
All those who avail the facility of a phone are quite used to the phenomena of 'wrong-calls', 'blank-calls' and 'cat- calls'. This is a nuisance but one such happening turned out to be pleasant for me. It was a wrong-call in the beginning but a series of such calls by one person led to my one and only phone friendship. I accepted the polite sensitivity of the voice and over a period of time the friendship grew. He decides the time to make sure that I pick the phone. It is always he who calls. I don't know his phone number, may be because I never asked and lie never mentioned. I have never seen him. He doesn't want to meet me either. All I know is his name and I recognise him by his soft voice. He has a good sense of humour. We discuss Various issues except our more...

The 25th September was the happiest day of my life. I shall always remember it. I received a number of prizes on that day. On this day, Annual Prize Distribution function was held in our school. I had stood first in the annual examination. 1 had won several first prizes in the sports. My principal declared me the best boy of the school. My teachers and classmates congratulated me. The Director of Education Mr. Jain presided over the function. The function was held in the spacious school hall. The hall and the school compound were beautifully decorated. When the Director of education arrived, the N.C.C. boys presented him with the guard of honour. The guardians of the students were also invited to the function. After sometime, a batch of small boys sang welcome song. The Principal then read out the annual report of the school. He said that the results more...

Last year I celebrated my birthday exactly the way I wanted to. My parents had told me that I could ask them for anything on my birthday and I asked them to arrange a grand party for my friends. My mother is my best friend when it comes to inviting my friends’ home. She helped me to make invitation cards and to fill them up with names. Next she took me to the market and we bought balloons and streamers, masks and caps etc. to decorate the house with. We ordered the cake and bought wrapping paper along with the return presents. My mother spent the whole day in the kitchen cooking for all my friends. The cake arrived in the evening and soon my friends started pouring in My father arranged some games for them and he became the referee for all our games. He arranged musical chairs, passing more...

I play many games. They include both outdoor and indoor games. I also like to play cricket, table tennis and volleyball. But badminton is my favourite game. It is a fascinating game. It is played between two parties. Each party may have one or two players. They stand opposite to one another. In between there is a net spread wide. It is played with rackets and a shuttle-cock. The shuttle-cock is made of corck and feathers. Badminton is a game of skill. A badminton player should have strong hands and legs. He should be very agile. He should be able to run quickly, jump and hop instantly. I am a good player of badminton. I enjoy it very much. I am Captain of our school Junior Badminton Team. I go to the stadium for practice daily. I hope to play for my country someday. On holidays I enjoy it at more...

Our neighbours are the people who live close to our house. My next door neighbour is Mr. Amit Gupta. I consider myself lucky to have him as our neighbour. He is an extraordinary person. Mr Gupta is a good and decent man. His family is very social. Mr Gupta is a doctor and he always helps his neighbours in times of need. He never refuses to visit a patient even in the middle of the night. He has hardly ever displeased anyone. He is polite and well mannered. His kindness has spread through the colony and all the people in our colony try to be like Mr Gupta. On the other hand I have another neighbour called Mr. Mittal who is the exact opposite of Mr. Gupta. He is the most uncultured man I have met. He has an ill temper; he is selfish and never likes to share anything more...

The India, Brazil, South Africa (IBSA) Dialogue Forum is an international tripartite grouping for promoting international cooperation among these countries. The grouping represents three important poles for greater understanding between three important continents of the developing world namely, Asia, South America and Africa. The Forum plays an important role in galvanizing South-South cooperation and provides the three countries with a platform to engage in discussions for cooperation in various fields including agriculture, trade, culture, and defence. In fact, the Forum has become instrumental for promoting ever closer coordination on global issues between three large multicultural and multiracial democracies of the developing world. The origin of the IBSA Dialogue Forum lay in the failure of the Cancun Conference of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), after which the developing countries felt the need to strengthen their cooperation in trade, investment and economic diplomacy. A new approach for South-South cooperation was spearheaded by more...

The 2010 Review Conference for the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) was held at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 3 to 28 May 2010. The Review Conference was held under the president ship of Ambassador Libran N. Cabactulan of the Philippines. It considered a number of issues, including: universality of the Treaty; nuclear disarmament, including specific practical measures; nuclear non-proliferation, including the promoting and strengthening of safeguards; measures to advance the peaceful use of nuclear energy, safety and security; regional disarmament and non proliferation; implementation of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East; measures to address withdrawal from the Treaty; measures to further strengthen the review process; and ways to promote engagement with civil society in strengthening NPT norms and in promoting disarmament education. The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) has nearly universal ratification with the exception" of India, Israel and Pakistan. India argues that the more...

Smoking is a rising problem these days. 'One out of three people who use tobacco will die from it.' Nearly 3,000young Americans each day become regular' smokers. Of these, 1,000 will die early from tobacco-related diseases. More Americans die due to complications from smoking than from any other major killer such as AIDS, car accidents, drug abuse and homicide. Why do so many people continue to smoke when they know the possible risks involved? Many have become addicted to cigarettes because of the addictive substance, nicotine, which cigarettes contain. How much did tobacco companies know about this addictive substance and what is their defense for making addicts of their customers? Also, do people realize how much money they are actually spending on cigarettes? The reason for such art addiction is tobacco, which contains a very addictive substance Nicotine. Nicotine, the chemical substance found in tobacco leaves, is recognized as highly more...

Failed state is a term often used by journalists and political commentators to describe a state perceived as having failed at some of the basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government. The attributes that are often used to characterize a failed state are: loss of physical control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein; erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions; an inability to provide reasonable public services; and an inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community. A failed nation is often characterized by social, political, and economic failure. A weak or ineffective central government, non provision of public services, widespread corruption and criminality, refugees and involuntary movement of populations, and sharp economic decline are among the common characteristics of a failing state. However, the declaration that a state has 'failed' is generally more...

As a useful tool in developing an understanding of modern culture, the concept of post-materialism can be considered in reference of three distinct concepts of materialism—ontological, existentialistic, and ethical or political-sociological. However, the word 'post-materialism' is most often used to refer to materialism as a values system relating to the desire for fulfillment of material needs such as security, sustenance and shelter. Another referent is the historical and dialectic materialism by Marx and Engels. The philosophical definition of materialism concerns the philosophical argument that matter is the only existing reality. Ronald Inglehart is credited with developing the sociological theory of post-materialism. In the seventies, after extensive survey research, Inglehart postulated that the Western societies under the scope of his survey were undergoing transformation of individual values, switching from materialist values, emphasizing economic and physical security, to a new set of post-materialist values, which instead emphasized autonomy and self expression. He more...


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