
Travelling by air is one of the most exciting ways of travelling, and the Airport from where air travel begins s a place bustling with activities, people coming and going, and announcements Bing made to remind passengers that their flight is about o take off. After arriving at the Airport, it is customary to deposit your baggage at the airline counter. The officer on duty examines your air ticket. Expect a queue at the counter, but wait your turn patiently—it will come. After your tickets have been checked, the baggage is weighed. The standard baggage permitted is 20 kgs per passenger traveler on the economy class, and 30 kgs for those travelling in the first class, on both domestic and international flights. The baggage that is not required on the flight is checked in. Normally a small bag is allowed into the aircraft, no large baggage is permitted. This is more...

The constitution of India draws extensively from Western legal traditions in its outline of the principles of liberal democracy. It is distinguished from many Western constitutions, however, in its elaboration of principles reflecting the aspirations to end the inequities of traditional social relations and enhance the social welfare of the population. According to constitutional scholar Granville Austin, probably no other nation's constitution "has provided so much impetus toward changing and rebuilding society for the common good." Since its enactment, the constitution has fostered a steady concentration of power in the central government—especially the Office of the Prime Minister. This centralization has occurred in the face of the increasing assertiveness of an array of ethnic and caste groups across Indian society. Increasingly, the government has responded to the resulting tensions by resorting to the formidable array of authoritarian powers provided by the constitution. Together with the public's perception of pervasive corruption more...

Human beings enjoy the maximum freedom and power for governing their habitat and environment. This power enables them to misuse the resources or exploit the not- so-privileged at will. Materialism, advanced technologies and a lack of understanding of the basic cause of existence has led us to degradation in our moral values. Let us take the case of India. We are the most ancient civilization. Vedas were written here. Buddha got divine knowledge here. We are proud of our rich cultural, historical and spiritual heritage for which, we are well known around the globe. But today, have we kept those ideals, values and principles close to our hearts, which were so dear to our ancestors? Take for example, the concept of joint family. Today, no young couple prefers a joint family. Nuclear families—on the pattern of division of the family in the USA and the West—create a sense of insecurity more...

CHANDRASEKHARA VENKATA RAMAN was born at Trichinopoly in Southern India on November 7th, 1888. His father was a lecturer in mathematics and physics so that from the first he was immersed in an academic atmosphere. He entered Presidency College, Madras, in 1902, and in 1904 passed his B.A. examination, winning the first place and the gold medal in physics; in 1907 he gained his M.A. degree, obtaining the highest distinctions. His earliest researches in optics and acoustics - the two fields of investigation to which he has dedicated his entire career - were carried out while he was a student. Since at that time a scientific career did not appear to present the best possibilities, Raman joined the Indian Finance Department in 1907; though the duties of his office took most of his time, Raman found opportunities for carrying on experimental research in the laboratory of the Indian Association for more...

Newspapers are a great power in themselves. They are a great power to be reckoned with so much so that even very mighty and influential persons in politics, industries or social life cannot dare to face their hostility. Their freedom and power is of vital significance in democratic countries like the U.S.A. and India. They work as the watchdogs of democracy, human rights and individual freedom. They fill the gap between the public and the government and administration by working as a bridge and meaningful means of dialogue. They are not only one of the mass media but much more. They keep the public informed about the policies, programmes and planning of the government and record the people's reactions, views, opinions etc. They help in making public opinion as nothing else can do. Personal freedom is the essence of democracy and it is reflected in the freedom and influence of more...

Updates leverages with the Internet. In the beginning Gates' was mainly concerned and involved with technical development of new products in order to attract consumers. Since Microsoft controls the largest percentage of the market than any of its competitors Gates' puts more focus on the organization itself and its employees. Microsoft's mission is to continually advance and improve software technology and to make it easier, more cost effective and more enjoyable for people to use computers. In order for Microsoft to continue on its fruitful path the development of intelligent decision makers, otherwise known as managers, must be trained. Gates' realizes the ROI of his creation relies on every single individual, which makes up the organization called Microsoft. He also knows He cannot be at the table to make ever single day-to-day decision, instead of trying to be in a hundred places at oncece Gates' attempts to train well oiled more...

So much information about adverse effects of alcohol is known. Yet, a large number of people condone what is known to them. Overlooking the negative effects of alcohol can turn the alcohol into a deadly weapon. Alcohol can cause deaths, diseases, and family problems. Alcohol can end your life in a matter of a second. Alcohol related deaths are five times greater than the number killed by all illicit drugs combined. When a person imbibes an alcohol, he or she becomes disoriented. When people drive under this condition, they exposé themselves to a great danger. In addition, women become more easily intoxicated from alcohol than men. In result, women get themselves killed from an alcohol than males. Alcohol can also cause many diseases. When you drink too much of an alcohol, you get hallucinations and memory losses. Alcohol specifically affects the control centres of the brain. If people do not more...

India's population is over one billion and out of it 40per cent are young men and women in the age group of 15 and 30. They form a huge reservoir of energy and cream of the country. Wisdom and discretion are not the monopoly of the elders alone. The young men and women are also intelligent and wise and much of a nation's progress and future depend upon them. According to Samuel Johnson, "Young men have more virtue than old men; they have more generous sentiments in every respect." Young people are full of abundant energy, courage, spirit for adventure imagination, hope and ambition. These can be very well used in the constructive and developmental activities of country. These should not be allowed either to go waste or used for destructive purposes. The young men and women of India should be fully involved in creative work of nation-building and reconstruction. more...

What is the first thing that comes to mind when the word bravery is said? For most people a war hero or a superhero comes into their minds. Probably every language has award for bravery, but there is only one true meaning. The word bravery is "showing a brave spirit or courage" when tough times are thrust upon or happen to them. Bravery is not only what people do, but also how they dot. The concept is also "showiness, splendor, and magnificence". Bravery may be shown in different ways: a person may jump from a plane or walk on fire to show that he/she is truly brave. Then again, sometimes bravery is something that a person has inside him or her and is never shown as an action at all. For thousands of years, people have used words that describe the concept of bravery. The history, or etymology, of the more...

Women are known as the 'better half only because without them the family does not get formed. Therefore this apparently respectable looking caption has been given to them. But are they realty the better half? Not so, as it is so far as the Indian society is concerned. The Indian womanhood ever from the days of fore — even from the days of the Ramayan and the Mahabharat has remained a pawn to be played with at the male member's will. Sita and Draupadi are the two examples so glaring. The one could be sentenced to an 'Agni Pariksha' and then to an 'Exile' and the other one lost to the opponent as a pawn of the dice. These are examples of such women who are the ideal womanhood. Education for women was a far cry even in the urban society till about the first quarter of this century; though more...


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