10th Class

  • Write a telegram to your father stating him that you will be visiting him in the next week as you are going to Hyderabad on an official tour.
  • One of your roommates has met with a motorcycle accident and has been hospitalised. Write a telegram to his father in Nasik stating him about the accident and seeking his immediate visit to Chandigarh.
  • Your cousin has adopted a child recently. Write a telegram to your father stating him about the adoption.
  • You serve with a wing of the Indian Army. You have taken a leave for one month and went to your native place. Before a few days of the completion of your leave, you wanted to extend the leave for more 15 days. Write a telegram to the Major of your battalion seeking his favour.
  • You have won a contest and more...

  • *        TELEGRAM WRITING     Introduction: A telegram is a very short and to the point message sent by telegraph from one place to another and then usually delivered to the receiver in written form. A telegraphic message is fast but expensive because every word in the message is charged. A telegraphic message is written on a specially designed Performa which has three distinct parts:
    • Address of the addressee
    • Message and sender's name
    • Details of the sender's name (Signature and Address)    
          1.       A telegram sent to a father by his son on getting a promotion in his job and new posting. Adarsh Sharma Green Park Extn. New Delhi GOT PROMOTION YESTERDAY.POSTED TO AHMEDABAD. LETTER FOLLOWS. Anand Sharma 56, Radio Club, Colaba Mumbai       2.       You are serving the country by working in one more...

    *     Creating Table     Table is a structure of rows and columns that stores information in logical manner. Rows are identified as records and the columns as fields. In other word you can say table is a collection of data about some specific or related subject. MS Access enables the following ways to create a new table:     * Using a Wizard MS Access enables a table wizard that provides a step-by-step approach to create a table. It guides you through the entire wizard, and on the basis of your specifications it creates a table.       * Using a Datasheet MS Access allows creating table in datasheet view by entering records. A datasheet is somewhat similar to a spreadsheet (in Excel). You simply need to enter the data that you want in your table.   more...

  • Write a conversation between a petrol pump attendant and a customer who is requesting the attendant to provide fuel into his vehicle, although the service time is over.
  • You want to order an ice-cream from Mother Dairy. Write a conversation that could take place between the service man and you regarding ordering of the ice-cream until delivery.
  • You have seen a young boy riding on a motorcycle meet with an accident. After coming home, in the evening, you call your friend to state about the horrific incident. Write the conversation.
  • Your father has surprisingly bought tickets for Goa to visit during your summer vacation. Your mother has gone to her mother's place. You call your mother on her mobile and inform her about your father's buying the tickets to Goa. Write the conversation that could have taken place.
  • You have gone to more...

  • *       MESSAGE WRITING    Introduction: Writing message is an art, and the art to write a short and clear message is a very important writing skill which needs to be mastered.  Most often the input for a message comes in the form of a telephonic conversation between two people.           1.    A general telephone conversation between Prakash and Kumar. Prakash: Hello Kumar, How are you? Kumar: Hi Prakash, I am good. Prakash: How you doing? Kumar: Yeah, I am doing well. What about you? Prakash: Great. How are your parents? Kumar: They are very fine. Prakash: And your job? Kumar: Good. What about your job? Prakash: Very nice. Kumar: How are you feeling today? Prakash: Yeah, I am feeling great, because we are talking after a pretty longtime. Kumar: My pleasure. How more...

  • You are the Sports Secretary of your school. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for the school Notice Board, asking the students interested in Cricket to give their names for selection for your school Cricket team. (Eligibility: Students above 14 years)
  • Suppose you are the Head Boy/Head Girl of your school. Write a notice for your school Notice Board calling for the entries from interested students for Bournvita Quiz Contest - Preliminary Round to be held at your school.
  • The Students' Council of your school has organized an Excursion to Ajanta and Ellora for the students of classes XI and XII during Winter Break. As President of the Council, write a notice in not more than 50 words telling the students about this excursion and inviting their names for joining it.
  • You are the Secretary, Science Forum, of more...

  • *       Notice Writing    Notice, Message, Telegram & Reports     Introduction: Writing, communicating information or warning, that is serving notice is notice writing. In simple words, a notice means written or printed news or some useful Information to be conveyed to the general public, group of persons or students about a specific programme. A notice can refer to an event that has happened or about to happen in the near future. A well written notice shows a student's skill of organization and presentation of matter as well as language accuracy.   *            Characteristics of an effective notice
    • There are four important characteristics of a good notice:
    • Notice should be complete in all respects as like:
    • Who is giving the information
    • For whom the information is meant
    • What is the information
    • What is the action, if any, more...

    *   Creating a Database     Microsoft Access is a data base management system that provides GUI environment : 3 manipulate data easily. MS Access gives best compatibility with Windows operating system. Using Access you can enter, sort and retrieve data, extract subsets of data based on specific criteria, create user-friendly forms and customized reports. To start the MS Access: Select start Programs  Microsoft Office  Microsoft Office Access 2003 to open MS Access 2003. Before creating a table you need to create a database file. A data base file contains all the database objects, such as the tables, forms and reports.       * MS Access enables the following ways to create a new database:
    • Creating a blank database
    • Creating a new database from a template  

    *    Basic Concept of Database   DBMS (Database Management System) is a program which retrieves, modifies and stores the data in database on request. A complete DBMS includes software and hardware utilities, procedures, data and users. The following are the different types of users who can retrieve or access the data from database.     * End User It is a person who interacts directly with the DBMS through client software.     * DBA (Database Administrator) It is a person responsible for implementing the database management system within an organization.     * Application Programmer It is a person who develops the applications that is used for interacting with the, data. The RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) is the advanced form of DBMS. In RDBMS data is stored in the form of table. Each table more...

    *  Need of Database   Without database you cannot maintain data in proper way. You can face a lot of problem, such as data duplicity and security. Using database you can manage your data in proper and secure way.     * Database provides the following advantages: 
    • Sharing Data.
    • Avoiding data redundancy.
    • Maintaining integrity of data.
    • Avoiding inconsistency of data.
    • Securing data.  
      * Disadvantages Database maintenance increases the cost because it requires special database software and hardware. Database systems are complex, difficult and time- consuming to design. It requires initial training for all users and programmers.


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