The age-old caste system is one of the main causes for social inequality in our country. It has contributed in keeping a large portion of the country's population backward.  The caste-system has its origins in the early Vedic times. Then it was in existence in the form of Varna system which divided the society in four divisions. The head of this caste system was the Brahmins who had knowledge at scriptures and were priests as well as teachers. Second in rank were the kshatriyas or the warriors. The rulers also belonged to this caste. The Vaishyas comprised of those engaged in trade and commerce. The fourth was the Shudras who were considered to be the lowest caste and were the craftsmen, artisans and the cultivators who served the other three. Outside these four, there was a fifth .group of untouchables who were treated with contempt and were looked down upon. more...

A monkey is found all over the world. It lives in forests, temples and also in localities with big trees. A monkey is small and short in size. It has two legs, two small eyes and two hands. It has sharp claws in both hands and legs. Its teeth are very sharp, due to which the people are very afraid of it. The face of a monkey is black or red, and very odd-looking. Its body is covered with fur. It has a long tail. A monkey can jump from one roof or tree to another steadily and fearlessly. It roams in groups from one place to another in search of food. In cities and temples, monkeys prove to be a nuisance as they snatch foods and other things from people. They often tear apart clothes and steal away other things.      

An owl is considered to be a holy bird by the Hindus in India. It was very sacred to the ancient Romans too. It is small in size. It is an odd looking bird. It has a round large head. Its eyes are very big and the bill is curved. An owl is of different colours and kinds. It lives in the holes of trees or in dark old towers. It eats rice, mice, insects and small birds. An owl is a night bird. It sleeps by day and hunts at night. Like a cat or a dog, an owl can clearly see in darkness. At night, it  comes out of its hiding place and  some of us try to imitate it. The call of the owl is considered very ominous and it fills the silence of the silent An owl keeps a keen watch for its prey and pounces more...

Telephone is one of the most remarkable inventions of modern science. It was invented in 1875. It was invented by an English scientist, named Alexander Graham Bell. With the help of telephone a person can talk to another person. Telephone has added to the comfort of the modern man. It is, in fact, a thing more of necessity than luxury these days. In our hour of need, telephone helps us like a true friend: It can be used to talk to any person in the world provided there are telephones available at both ends. A telephone is connected by an electric wire. Each telephone is allotted a number. When a person wants to speak to another, he dials the number, and the exchange connects the two telephones. The emergence of mobile phone has made it really very popular, as we can find it with all persons walking in the street more...

An ant is a very common insect. It can be found everywhere in the world both in towns and villages. It is a very small insect. Its body has three parts—head, thorax and abdomen. There are six legs in the middle part of the body. Ants are of various colours and sizes. Like bees, ants also live in groups and colonies. Hence, they are called social insects. There are two classes of ants in a group. One class of ants is called the soldier ants that protect the group. The worker ants form the other class. They collect and store food for all ants. Ants feed on different kinds of sweet foods.                                    Ants are known to be very busy and hard working creatures. They never idle away their time. They go on working more...

Gold is a precious metal. It is not common like other metals. It is generally found in mines. It is also found in river-beds. Gold is found in many parts of the world. It is generally found in Australia, California in North America and Transvaal in South Africa. In India, gold is chiefly found in Karnataka. The gold-fields of Karnataka are known as the Kolar gold-fields. Gold is also found in the beds of some rivers in India. Gold is not found in a pure state. It is generally mixed with silver or lead. It is dug out from mines. It is then purified and we get pure gold. In the river-beds, grains of gold are mixed with sand. Sand is washed and we get grains of pure gold. Gold is a bright and shining metal. It can be beaten into a thin leaf by striking with a hammer. It more...

Good health is a boon. It is the real jewel of life, the most precious possession of man. If a man losses his health, the world losses all its charms for him. A good wealth of health can be obtained in a number of ways. It needs regular exercise, good food, good thoughts, and cleanliness. A healthy person does not spend money on medicines and visiting doctors. Just opposite, a sluggish person is another form of hell of diseases. The simplest and most traditional definition of health is that it is the freedom of sickness and diseases. According to World -Health Organization (WHO), a branch of the United Nations, health is physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease. Next to life itself, good health is the most precious gift and is necessary for a purposeful existence. 'Sound mind in a sound body' is an more...

Id-ul-Fitr is very important festival of Muslims. They celebrate it in every part of the world. There is a month known as the month of Ramzan prior to it. All the Muslims and some of their children also keep fast during the whole month. They take their meals in the evening and eat nothing the whole day. They do not drink even water. Id depends upon the appearance of moon which is called Id ka chaand. Id is celebrated on the next day. The month of Ramzan has a great importance and significance for the Muslims. They take it a period to purify the soul. They prepare  Themselves to live a holy life. They try to live as pure as possible during this month. They read their prayers to God five times in the day known as Namaz. They miss none of them. They also give alms and food to more...

The most striking feature of India is its unity amidst great variety and diversity. We have in India all types of  topography, climate, soil and rainfall. All the major religions of  the world are practiced here. We have several varieties of  costumes, food habits and social customs. We have about our thousand six hundred fifty two languages and dialects on   afferent parts of the country. India is often called a geographical, social, etymological and cultural museum. Despite 11 these differences India is a political entity, every part of which is governed under the same Constitution. We have to 0-exist with each other peacefully, respect the culture and  religions our fellow Indians. Our Constitution is the most important force that binds the nation together. It has given recognition to eighteen languages as National languages. Our national festivals also  act  an important unifying force. Independence Day, Republic Day and Gandhi Jayanti more...

The Red Fort or Lal Qila as it popularly known, takes its name from the red sandstone used to build its vast walls. It is a masterpiece of architecture and one of the most famous tourist spots. Every day the tourists from India and abroad  visit this place and fulfil their long cherished dream.  Mughal Emperor Shanjahan started the construction of this huge fort in 1638, and the work was finished in 1648. This fort was celebrated for its opulance-the marble, the silver and gold, the lavish use of jewels though much of this wealth has disappeared over the years, still it has much more to give a powerful impression of the Mughal Empire at its height. The fort sports all the obvious trappings, befitting a vital centre of Mughal government, halls of public and private audience, domed and arched marble places, plus audience apartments, a mosque and elaborately designed more...


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