
Since many years now, my favourite bazaar has been Cannaught Place. The main bazaar is on Janpath and this is one place where my happiness knows no bounds. The activity in Janpath can make the saddest day came alive. Walking down Janpath one comes across the Tibetan shops that sell jewellery and other fancy household decoration pieces.     I love to shop at Janpath because  there is always a wide variety of each item that one wants to buy. If a need a garment, I come across numerous shops that offer varieties that I can choose from. Books, shoes, leather goods, cosmetics, music, paintings, etc whatever you need – you can find it on Janpath.   My day of shopping at Janpath is never complete until I have cold coffee to drink and chaat to eat. People of all age groups throng at the shops to buy the things more...

A radical change has come about since Independence, in the Indian Woman's role in society, where women automatically took a 'back seat' in all decisions which were made by the 'men' of the households and she followed blindly, never questioning, never considered important or intelligent enough to express an opinion. The 'weaken sex' who remained a 'home commodity', whose clearly defined role involved cooking, taking care of the children, running the household on the money allotted her by her husband, being the ever patient, ever docile, ever obedient wife and mother. Although pre-partition, women were liberated enough to step into public life, like Sarojini Naidu, Kasturba Gandhi, Bhikaji Cama, and others encouraged their peers to change the myth that women could not work outside the confines of their homes, the real radical change only came later when Indian women began to walk and work and think at par with their more...

Peacock is a large and majestic bird. It has got a long and beautiful tail. Both the peacock and the hen have crest. But the crest of hen is smaller in size. The main body of the 'cock is mottled brown in color. Especially, the metallic green color found on the lower neck is very attractive. Though peacocks are beautiful looking birds their calls are loud and coarse. They move in-groups and they are normally spotted in the forests, villages and nearby fields. They are shy in nature. If feeds on lizards, snakes, grains and insects.  The hen lays a maximum of five eggs, which are in pale cream color. The significance of peacock is attached to cultures of India, Far East, Ancient Persia, Greek and Christian. In Hinduism, the image of the god of thunder, rains and war, Indra, was depicted in the form of a peacock. In south more...

Gopal Krishna Gokhale was one of the greatest freedom fighters of India. He was born on 9th March, 1866. He was very much influenced by his mother.   He finished his schooling in 1881 and graduated from Mumbai University in 1884. He was the Principal of Fergusson College, Pune.  Gokhale had a very good memory. He became a follower of Justice Ranade. He was very truthful in his work. Gandhiji was very much impressed by his wisdom and Straightforward nature. Gandhiji considered Gokhale as his political guru.   In 1905, Gokhale became the President of the Congress. To train the young men for public service, he established the 'Servants of India Society'. He admired the British rule. He was a cultured man.   Gopal Krishna Gokhale served the country faithfully. But his health did not support him for long. He passed away on 19 th February, 1915 and India lost more...

Here in India we have all the seasons of the year. Summer is followed by autumn and winter. After the end of the chilly winter, the season changes.  Then comes in the spring season. It is called the king of seasons. It ushers in cool breezes, flowers, roses and green leaves. The whole atmosphere is full of sweet smell and fragrance. One becomes young and buoyant (light-hearted). We can call it as the Season of flowers. The buds bloom into colourful blossoms. There is a riot of colours every where. The plants sprout into big trees. The seeds germinate into rich golden harvest. The birds sing and chirp day and night. New leaves come up. A cool breeze blows. The spring season is in full swing. Nature is at its best. In India we have all the six seasons. Their circle is incessant and endless. They come turn by turn. more...

Hobby is what are does during one's spare time. It is very good for the development of the personality of a person. It gives the tired mind peace and comfort. My hobby is gardening. Because I love beauty. It makes us happy. There is a piece of land in front of my house. I have turned it into greenry. I have grown beautiful flowers in a part of my garden. My garden's Roses, Merry-gold flowers look very beautiful. They make our minds fresh. This part gives out a sweet smell. I water the plants daily. There is a grass in my garden. I walk barefoot in soft grass. I go to my garden and become refreshed. I am proud of my garden. Every one like it very much.            

Mahatma Gandhi and Rabmdra Nath Tagore are two Indians who are equally well known in India and abroad. His father Maharishi Davendra Nath and grandfather Sh Dawarika Dass were landlords who began to be addressed as Thakur'. The term was later anglicised as Tagore. Rabindra Nath Tagore was born in Jorasanko in Calcutta on 8th May, 1861. His mother's name was Sharda Devi. He was the youngest of the fourteen brothers and sisters.   Rabindra Nath Tagore is the most famous man of letters that modern India has produced so far. He is many things rolled into one. He is a novelist, playwright, painter, philosopher, educationist, freedom fighter and an actor. But above all he is a poet. His position as a world poet is now universally recognized through the English translations of some of his writings. Generally he is considered to be only a religious poet. No doubt he more...

I am very careful about my health. I take my meals regularly and exercise daily. It is rare that I fall ill. I do not like sickness but it does not care for your likes and dislikes. For me sickness means being idle and lonely. I realized it only a few days back when I fell ill. I remember that evening when it rained heavily and together with my two friends I went outside. Despite my mother's advise not to get wet, we stayed outside talking, laughing and enjoying the cool weather. We continued to play in the rain till it was very dark and my friends had to leave. Next day I got up unusually early. When I tried to move out of the bed I felt dizzy. My head ached and I felt restless. I pushed aside the blanket I had covered myself with, and tried to sleep more...

Trees are extremely important for us. They give us shade, fruit, gum and medicines. Leaves of some trees are used as fodder for animals. The most important thing that the trees give us is oxygen. In the light of the sun, they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen which is essential for the life of all living beings. Thus, they keep the atmosphere clear. This process is known as photosynthesis. Trees cause coolness in the air. This helps in causing rain. Thus, the regions such as the Sahara and Rajasthan where trees are sparse have only scanty rainfall. Trees also help in checking soil erosion, Mostly, there is a thick undergrowth below and around the trees. This happens most often in forest areas. Because of this undergrowth, soil does not get eroded quickly. This undergrowth also helps in controlling floods'. The rushing water of rivers and rivulets, more...

Last Sunday I went to circus with my family. My father took us to the show. It was located on the Ramlila Maidan. We bought the tickets and entered the huge tent. At first there came two clowns in their funny blue and pink dresses. One was dressed like a monkey, the other like a lion. They performed many tricks and made the spectators laugh. Young girls rode single heel cycles on ropes. Then the elephants were brought in. They performed funny tricks. Then the tigers, lions, horses and a rhino performed wonderful feats. They were all fascinating to watch. It was a new and wonderful experience. We returned home, full of excitement and a sense of horror. I can never forget it. I thanked my father for taking us to the show.


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