Government Schemes

One of the most thought-provoking ills of our society is the problem of unemployment that millions of people in our country face today. Highly, qualified professionals find "No vacancy" signs everywhere they go and the irony of fate is that a number of jobs come with the tag of knowing some 'high up' who have pulled 'strings' and got someone else the job, while the deserving candidate who has no 'godfather' waits and waits to get a break. These are some harsh realities people face as they struggle to make ends meet. Through frustrations and financial constraints other problems manifest as well, such as violence in the form of pick pocketing, cheating, dacoity, thefts, terrorism, indiscipline, drug trafficking, smuggling and sex crimes. The disparity between the rich and the down trodden is immense, it is but natural that the ones at the receiving end revolt! India cannot be a strong more...

Lala Lajpat Rai was one of the greatest freedom fighters of India. He was born on 28 th January, 1865 in Ferozepur district. He studied at his village school and then joined the Mission High School of Ludhiana. He did his graduation in law at Government College, Lahore.   Lala Lajpat Rai was a follower of the Arya Samaj movement, founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati. He wanted to spend his life doing social work. He wanted to reform the society of its evils.   With great difficulties, he started the Dayanand Anglo-Vedic College at Lahore and was involved with its activities throughout his life.   In the year 1888, he joined the Congress. He was a good writer and started the monthly paper 'Young India'. In 1925, he joined the Swaraj Party. He was sent to jail several times.   Lala Lajpat Rai led a procession against the Simon Commission more...

Like all the class-rooms in our school, my class-room is very spacious. It is airy and well ventilated. My class-room is situated in the eastern wing of the school. It is flanked by broad verandahs on both sides. On both sides, there are grassy lawns beyond the verandahs. The sweet smell of flowers is, thus, always invading my class-room. My class-room has eight rows of benches. Four students sit on each bench. On both sides along the walls, there are passages for teachers and students to move about. There is a large black-board affixed on the wall facing the rows of benches. Under the black- board is the dais on which the teacher's chair is placed. In front of the chair there is a table on which lie a box of chalk pieces and a duster for the teacher. There are doors in either of the two walls which run more...

Every day the rise in prices of all necessities of life is very harmful. The poor are hard hit. They cannot make both ends' meet respectably. They live from hand to mouth. They have very meagre (little) to spend. Time and again we see the price index takes an upward long jump. The prices of all house hold articles have begun to touch the sky. It disturbs the family budget very badly. The middle-class people who are mostly salaried class, face great sufferings. Their sorrows are endless. They keep up their face by borrowing or seeking hand loans. Their position is extremely tight. The frequent price rise affects the purchasing power. Money loses its face value. It is no more a standard money. The value of Indian rupee in the International money market has fallen down abruptly. Even a heavy pay packet of 'thousands' fail to purchase a bag full more...

India is a multicultural land where various languages are spoken, many religious and customs observed, and many festivals are celebrated. Each festival has a religious or mythological significance behind it. All festivals are celebrated with enthusiasm and traditional gaiety. Children especially enjoy them a great deal. The family usually prepares for the festival well in advance. Clothes are bought, the house is cleaned and white washed. Everything begins to glitter and gleam.   My favourite festival is Diwali. It usually falls on the eve of winter. This is a festival of lights and sound. New clothes are bought for every member of the family and on the day of the festival the family prays together. Laxmi Pooja is performed. Shopkeepers perform pooja in their shops as well as at home. People greet their relatives and friends with sweets and crackers. The shops on the streets are lighted with colourful bulbs more...

I had sought admission in DAV Public School. I got up early in the morning and got myself prepared. I boarded the school bus and reached the school. The sight of the grand building made me nervous. I entered the main gate. Many boys were sitting there in a group. They welcomed me in a good manner. One of the boys befriended me. He took me to the class-room. He introduced me to other boys. I took my seat in the first row. Then there was teaching for four periods. During recess period, we rushed out of the class. I was, alone in the play-ground. Finding me alone, some hoys approached me. They cut silly jokes but I was not annoyed. They got pleased with my nature and took me round the school building. They also showed me the Library. They also made me share their lunch packets. Again there more...

Social service has been and even today is the greatest need of India. Since Raja Ram Mohan Roy's period to the days of Mahatama Gandhi, many great men and women have devoted themselves selflessly to the cause of social service. However the problem of social evils still persists. Thus social reform should be the religion of all the Indians. It is only then that we can recapture our ancient glory and fame. We must all unite ourselves and try to bring about social reform for the betterment of our nation. We have to be unselfish while trying to improve the lot of our fellow beings. Let us consider a few ways by which a young educated Indian can serve his nation. The main problem in our country is that of poverty. If we could raise funds regularly so that we can provide money for some poor people it would be more...

Christmas is the main feast of the Christians. It is celebrated on the 25th of December each year. Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. On the night before Christmas, Christians go to church in large numbers for the Midnight Mass. Everyone person wears new clothes that day. Along with special prayers, Christmas carols are sung. After the church ceremony they greet each other happily and return home.   The next day on Christmas day they wear new clothes and eat special delicacies at each meal. They distribute cake and cookies to their neighbors and friends. They welcome guests who visit them with cake and wine on this day and night through the following week.   A common sight seen during this season of festivity are a crib at each house, decorated Christmas trees laden with gifts, stars outside houses and Santa Clause distributing sweets the entrances of shops, it more...

The elephant is the largest animal living today and the strongest too. It has thick legs, huge sides and back, large hanging ears, small tail, little eyes, long white tusks and above all long nose called the trunk. The trunk is the elephant's peculiar feature, and it puts it to various uses. It draws up water by it and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath; picks leaves from the trees and puts them into mouth. Elephants look very clumsy and heavy. Elephants are found in India and Africa. The African elephant differs in some respects from the Indian; it is larger, stronger, with longer tusks and bigger ears. The elephant is a very intelligent animal and I its intelligence and strength makes it a very useful servant to man. In olden days, elephants were used in battles and armies had their regiments of trained fighter more...

Winning a lottery is an easy way to riches. For me it shall be a dream come true for I can do almost everything I wish to do. Who doesn't desire to be rich or be a millionaire? Like others even I dream of leading a life where I am a subject of envy and friendship. I wish I could win a bumper lottery! It is not easy to decide what I shall do if I win a large sum of money. I shall buy a big bungalow, expensive clothes for myself and shower my relatives and friends with rich gifts. I would love to tour my favorite tourist resorts. In a way I shall spend all the amount satisfying myself and my close associates. Wait, wait, maybe I don't become so selfish. After all I have a soft heart for the poor. Now to plan the expenses, I shall more...


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