
The magnificent Tiger Panthera tigris (linnaeus), the national animal of India, is a rich-colored well-striped animal with a short coat. The combination of grace, strength, power has earned the 'tiger great respect and high esteem. Indian tigers are famous all over the world and one of the main attractions for the lovers of wild life. They are the crowning glory and the light of the Indian wild life. Tough, muscular, majestic tigers roam about the Sunderbans of Bengal "burning bright in the darkness of the night." The natives of the forest worship the tiger as the deity that gives them honey and wax. The Sunderbans are their main habitat for their thick forests of Sunder trees. They feed on fish, cattle and sometimes human beings. The man-eaters are the most dreaded of all wild beasts. It is a common belief that a tiger does not harm anyone who has offered more...

The name of my village is Jind. My village is quite big. There are about 1500 houses in my village. Its population is about 45000. The chief occupation is agriculture. Morning and evening, people are always busy in fields, preparing the lands, manuring it, feeding the cattle and harvesting. Some of them take weaving and spinning. Some are engaged in cottage industries. Some of the houses are pucca but most of the houses are built of mud. There is an intermediate college and a Junior High School in the village. The villagers have love for education. But a very few boys read there. Instead of reading, they work in their fields. There is also a post office in my village. My people lead a simple and happy life. They enjoy a good health. Real life is there in them. They are honest. My village is making progress. I like it. more...

The cow has been one of the important domestic animals. She gives us milk, and her calf, when grown up to an ox, helps in our agricultural work. Cow-dung is used as manure and fuel. It's milk are very useful for us. We obtain butter, ghee, curds, cheese, etc, from milk. A cow is regarded as 'mother' and worshipped by the Hindus. The cow has a strong and heavy body with four legs. Her body is covered with short hair. She has a pair of horns and a long tail. Her eyes are big and beautiful. The feet are hoofed and the hoofs are split in the middle. Cow-milk is very nutritious and easily digestible. This milk can be consumed in many forms. It is also available in powder form and condensed. Cows have different colours. They are found everywhere in the world. Cow is a holy animal for Hindus. more...

Last Sunday we decided to visit the Trade Fair. We found a long queue at bus stop. Men and women, young and old, all were standing in a queue. Some were talking about the politics. Some of them were gossiping. Some gentlemen were busy reading the newspapers. All of them were waiting for the bus. In a few minutes the queue became longer than before. After waiting for some times, we saw a bus coming. Every one became ready to board the bus. It did not stop at the stand and passed by us. After sometime, we again saw a bus. It stopped. The queue broke. Young men can push, pull and drag others. But women simply cannot do this. Some young men boarded it. They remained helpless spectors. The scene on a bus-stop shows how backward we Indians are. I have seen persons pushing down ladies, young and old, more...

Our school is the best school all over Delhi. Its name is Jain Happy School. It is a Senior Secondary School. It is in Gole Market. I got admission in this school when I was six plus. Now I am in Seventh class. Shri A. K. Aggarwal is the class incharge. He also teaches us English and Math. He is a very good teacher. He is on the verge of retirement. There are other teachers teaching us other subjects. They are very hardworking. Our Principal is painstaking. The school is a double-shifted school. From IX to XII class the students come in the first shift. From 1st to VIII we are taught in the second shift. It is a very old school. There are more than thirty-five teachers teaching here. All are highly qualified. All are gems of the purest water. We are very proud of them. They are men more...

Travelling by a Blueline bus is an adventure for a young man and a trying experience for an old man. Formerly, it was only the fear of pick- pockets who could at the most liquidate one's pocket but in these changed times when terrorism is on the rise, travelling by a Blueline bus amounts to inviting danger or even death to oneself. Who knows there may be a bomb under the seat which could blow the entire bus to pieces. But there is no escape from it as one has to travel long distances to reach work places and these Blueline buses are the cheapest mode of transport. Once I had a bitter experience of a terrible journey by a Blueline bus. As soon as I reached the bus stop, I saw a long queue of passengers waiting anxiously for buses. The buses which came were already packed to full. more...

The Baisakhi festival is celebrated all over Haryana and Punjab. This seasonal festival falls on i3th of April. The people put on new clothes and prepare special food items on this day. A fair is held in every town in connection with the Baisakhi festival. A temporary bazaar is set up. Sweets, toys, fruits and other items of household needs are sold there. The merry go-rounds attract ladies and children. The jugglers and acrobats show their feats. All class of the people visit the fair. The farmers give a show of their country dance with the beating of the drum. There is great excitement and enthusiasm among the dancers. The Baisakhi is the festival of their corn and crops. Even the elderly people and the ladies join the dancers forgetting their sense of shyness. The saintly people sing hymns and deliver religious sermons. They do not care for worldy attachment.

I am a boy. I am twelve-year-old. My name is Pankaj. My grandfather gave me this name. I live in Delhi. It is a beautiful city. It is the capital of India. My mother is a housewife and my father a serviceman. My parents are very kind. I have a brother and a sister. My brother is younger to me by eight years, but my sister, Jyoti, is older to me. My brother's name is Ashok. We live in our own house. It is beautiful with big lawn and a small garden. I go to school in bus. It is about 5 kms. Away from my house. My brother and sister also study in the same school. It is a govt. model school. I learn many things in the school. We also play games. I have many friends. But Rahul is my best friend. He is my class-fellow. He is more...

I have a pet dog. Its name is Goldey. It is four years old. It is brown in colour. It has four legs, two eyes, two ears and a nose. It has sharp teeth and a long tongue. It has a small tail also. It is of normal height. It is very active, smart and alert. My dog eats meat and bread and licks milk. It eats only when I give him food. It is of a German breed called Spitz. It is a faithful dog. It guards our house. It barks at the strangers. Sometimes it licks my hands and sits in my lap. My dog can run fast. It also knows how to swim. My pet dog is named Rocki. It is very intelligent. It loves me very much. It follows nne when I go out for a walk. It has a great smelling power. It does not more...

A police man is a familiar figure. He wears a khaki uniform and belt on which his number s is shown. He is a useful servent. He is tall and strong. He is always alert. He puts on a batch on which his name is written. He performs his duty actively and regularly. He catches thieves, robbers and bad characters at the risk of his life. He also arrests the smugglers, murderers and dacoits, The policeman maintains law and order in his area. He guards our life and property. He patrols the streets during dark and chilly nights. Traffic police controls traffic. He clears the traffic jams from the roads. He carries the injured people to the hospital. The policeman's duty is hard and risky. Most of the plicemen are dutiful and honest. He is a faithful public-servant. He is our social protector. He is full of discipline. The duty more...


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