
In India, public sector undertaking (PSU) is a term used for a government-owned corporation or a company in the public sector. The term is used to refer to companies in which either the Union Government or state governments, or both own a majority (51 percent or more) of the company equity. The PSUs under Government of India are described in these paragraphs. Balmer & Lawrie, established in 1867 by two Scotsmen, has high standards of customer service, innovative outlook and dedicated human resources. Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) is engaged in mining of coal and allied activities and it meets almost 50 per cent of the total prime coking coal requirement of the integrated steel sector, supplies substantial quantity of coal to the pig iron sector and bulk of the coal requirement of the power station in the Northern region. Bharat Dynamics Ltd (BDL), established in July 1970 under the more...

The International Labour Organization (ILO) was created in 1919, as Part of the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I, to reflect the Belief that universal and lasting peace can be accomplished only if it is based on social justice. It was founded to pursue a vision based on the premise that universal, lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon decent treatment of working people. When the UN was formed, the ILO became its first specialized agency. The Constitution of ILO was drafted by the Labour Commission set  Up  by the Peace Conference, which first met in Paris and then in Versailles. The Commission composed of representatives from nine Countries: Belgium, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, Japan, Poland, the United Kingdom and the United States. It resulted in a tripartite organization, the only one of its kind bringing totether representatives of governments, employers and workers in more...

An eating disorder is characterized by abnormal eating habits that may involve either insufficient or excessive food intake to the detriment of an individual's physical and emotional health. Eating and diet disorders can occur in women and affect all socioeconomic levels, races and age groups. These disorders are complex conditions that arise from a combination of long-standing behavioural, biological, emotional psychological, interpersonal, and social factors. While scientists and researchers are still learning about their underlying causes, it is generally believed that people with eating disorders often use food and the control of food in an attempt to compensate for feelings and emotions that may otherwise seem over-whelming. For some, dieting, bingeing, and purging may begin as a way to cope with painful emotions and to feel in control of one's life, but ultimately, such behaviour damages a person's physical and emotional health, self-esteem, and sense of competence and control. Some more...

Cricket, also called the Gentleman's game, is a bat-and-ball team spoil that is first documented as being played in southern England in the 16th century. The sport's earliest definite mention was in a 1598 court case which referred to a sport called creckett being played by boys at the Royal Grammar School, Guildford around 1550. It is believed that it was originally a children's game but references around 1610, indicate that adults had started playing it and the earliest reference to inter-parish or village cricket occurs soon afterwards. In 1624, a player called Jasper Vinall was killed when he was struck on the head during a match between two parish teams in Sussex. During the 17th century, numerous references indicate the growth of cricket in the south-east of England and it is believed that the first professionals appeared in the years following the Restoration in 1660. A newspaper report survives more...

It is often heard that intuition is the key to success. Intuition is similar to knowing something for certain without knowing it for sure. It is a Gut l feeling that we somehow know is correct, even though there is no hard data to prove it for certain. It is in fact partly a product of experience, training, and education over the years combined with skills on the feeling side. Intuition may work with information that is not consciously available and may have been stored in the past or acquired through subliminal or other sensory means. It subconsciously uses more informational horse-power than a rational thinking. It works best when there is a high level of uncertainty or little precedent or variables are not scientifically predictable. It is also useful when facts are limited, or time is limited, or in the face of several plausible alternatives to choose from. Just more...

Sport and opportunities of play, consistent with the rights of the child in optimum development, has been identified by UNICEF as among the crucial components to the delivery of quality education. Without sports, elementary education would be boring and lifeless for young school children. In fact, sports are vital in the very young lives of kids as it, gives them a lot of things to learn about life aside from entertainment and cool moments with friends. Immersing kids in various sports is truly, valuable endeavour for the things it could bring to children is priceless and even valuable as they get older. The first reason why children should be encouraged to get involved with sports is discipline. It is a fact that physical training and exercises help to inculcate discipline. Every game or sport has its own set of rules. One has to follow them scrupulously. Martial arts like karate, more...

There is a large quantity of talk in our lives and it is easy to undervalue the true worth of conversation. Since the quality of talk ranges from nine-wasting to life-changing, it is not easy to simplify whether a particular talk is important or inconsequential. But unfortunately, people tend to make snap judgments concerning the impact of another person’s words and then allocate attention accordingly. In such instances, language becomes rather ineffectual means of communication. Something seemingly of little import may hide behind the words a host of other information that may be of vast importance. Often, people actually say something without precisely spelling it out. However, it is possible to become a better listener and one can begin to grasp the hidden messages behind a conversation. Paying more attention is of little help if one does not know what to pay .attention to.  Disclosures are easy to recognize when more...

With the evolution of digital technology, the role of mass media has been changing at a quick pace. By definition, mass media is any medium Used to transmit mass communication i.e. a message created by a person or a group of people sent through a transmitting device to a large audience or market. Until recently mass media was clearly defined as comprising of eight industries: books, newspapers, magazines, recordings, radio, movies, television and the internet. The continuing explosion of digital communication technology has raised new questions about the inclusion of cell phones; video and computer games in mass media- Currently, marketers and advertisers are planning to tap into satellites and broadcast commercials and advertisements directly to millions of cell phones, unsolicited by the phone's user. Advertisers are looking into placing advertisements as well as incorporating product placement into the video games as well. Mass media has the potential to play more...

Every failure teaches a valuable lesson. So, it can be viewed as virtually a necessity for both career and character growth. Failure is, in fact, a logical step towards success. Generally, people tend to hide their mistakes or shovel them onto someone else's shoulder whenever they meet with failure. Instead, it would be worth to meet their mistakes head- on, call attention to them in order to find some effective means of damage control and learn a valuable lesson that can be applied in a future similer situation. How a person deals with failure depends to a large extent on his ego resilience—whether his sense of self-worth bounces back after defeat or is it crushed. Some people have a very large ego which is impermeable. They either do not admit a mistake ever occurred or cover it up when possible. They thus never learn a lesson from their failure and more...

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is a movement of 118 members represetting the interests and priorities of developing countries. The movement has its origin in the Asia-Africa Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia in 955. The meeting was convened upon the invitation of the prime Ministers of Burma, Ceylon, India, Indonesia and Pakistan and brought together leaders of 29 states, moslly loner colonies, from the two continents of Africa and Asia to discuss common concerns and to develop joint policies in international relations. Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister or India. President Soekarno of Indonesia and president Gamal Abdul Nasser of Egypt led the Conference and later the. Movement At the meeting. Third World leaders shared their similar problems of resisting the pressures of the major powers, maintaining their independence and opposing colonialism and neo-colonialism, especially western domination. The first Conference of Non-Aligned Heads of State or Government, at which 25 countries more...


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