout his empire and beyond.   He set up an ideal government for his people and conquered many lands, expanding his kingdom. The knowledge of Ashoka's early reign is limited because little information was found. His edicts and inscriptions allowed us to understand his reign and empire, and have an insight into the events that took place during this remarkable period of history. Eight years after he took his throne, Ashoka's powerful armies attacked and conquered Kalinga (present day Orissa). Although he had conquered many other places, this violent war was the last war he ever more...

Accidents are very common in big cities as there are many modes of transport and roads are becoming narrow and overcrowded. We hear of them and read about them in newspapers almost daily. Such accidents result in loss of life and material. These are caused by carelessness of drivers and their ignorance and negligence of traffic rules. Once my brother and I decided to see a movie at Golcha Cinema at Daryaganj in Delhi. As we were getting late for the show, we began walking fast along the crowded road. All of a sudden there was a loud noise. I saw a man rolling on the ground. He had been knocked down by a car. The car driver was driving at normal speed. He saw a lorry coming from the opposite direction. It was being driven rashly. Since the car driver feared a collision, he tried to turn his vehicle more...

All those who avail the facility of a phone are quite used to the phenomena of wrong-calls blank calls and 'cat-calls'. This is a nuisance but one such happening turned out to be pleasant for me. It was a wrong-call in the beginning but a series of such calls by one person led to my one and only phone friendship. I accepted the polite sensitivity of the voice and over a period of time the friendship grew. He decides the time to make sure that I pick the phone. It is always he who calls. I don't know his phone number, may be because I never asked and he never mentioned. I have never seen him. He doesn't want to meet me either. All I know is his name and I recognize him by his soft voice. He has a good sense of humor. We discuss various issues except our more...

Teachers' Day is a national function celebrated in India. It is held on September 5th of every year which is also the  birthday of Dr.  Savepalli Radhakrishnan, one of our former President Dr. Radhakrishnan who was an ideal teacher. So it was decided to celebrate his birthday as Teacher's Day to honour that noble profession,   The main idea is to draw the attention of the society towards this profession. No other profession either medical or legal have a day meant to celebrate and honour the best among them. It is an unique honour awarded to the teaching profession in our country.   On that day nearly a hundred teachers selected from primary, upper primary and secondary schools, oriental schools and colleges are invited by the President Of India and honoured by giving a certificate of recognition along with some cash prize. The award given by the President is called more...

A festival plays a great role as it brings new joy and hope to the people. Of all the festivals I like Diwali. Diwali or Deepawali which means rows of lights is an important festival of the Hindus. It is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the country. This festive day falls on the Amavasya of the month of Kartik every year exactly twenty days after Dussehra by the Hindu Calendar. This festival of lights sweets and crackers is celebrated with fun and frolic by all. In this day, the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after gaining victory over Ravana is memorable. To welcome him back and to express their joy, the people of Ayodhya lighted rows of earthen lamps. Some others believe that Goddess Lakshmi of wealth and prosperity visits every house on this night. To welcome her the lights are lit throughout the night. Jains believe that more...

This is a crow. It is an ugly bird. It is seen everywhere. The crow is black in colour. Its chest is of ash colour. It has two little disshaped legs. It is a big bird, Its neck is grey. It has sharp eyesight. The crow is greedy bird. Its eye-sight is defective. The crow is the most cunning bird in the world. It has a harsh voice. Its beak is strong and big. It caws loudly. Crows live on trees and in big groups. Crow is a very common bird. It picks up worms, small fish and frogs with its short beak. It also eats crumbs of bread and other things. It is afraid of men and animals, especially dogs. It snatches breads from small children. The call of a crow is not pleasing because it is harsh. It-is a very clever and cunning bird. I do not hate more...


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