Co-education is a system of education in which boys and girls learn together in the same school or college at the same time. In India this system has become very popular nowadays. Needless to say that it is not a new thing for us. It has been in practice from a long time, though not like today. But with the coming of Muslims in India, co-education came to an end because of the Purdha system of which the muslims were the great advocates. Time is changing very fast and with the change of age and expansion of education co-education is no longer a taboo now. What to talk of big towns and cities, even in villages and small towns boys and girls study together without any problem. Actually the idea of common people has sharply changed. They are no longer narrow-minded. Apart from this, there are many advantages of co-education more...

"The Catseye is what great design is all about. Simple, functional, and beautiful" James May, presenter of British TV show Top Gear One night in 1933 when the road mender Percy Shaw (1890-1976) was driving home in Yorkshire, he saw the light of his car headlamps reflected in the eyes of a cat beside the road. This gave Shaw the inspiration that by replicating this effect he could produce a practical way of helping drivers navigate poorly lit roads. Shaw's challenge was to create a device bright enough to illuminate roads at night, robust enough to cope with cars constantly driving across it, and that also required minimum maintenance. Shaw came up with a small-device that could be inserted into the road as -a marker. It consisted of four glass beads placed in two pairs facing in opposite directions, embedded in a flexible rubber dome. When vehicles drove over the more...

Today man's knowledge of science is very wide and highly advanced. It has helped him to discover and invent many things for his comforts and efficiency Computer is the latest and the most efficient and beneficial invention of science. In 1854, George Boole invented the logic system which is the basis for today's digital computers. In 1937, the first electro machine calculator was developed by Howard and Dilton. In 1946, the first computer came into existence. It  was named as ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator). It was developed by Dr. John Nouchly and J.P. Eckert of University of Pennasylvannia U.S.A. In 1951 Remington Rand Corporation of USA brought out a commercial computer named UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer). Transistor technology gave birth to second generation of computers. These were smaller in size, more reliable, and have higher speed of operation. A third generation computer consisted of IBN - 370 types. more...

Sir William Hamilton (1899-1978) already had some experience of working with water-based mechanics when he invented the jet boat. In 1954, he had built a jet pump, the first of its kind. The pump was essentially a system for water propulsion. It used a propeller to create a centrifugal force that caused a forward thrust action underwater, drawing water through and back inside the pump. The jet boat works in a similar way to the jet pump. Simply put, a traditional screw propeller accelerates a large volume of water by a small amount and, in agreement with Newton's Third Law of Physics—for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction—a large amount of thrust is created. This thrust is used to drive the boat and allows it to move speedily through the currents. Hamilton lived and worked in New Zealand. There his boat was able to power quickly through more...

In 1954 in Corpus Christi, Texas, Horton Glass Company employees, Dee Horton and Lew Hewitt, had just finished replacing yet another customer's wind- damaged glass door. Powerful, gusting South Texas winds wreaked havoc with traditional glass, push-pull doors, and ensured a steady demand for such repairs. Worse, the unpredictable winds could cause a door to blow open and shut in someone's face just as they were trying to walk through it. So the duo decided to invent a better door system. Initially, the system used a simple, electrically activated sliding door that opened only when a mat actuator in front of the door was stepped upon. Not only did this solve the problem of wind-blown accidents, it also enabled visitors or customers to leave, and delivery persons to enter a shop or business with their hands full. Having installed a test unit, for free, at the city's utilities department, sales more...

It is a custom incur school that class 11th students bid farewell to the 12th class. They make the parting attractive. They arrange a parting feast. This year, the 20th February, was my last day at school. The school bell rang as usual. The 11th class boys were sad. After the first period the teachers and the students of both classes met in the school hall. The Principal and the teachers sat in the chairs. We, the students, took our seats on the desks. The function was started by the students of eleventh class. They read poems. They sang songs. They made speeches suited to the occasion. Every part of the programme was about the outgoing class. Then our class incharge rose up. He made a speech which moved our hearts. He told us that we would soon enter the field of life. Our care-free life would end. Soon after more...

It is very difficult to answer the question who a really cultured man is. But there are various qualities of head and  heart which distinguish a cultured man. Pt. Nehru had once said that a cultured person has the capacity to understand the point of view of other people and also to make himself understood by others. Nehru's idea of cultured man is very apt and accurate. A cultured man always keeps a friendly approach to life and the various problems associated with life. He is above all prejudices and never indulges himself in trifles. He has wonderful tact to turn any traffic. He has wonderful fact to turn any occasion of friction and quarrel into one of co-  operation and friendship. His broad mindedness adds to his quality. He is kind and considerate and remains alert all the time. For the weak and the suffering, he keeps immense sympathy more...

Boys and girls gather before the examination hall before the starting of examination. The students come to examination centre by different modes of transport. Many come on their bicycles. In no time there is a large gathering. Boys and girls stand here and there. Some move about talking with one another. They will feel sad when the doors of the hall will be opened. Their parents encourage them. They tell them how they should write their answers to questions. Their friends advise them. They tell them their own experiences. They also tell them some examination tips. Students think about the nature of questions. They form small groups on the benches, in the verandah or on the green ground. They guess the question papers. They answer them among themselves. A few boys and girls are seen alone reading books as a last minute effort. All are in a hurry to meet more...

At the end of the eighteenth century, the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta invented the battery. By placing a pair of electrodes—one of zinc, the other of copper—in a solution that conducts electricity (sulfuric acid), he developed the principle that is still in use in today's dry-cell batteries. More than half a century later there had been many new versions of the battery, but there were still problems with the original Voltaic design. The solution that conducts the electricity, usually some kind of acid, was too dangerous to touch and could spill out if the battery was tipped over. Nor were the electrodes very steady and were in danger of falling out if the battery was shaken too much. Furthermore, the batteries themselves were far too heavy to use around the house. It was not until about 1866 that the French engineer Georges Ledanche (1839-1882) resolved these problems. Filling a porous more...

Introduction. The words 'Computer' and 'Internet' send a wave of thrill and excitement through our body. Both these are the greatest  inventions of the century. Our life without the use of computer and interne appear to be dull and dreary. They add a lot to our progress and modernization. Young boys and girls have become crazy to enrol themselves for computer-internet courses. In a very short spell of time many colleges and institutions have emerged for computer courses. These types of courses j    are job-oriented so the students are quite safe and sure about their future.  Importance of Computer. Computer has transformed our day to day working facilities. Wherever you go in offices, schools, colleges and malls, etc. the computer is there to welcome you. All the banks, offices and institutions have computerized records. Even in all govt. and private schools the attendance of teachers and students is sent more...


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