10th Class

*    Cascading Order   While using multiple style sheets you need to arrange these sheets in a well define order. The following characteristics will determine the outcome of CSS:     *  ! important A style that is designated as important will win out over contradictory styles of otherwise equal weight.     * Selector Rules It is a counting game to calculate the specificity of a selector.
  • Counting the number of HTML tag names in the selector.
  • Counting the number of ID attributes in the selector.
  • Counting the number of CLASS attributes in the selector.  
  *  Order of Specification If two rules are the equal weight, the last specified rule wins.     * CSS Grouping CSS grouping allows you to minimize the code. For this more...

*   Class Selector   Class selectors have different classes allowing the same element to have different styles. Basically it is used to specify a style for a group of elements. For example, all elements of class student will be center-aligned: code. Student (text-align: center;)   * ID Selector ID selectors are assigned individually. Basically it is used for specifying single, unique elements. An ID selector is assigned by using the indicator "#" to precede a name. The following code snippet shows how to assigned ID selector: P1 { text-align: center; color green; }

*     Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)     A style sheet is a set of style rules that tell a browser how to present a document. HTML's STYLE element is the simplest ways of linking these style rules to your HTML documents. These elements are placed in the document HEAD, and it contains the style rules for the page.                                      * CSS Syntax A CSS rule divides into two parts. selector (Declaration1; Declaration2 ;) Or selector (property1: value1; property2: vatue2) Basically selector is the HTML element you want to style and property is the style attribute. The following is the simple example of CSS: My style { Color: green; text-align: center: }       *  CSS Background CSS allows changing background colour of a page. It enables background-colour more...

  • Your cousin calls and tells that he/she has sent you a greeting card on the New Year, which you did not receive. Write a letter to the Postmaster complaining about irregular delivery of letters in your areas.
  • You are accompanying a friend of yours who has come to see places in Delhi. It is a cloudy day and suddenly it begins to rain. Both of you get wet. Write a letter to another friend describing your experience on that rainy day.
  • The service of Delhi Metro is becoming worst than the city buses. Overcrowding, irregular halt and irregular services are some of the agendas. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining about the service provided by the Delhi Metro.
  • After passing the Board Examination you took admission in a government college. Write a letter to your friend stating more...

  • *         Letters   Introduction: Letters can be broadly classified into formal letters and informal letters. Formal letters include business letters, official letters, applications, complaints, letter to editors, and letters written to people whom we want to convey certain important information. While, informal letters include personal letters, letters that are written to our friends and family. Letter writing is a skill that needs to be honed over time with practice.   1.   Recently you have undertaken a journey from New Delhi to Howrah by Poorva Express and experienced serious inconveniences. Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper stating the inconvenience you experienced.                                                                     more...

        Write a paragraph on each the following topics in not more than 250 words. 1.           Your memory of a place that you visited as a child 2.           A character from a book, movie, or television program 3.           A memorable day in your life 4.           A moment of failure or success 5.           An event that marked a turning point in your life' 6.           Your favourite (or least favourite) television programme 7.           The most useful (or useless) invention 8.           Your favourite (or least favourite) fictional character 9.           The different roles of a student 10.         Children's responsibilities towards their more...

    *  Data validation   MS Access allows checking data validity on data insertion time. You can apply your own validation rule.     * There are two types of data validation Field Level Allows validating data being inserted in an individual field.  
    • Record Level Allows validating data from more than one field.
    • MS Access enables the following validation techniques and methods:  
      * Data Types It is the simplest forms of data validation. Access allows entering data according to data type of field. It does not allow entering incorrect type of data in a field.     * Input Mask Property It is helpful to make data entry easier and to control the values user can enter in a text box.     *  Validation Rule and Text Property more...

    *         Paragraph   Introduction: A paragraph is a piece of writing that consists of several sentences. A paragraph should always have complete, correct and concise sentences. As well, it should be easy to read and well organized. The paragraph itself should focus on one subject, theme, or central idea. It can be divided into three major parts: 1.       The Topic Sentence 2.       The Supporting Details 3.       The Concluding Sentence Paragraph writing consists of many necessary elements to be taken into consideration before, while and after writing.           1.    Girl child in India A world of the girl child is full of love, warmth and concern. She is the procreator and the mother of tomorrow. She is the one who shapes the destiny of civilization and imparts values and virtues to the more...

  • You are Anjali Banerjee, a reporter with The Asian Age. Write a report on the issue on dated August 2, 2011, where an Italian parliamentary commission approved a draft law banning women from wearing veils that cover their faces in public.
  • Write a report on the approval of the proposal for the enactment of a new legislation in the form of the Lokpal Bill, 2011, by the Union Cabinet of India on 28July, 2011. You are Kartik Mishra working as a reporter with The Hindustan Times.
  • You are Pritam Paul, a reporter with The Pioneer. Write a report where the Supreme Court of India, on 29 June, 2011, has restrained the West Bengal government from distributing to farmers in Singur the land it had taken back from Tata Motors until further orders by (Kolkata) High Court.
  • The Delhi state cabinet on more...

  • *         Report Writing       Introduction: A report is a factual description or account of an event or investigation of an issue or a problem. It may also be an objective analysis or evaluation of something. Depending upon its nature, a report can be single paragraph or a single page write-up or of hundreds of thousands of pages of a thorough investigation.   1.       You are Pankaj Patra, a reporter with The Times of India. Recently, the United States has announced to curtail security assistance to Pakistan following the latter's slow response in fighting terrorism. Write a report on the consequence that has urged the US to take this step against Pakistan. The plot thickens Pankaj Patra New Delhi, July 11, 2011: The United States has decided to withhold a third of its annual $2.7 billion security assistance to Islamabad after Pakistan ordered dozens of more...


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